Student OrgsDungeons and Dragons at Gustavus Adolphus

Statement Of Purpose/ Mission
The mission of Dungeons and Dragons Club at Gustavus Adolphus is to create an organized presence for students who wish to play in and manage tabletop role-playing games. These adventures allow players an opportunity to experience fantastical stories and wild exploits, encouraging creative thinking, cooperation, and the value of teamwork in the face of challenges.
The organization does not have any affiliations.
Application Type
Special Interest

Gustavus Adolphus 

D&D at Gustavus Adolphus: Dungeons and Dragons Club at Gustavus Adolphus

Article I- Mission Statement

We, Students of Gustavus Adolphus who are avid players of Dungeons and Dragons, establish the constitution of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus on July 24 2021 to:

  1. Promote awareness of and participation in Tabletop Roleplaying games at Gustavus Adolphus
  2. Provide an inclusive community for players wishing to play Dungeons and Dragons to find a group and get involved, regardless of how they wish to play
  3. Provide an immersive escape for students to engage in cooperative storytelling
  4. Facilitate creativity within our own organization and across Gustavus Adolphus as a whole
  5. Encourage the building of a strong community between students at Gustavus Adolphus

To that end we hereby establish D&D at Gustavus Adolphus in accordance with the criteria to follow

Article II- Name

This organization shall be known as D&D at Gustavus Adolphus: Dungeons and Dragons Club at Gustavus Adolphus, or more shortly as D&D at Gustavus. 

Article III- Membership

D&D at Gustavus Adolphus shall allow any interested student at Gustavus Adolphus to participate in, become a member of, and seek leadership position in D&D at Gustavus Adolphus without regard to arbitrary consideration to such characteristics as age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, class standing, race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Membership shall consist at least one of three types:

  • General Member
  • Dungeon Master
  • Executive Council Member
  1. General Members
    1. Acceptance
      1. Membership will be awarded at any other time on an individual basis by Dungeon Masters or members of the Executive Council. No application is required for this membership, and any Gustavus Adolphus student is eligible.
    2. Responsibilities
      1. To be creative and open-minded while participating in D&D
      2. To promote the aforementioned missions of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus
        1. In accordance with the missions of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus, to act with respect towards all members of the organization and all attendees to its events.
      3. To be consistent with attendance to events that the member commits to attending
    3. Removal
      1. Breach of the responsibilities of a general member are grounds for removal of said member. A General Member may be removed by majority vote of the Executive Council during a meeting of the Executive Council.
      2. A member that has not attended any events for over 6 months may be removed arbitrarily by any member of the Executive Council without the need for a vote.
  2. Dungeon Masters
    1. Acceptance
      1. Dungeon Masters will be eligible for acceptance by the Executive Council after 2 conditions are met:
        1. The prospective Dungeon Master is currently a General Member
        2. The prospective Dungeon Master is familiar with the rules of the system they intend to provide games with
      2. When these conditions are met, the Executive Council will vote on whether to accept the Dungeon Master. This vote does not need to take place in an official D&D at Gustavus Adolphus meeting and may be done virtually. More than 50% of the council must approve the Dungeon Master. After this, the General Member is now a Dungeon Master.
    2. Responsibilities
      1. To uphold all the responsibilities of a General Member
      2. To participate in being a Dungeon Master for a session at least once per semester
      3. To be fair and equal to the players they host as a Dungeon Master for and to put forth their best effort to provide a fun experience while they are playing.
      4. To follow the Dungeon Master’s Code of Conduct, which shall be a publicly accessible document specific to D&D at Gustavus Adolphus
    3. Removal
      1. Breach of the responsibilities of a Dungeon Master are grounds for removal of said member. A Dungeon Master may be removed by majority vote of the Executive Council.
        1. When a Dungeon Master is removed as a result of a failure to uphold the responsibilities of a Dungeon Master, they become a General Member.
        2. When a Dungeon Master is removed as a result of failure to uphold the responsibilities of a General Member, they shall no longer be associated with D&D at Gustavus Adolphus
  3. Executive Council Membership shall be described in Article 4

Article IV- Executive Council

An Executive Council composed of 6 officers shall lead D&D at Gustavus Adolphus. These officers shall be:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Organization Director
  • Secretary
  • Risk manager 

The Executive Council shall meet as deemed necessary in whatever format is most appropriate. During the academic year, the Council shall not allow more than 30 days to elapse without a meeting.

