Welcome to the CIE...
The Center for Inclusive Excellence
#Community #Identity #BELONGING #Intersectionality
The Center for Inclusive Excellence (aka: The Center/CIE) is a welcoming and supportive place that accepts and appreciates individuals from all walks of life. We invite you to support us in our efforts by...
- joining a student organization whose mission aligns with, or challenges your current perspectives,
- attending campus events that foster and uplift celebrations, or provides and opportunity to dig deeper,
- meeting with staff in The Center to share or develop ideas for an activity, event, or program, and more importantly,
- meet and become acquainted with someone who you in many ways is similar, but other ways is unlike yourself.
PROGRAMS & INITIATIVES Our goal is to connect you with educational programming, campus events/activities, and resources, that will help you dig deeper into your educational journey, connect more broadly with others, and gain the resources and tools necessary toward graduation and life after college. A few of our endeavors are listed below.
- First Forward+ Gustavus Network (1st generation students & adoptees)
- GAIN Peer Mentors Program
- College Jumpstart Institute
- First-Year Textbook & Supplies Grant (for GAIN participants)
- GAIN Events & Reunions
- Building Bridges
- Global Cuisine Open Houses
- Fun Fridays
- Lyrical Cafe
- Diving Deeper Programs & Collaborations
- Collaborative Educational Events, Lectures, & Presentations
- Inclusive Excellence Textbook & Supplies Award
- Blades 'n Braids Onsite Mobile Barber Shop
- Critical Dialogue Exercises
CIE Student Staff Initiatives
- ARTX Events
- Pop-up Movie Nights
- FIFA Tournaments
THE PHYSICAL LOCATIONS: We invite you to visit the Center/CIE in the lower level of the Johnson Student Union (formerly called the DIVE), and the new acompanying outside patio "El Barrio" (Fall 2023)! Our goal is to create inclusive and welcoming spaces that are representative of the entire campus community which is essential to fostering a climate of belonging... "You can be who you are, and you are appreciated for who you are."
Our motto is: "ALL MEANS ALL".
SPACE RESERVATIONS: Please CLICK HERE to reserve one of the spaces in The Center (listed below).
- The DLC Room
- The Building Bridges Room
- The Collaboration Room
- The Four Winds Conference Room
- The DIVE (Multipurpose Space)
- The CIE Lounge
- El Barrio (Outdoor Patio Space)
[2024-2025 THEME]
YOU...Are Gustavus!