Gustavus Music Ensemble Tours

Current Tours: 2024 - 2025

The Gustavus Choir
National Tour of the Northeast | Feb. 28 - March. 9, 2025

Click to view full concert itinerary

The Gustavus Jazz Ensemble & Gustavus Symphony Orchestra
International Tour to Ireland & Scotland | May 20 - 30, 2025

The Gustavus Jazz Ensemble and the Gustavus Symphony Orchestra will be touring internationally to Ireland & Scotland from May 20 - 30, 2025. This will be both ensembles first international tour since their 2020 international tour to Singapore and Malaysia and the first Gustavus music ensemble to travel to either Ireland or Scotland. All performance info will be added as it becomes available.

The Gustavus Wind Orchestra
Fall 2025 Minnesota Tour

Previous International Tours

All touring ensembles travel internationally during a four-year cycle. Students enroll in a May-term class that corresponds with the tour destination. Prior to departure, students spend time in class and in rehearsal, preparing the repertoire for their performances. Tours are typically 12-16 days in length and always culminate in a home concert after returning back to campus. Past international tours include:

2023: Spain and France ~ The Gustavus Wind Orchestra

Program cover for the Gustavus Wind Orchestra's 2023 International tour to Spain & France

2023: Spain, France and Italy ~ The Gustavus Choir

2023 Program Cover: Gustavus Choir International Tour to Spain, France and Italy

2020: Malaysia and Singapore ~ The Gustavus Symphony Orchestra & Jazz Ensemble

Program cover of 2020 Gustavus Symphony & Gustavus Jazz Band International Tour to Singapore and Malaysia

2019: Music Capitals of Europe ~ The Gustavus Choir

Program cover for 2019 Gustavus Choir international tour

2018: Sweden and Norway ~ The Gustavus Wind Orchestra

GWO Sweden and Norway

2016: Greece and Macedonia ~ The Gustavus Symphony Orchestra & Jazz Ensemble

GSO GJazz 2016

2015: United Kingdom and France ~ The Gustavus Choir

G Choir UK France


The mission of the Department of Music at Gustavus Adolphus College is two-fold:

  • to provide a rigorous and innovative music curriculum (Music at Gustavus), and
  • to promote the idea of building a more beautiful world through music (Music from Gustavus)

"Music from Gustavus" represents a commitment to provide unique musical experiences that promote the College as a national liberal arts institution affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and broaden the scope and effect of the study of music on campus. This commitment is met by scheduling regional, national, and international performances, often in cooperation with other areas of the College. Music ensemble tours frequently include companion courses to augment the educational experience by focusing on the history and culture of the people and places visited.

Department of Music Touring Philosophy

The tradition of concert touring by the music ensembles at Gustavus Adolphus College was established as early as 1878 for the musical, artistic and educational benefit of the student members. Concert touring provides an opportunity to perform a concert program numerous times, fostering a deeper artistic understanding and expression of the music. It develops high levels of musical discipline and artistic integrity and allows the musicians to experience a variety of acoustic environments and widely diverse audience and ensemble dynamics.

Concert touring encourages the development of professional attitudes necessary to perform at a consistently high level and provides opportunities to experience diverse cultures, both domestic and international, through the music performed and experiences planned as a part of each tour. Touring teaches interpersonal skills and team building, which come from a variety of shared experiences.

Concert touring reaches beyond the musician and the ensemble, enhancing the public image of the College. The music and the musicians provide a "product of excellence" for the audience and an outreach to the many constituencies of the College, ranging from our alumni, parents, and friends to those persons associated with the College through the offices of Admission, Church Relations, and Advancement. The tours provide an opportunity to develop new relationships and visibility, as well as to reactivate, strengthen, and celebrate existing connections to Gustavus and its students.

Extended domestic and international tours include a unique feature at Gustavus. These tours are combined with a specially designed companion course to provide an interdisciplinary perspective for the students, develop increased cultural awareness, promote a more diverse student body, and build cross-cultural bridges.