Data Privacy and SecurityNobel Conference 57 | Resources

Given the many ways in which data is collected, you may wonder if your personal information is safe and will remain private. Who has access to your health records, credit statements, or online search history? Who can access this information without your consent? Privacy and security are growing concerns for many, and the resources linked below provide an introduction to this vast field. 

The WIRED Guide to Your Personal Data (and Who Is Using It) This article from Wired  reviews the basics about personal data, who might be using it, and how you can protect yours.

Your Technology Is Tracking You. Take These Steps For Better Online Privacy This story from National Public Radio outlines specific steps to take to protect your data in a world full of it.

Data Privacy Vs. Data Protection: Understanding The Distinction In Defending Your Data This article from Forbes provides an explanation of the difference between data privacy and data security.

Crash Course: Cybersecurity This 12-minute video provides a fun and informative overview of cybersecurity.