Guided Meditation & Relaxation ToolsCounseling Center

**The meditation chair is current out of service, stay tuned for updates to our meditation room**

Meditation Chair

We have a meditation chair by SolTec Lounge. This chair uses sound, vibrations, and magnetic field stimulation technology to induce a meditative state when in use. All you have to do is start the music, relax, and allow yourself to let go as if you are allowing yourself to "fall asleep". The stimulation your body receives from the sound and vibrations are strong enough that you don't fall completely asleep, but rather you enter a drowsy/drifty state. In this state of consciousness, it is easier for your brain to let go of intrusive thoughts while also maintaining awareness of what your body is experiencing. Overall, this helps you enter a meditative state and experience deep relaxation.

You have the options of 30 minute and 60 minute sessions in the chair. To use the Meditation Chair, schedule an appointment using the Meditation Chair Calendar link (currently disabled). To use the meditation chair, check into our office (JSU 204) a few minutes prior to your appointment time. Let us know you scheduled time with the meditation chair and we will get you situated.

Sensory Space

Our Sensory Space (which includes our meditation chair) has various items and technologies to help students find new ways to relax, meditate, self-regulate, increase or decrease external stimuli, and/or enhance their wellbeing. For more information, visit our Sensory Space page.

Meditation with the Counseling Center

The Counseling Center runs Sabbath programming on Thursdays in the Bonnier Multifaith Center (in Anderson Hall). Join us on Thursdays from 10 am - 10:20 am for guided mindfulness meditations.


Check out our Paraliminals page. These audio tools are designed to help your nonconscious mind learn new ways of responding to common concerns college students face. Problem topics include anxiety management, relaxation, motivation, procrastination, and self-esteem.

Creating Mindful Moments

Creating Mindful Moments is a three session workshop that the Counseling Center runs throughout the year. Mindfulness is the practice of intentionally observing, describing, and participating fully in reality non-judgmentally, in the moment, while being skillful. When you practice mindfulness, you are able to experience more awareness of the present moment, which can lead to increased focus, fulfillment, and flexibility to change. If you are interested in this group, connect with our front desk staff and let them know.

Listen to Guided Meditations by Rebecca Wing:

1. Body Scan 
2. At Ease 
3. Belly Breathing