Options for reporting sexual assault

A common response to sexual assault is to feel guilty and ashamed. Survivors often wonder if they “provoked” or “asked for” the assault somehow, or feel they should have somehow prevented the assault. Remember, the responsibility for the rape is ultimately and completely that of the assailant! Nevertheless, feelings of guilt and shame can make it difficult to reach out to others for support or to report the assault as a crime. It can help to know what options are open to you and to understand the consequences of telling others of your assault.

Reporting at Gustavus

  • You are strongly encouraged to tell someone that you have been assaulted, whether or not your assailant is another student. Gustavus has many resources to support you, and can help by arranging academic accommodations, alternative housing options, attend to your security concerns, and provide counseling and therapy. GAC also needs to know and to be able to take action if there is a threat to others on campus
  • It can be easiest to start by telling someone you know. Any member of faculty or staff on campus that you tell about your assault will make every effort to keep as much as possible about the assault confidential. Other places to start are
    • SART Member: 507-933-6868
    • Dean of Students Office, Campus Center: 507-933-7526
    • Counseling Center, Campus Center: 507-933-7027
    • Campus Safety: 507-933-8888
  • If your assailant is another student, you have the option to file a complaint with the College

Making a police report

Making the decision to make a police report can be an extremely difficult decision for sexual assault survivors, especially if you know your attacker. Sometimes survivors also fear making a police report because they may have been drinking or engaged in some other illegal activity. You should know that law enforcement will not issue tickets for underage drinking if there is a greater crime involved, such as sexual assault. Reporting the assault to the police can be a way for you take back control in your life, it can help to protect the greater community, and it can also be a way to ensure that your assailant can get help and treatment.

  • Whether or not the assault took place on campus, and whether or not the assailant was a student at GAC you can choose to report the assault to the local police
  • If you decide to go to the hospital and get an evidentiary exam, the Nicollet County police will be called to speak with you. Everything you say in an interview with the police is confidential, and the police will not move forward in pressing charges without your consent
  • You may have an advocate present in an interview with the police. Call Crime Victim Services, Inc. at 1-800-630-1425