Student OrgsGustavus Outdoors Club

Statement Of Purpose/ Mission
The Gustavus Outdoors Club intends to make the outdoors more accessible to the Gustavus student body by providing opportunities for outdoor recreation and education about engaging with the natural world in a sustainable and meaningful way. We strive to empower every student to discover their personal connection with the outdoors and equip them with the tools to inspire others to do the same.
No affiliations
Application Type
Sports and Recreation


The name of this organization shall be the Gustavus Outdoors Club.


The purpose of the Gustavus Outdoors Club shall be to make the outdoors more accessible to the Gustavus student body by providing opportunities for outdoor recreation and education about engaging with the natural world in a sustainable and meaningful way. We strive to empower every student to discover their personal connection with the outdoors and equip them with the tools to inspire others to do the same.


Section 1: Membership in this organization is open to all students who enjoy spending time outdoors and wish to further their connection with nature.

Section 2: Each member shall have influence in the recreational activities and educational topics that the Outdoors Club provides. Members are encouraged to share their knowledge and experiences with the outdoors with the organization and opportunities to lead activities will be frequent.

Section 3: Members are accepted continually throughout the year with no application process.


Section 1: The following officer positions shall exist in the Outdoors Club: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Risk-Manager, Social Media Coordinator, and Events Promoter. The President and Vice President positions may be merged to create two Co-Presidents. All officers must be full-time students enrolled at Gustavus Adolphus College.

Section 2: The duties of each officer are described as follows:

President / Co-President
To organize and preside over meetings
To facilitate communication between executive board members
To work with the advisor and other executive board members to create yearly & monthly goals for the organization
To facilitate monthly Executive Board meetings

To keep a written record of meetings and Executive Board meetings
Be responsible for correspondence for the Outdoors Club in tandem with the co-presidents.
To keep club members informed of upcoming meetings and events
To assist in the development of yearly organization goals
To attend biweekly Executive Board meetings

To maintain the finances of the Outdoors Club and keep accurate records of all financial matters
To submit a budget to Student Senate each spring after deliberation between the Executive Board members
To coordinate fundraising efforts
To assist in the development of yearly & monthly organizational goals
To attend biweekly Executive Board meetings

Social Media Coordinator
To run the club Instagram page & post as they see fit
To promote and publicize events via the Instagram page
To assist in the development of yearly & monthly organizational goals
To attend biweekly Executive Board meetings

Event Promoter
To create digital & hard-copy posters that promote Outdoors Club events
To assist in the development of yearly & monthly organizational goals
To attend biweekly Executive Board meetings

Event Coordinator

Reserves rooms for meetings and events
Orders supplies for meetings and events

To assist in the development of yearly & monthly organizational goals
To attend biweekly Executive Board meetings

Risk Manager
Ensures that club is following Gustavus policy on physical, financial, or reputational risk
Monitors present COVID situation and follows Gustavus protocol
Assists in the development of yearly & monthly organizational goals
Attends biweekly Executive Board meetings

Recruitment/Retainment Officer

Tracks turnout at meetings & events

Finds strategies to recruit/retain members

To assist in the development of yearly & monthly organizational goals
To attend biweekly Executive Board meetings

Mission Officer

Ensures the Outdoors Club is on track with mission and values

To assist in the development of yearly & monthly organizational goals
To attend biweekly Executive Board meetings

Section 3: Officers will be selected based on consistent contribution to the club and willingness to lead with integrity. Outdoors Club participants will vote on leadership positions in early May and the current Executive Board will hold the power to confirm or deny based on the prospective officer’s contributions to the club and willingness to lead.

Section 4: The term of office begins at the beginning of June, with the month of May serving as a transition month between old and new officers. The term of office shall last for one calendar year. Any vacancies during the year shall be announced to the membership at the meeting following the vacancy. Nominations shall be taken and voting shall occur at the meeting. If no one is nominated, the President can appoint a member to that position.


Section 1: Meetings will be held a minimum of once a month during the academic year. Meeting dates and structure will be decided by the organization as a whole at the first meeting. The Secretary is responsible for informing members of meetings. The President will set the agenda for the meetings with input from all members and Executive Board members.

Section 2: Decisions are made by voting- brought to the attention of members by Google Form suggestion or raise of hand.


Section 1: The Executive Board shall be composed of the Co-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Media Coordinator, Events Promoter / Coordinator, and Risk Manager.

Section 2: The executive board shall meet biweekly to discuss the planning of club events and the agenda of meetings. At the board’s first meeting of each semester, they shall set the dates for major events and develop organizational goals.


Section 1: Committees may be formed on decision from the general organization members. Committees may include any special interests that arise from within the organization and align with Outdoors Club goals.

Section 2: The Executive Board may create Special Committees on an as needed basis.


Section 1: Funds of the organization shall be raised primarily through fundraising and accurate determination of the yearly budget.

Section 2: Upon dissolution of the Outdoors Club, any financial assets will be credited to the Gustavus Student Senate.


Section 1: By-laws may be established by club members and reviewed each September. Any member in good standing can propose the by-laws. They will be prepared for voting by the Executive Board members and submitted to members in writing prior to the meeting where voting is to take place.

Section 2: All members in good standing are eligible to vote, but must be present at the meeting to do so. A majority (2/3) vote is needed to allow the by-law to pass.


Section 1: All members of the Gustavus Outdoors Club that are in good standing may propose Amendments. The proposed amendments will be reviewed by the Executive Board members and submitted to members in writing at least 2 weeks before voting is to take place.

Section 2: All members in good standing are eligible to vote, but must be present at the meeting to do so. A two-thirds (2/3) majority is needed to allow the amendment to pass.

Section 3: If amendments are passed they take effect at the end of the meeting during which they are passed.

Date of Ratification: September 19, 2022

Emilie Chapdelaine
Sophie Norman

Read Full Constitution