General Education at GustavusA New Scheduling Grid

Improved Scheduling Grid

  • Simplified class grid: Get ready for a streamlined schedule! Starting Fall 2024, classes will meet two days a week (T/R) for 95 minutes or three days a week (M/W/F) for 65 minutes. In addition, a two-hour block (3:30-5:30 p.m.) will be set aside for performing arts and athletics for hassle-free scheduling.
  • Sabbath time: Time will still be set aside for regular Sabbath time (AKA Chapel Break). Starting in Fall 2024, Sabbath time shifts to twice a week (T/R) for 20 minutes at 11:30-11:50 a.m.

Why the change?

  • Student voices matter: Students shared concerns about conflicts and inconsistencies in the current schedule, impacting scheduling and causing overlaps. The new grid aims to reduce conflicts, enhance consistency, and carve out dedicated time for athletics and performing arts groups.

What do I need to do?

  • Stay tuned: When registering for Fall 2024 classes in April, you'll encounter the new scheduling grid. Embrace the change, as it promises to ease scheduling conflicts for many students. Get ready to reimagine your daily routine for a smoother academic journey!