  1. Requirements to become an Executive Council Member. Each officer must:
    1. Be currently enrolled as a student at Gustavus Adolphus
    2. Be in good standing with Gustavus Adolphus
    3. Be able to serve a full semester term
    4. Have been a General Member or Dungeon Master of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus in a previous semester for its entirety
      1. This requirement is waived during the first semester of existence of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus.
  2. Duties
    1. The President Shall
      1. Preside over all D&D at Gustavus Adolphus general club meetings
      2. Determine the dates and times of said meetings
      3. Maintain relationships with all D&D at Gustavus Adolphus members, faculty, and administration
      4. Ensure that all other members of the Executive Council are fulfilling their expected duties
      5. Delegate any task not mentioned in this constitution to a member of the Executive Council or to a willing member of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus
    2. The Vice President Shall
      1. Act as President in the absence of the President, assuming all responsibilities of the President
      2. Report to the President
      3. Assist the President in their duties
    3. The Treasurer Shall
      1. Prepare an annual fiscal budget, presented at the first meeting of the Executive Council each academic year
      2. Be responsible for the internal finances involving the budget, including:
        1. Keep accurate financial data
        2. Reporting at every meeting of the Executive Council any financial changes from or since the prior meeting
        3. In cooperation with the President, act as the final seal of approval on all purchases
      3. Report to the President
      4. Manage any D&D at Gustavus Adolphus fundraising operations
    4. The Organization Director Shall
      1. Oversee and organize (in whatever way they shall see adequate) the structure of the weekly session and all other D&D games played under the umbrella of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus.
      2. Maintain an updated list of the current General Members, Dungeon Masters, and Executive Council Members of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus.
        1. As such, assist in helping members connect with groups that best fit them.
      3. Ensure that all Members of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus have access to all public Club Documents, such as the Constitution, Dungeon Master’s Code of Conduct, etc.
      4. Report to the President
    5. The Secretary Shall
      1. Record and keep minutes of general D&D at Gustavus Adolphus meetings. Minutes will be stored in and organized online and will be accessible to any D&D at Gustavus Adolphus Member who wishes to see them.
      2. Record and maintain attendance records for Executive Council Meetings
      3. Read the constitution and fix grammar mistakes
      4. Maintain an anonymous source for members to express complaints about the club, and ensure that this is readily available as well as the contact information of the Executive Council
      5. Report to the President
    6. The Secretary Shall
      1. It will be the responsibility of the Secretary to keep an updated list of standing members and their contact information, to keep a list of meeting dates and times, to obtain photos of events and relevant meetings, and to assist the Treasurer in keeping track of financial decisions. In the event that a member's attendance is unsatisfactory, the Secretary will remove them from the list of standing members until they show more consistent attendance.
    7. The Risk Manager Shall
      1. It will be the responsibility of the Risk Manager to understand and assist in enforcing Gustavus Adolphus College Risk policy and Anti-Hazing policy, to warrant that the group will not present undue risk to participants or to the College, and to act as the main peacemaker and arbiter when an event or person poses a significant risk.
  3. Election of the Executive Council
    1. D&D at Gustavus Adolphus members who seek election to the Executive Council must declare their intent to the current Executive Council in writing in order to be put on a ballot. The election will be held during the twelfth week of each Spring Semester. The specific date will be determined by the current Executive Council.
    2. The standing president shall ensure that all members of D&D at Gustavus Adolphusare notified of all upcoming elections.
    3. Candidates are permitted to run for multiple positions. However, they may only accept one should they win multiple elections
    4. The order in which the candidates are elected shall be determined by the standing president, and all campaigning and election processes shall be carried out in accordance with the Election Rules
      1. The Election Rules shall be considered a part of this Constitution, and an amendment to them thus an amendment to the Constitution.
    5. Each member of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus shall be permitted a vote of equal weight. This includes members of all three types.
    6. Candidates shall not attempt to bribe, manipulate, or collude for votes in any manner. This is grounds for removal from the ballot as well as from the Executive Council.
    7. For each position, the candidate with the most votes shall be declared the officer of that position. In the event of a tie, the standing President shall decide a winner.
  4. Removal of Executive Council members
    1. If an Executive Council does not perform up to expectations due to a failure to employ their expected duties, a motion to begin a trial of this member. If such a motion is made, a special General Meeting shall take place to determine the status of the Executive Council Member. This meeting shall be coordinated by the President and within one month of the motion. If the President is the officer in question, then the Vice President shall coordinate this meeting. During this meeting, the member who made the motion shall demonstrate which duties the Executive is failing, whereas the officer in question may make a case in defense of their actions.
    2. If an Executive Council does not perform up to expectations for more than a full two weeks after such a trial, a motion can be made for their impeachment. The President shall ensure that this vote is available to all members, or the Vice President in the President’s Stead.  If 75% or more of the votes cast are in favor of impeachment, the officer will be removed from office.
      1. An officer impeached from office shall retain all other forms of membership.
    3. If an Executive Council Member cannot assume their position due to resignation, impeachment, etc. Then another election shall take place during the following D&D at Gustavus Adolphus General Meeting, which shall be moderated by the President, or Vice President in the President’s Stead.

Article V- Meeting Structure

  1. Executive Council Meeting
    1. An Executive Council meeting shall consist of all available members of the Executive Council
    2. The form of such meetings is up to the discretion of the president
    3. Club organization, events, and other logistics shall be discussed and managed appropriately during an Executive Council meeting
    4. Quorum shall be defined as at least ⅗ of the Executive Council, and in the absence of Quorum the meeting’s operations shall cease and desist.
    5. Any member of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus may attend such meetings as per request of any Executive Council member, but do not have any direct sway  in any voting or decision as defined in this Constitution
  2. Session:
    1. A session shall consist of a Dungeon Master and General Members playing D&D
    2. The time and location of such a meeting is up to the discretion of the Dungeon Master who calls such a meeting
    3. It is not necessary to meet Quorum or for any member to attend such a meeting
    4. No elections, constitutional amendments, procedures, or any other logistical element of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus shall be voted upon or changed in a Session
    5. The Executive Council shall be made aware of the date, time, duration, location, and attendees of such a meeting for their records. In addition, some content or background on the session is required, and additional details are encouraged but optional.
  3. Creative Event:
    1. A Creative Event shall be hosted by the Executive Council and attended by any University Student
    2. Creative events are not part of the regularly scheduled sessions that are hosted by D&D at Gustavus Adolphus Dungeon Masters. They shall be held in addition to such sessions.
    3. The time and location of such a meeting is up to the discretion of the Executive Council
    4. It is not necessary to meet Quorum or for any member to attend such a meeting
    5. No elections, constitutional amendments, procedures, or any other logistical element of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus shall be voted upon or changed during a Creative Event
    6. The attendance and minutes of a Creative Event shall be recorded by the Executive Council
  4. General Meeting:
    1. A General Meeting shall be hosted by the Executive Council and attended by members and prospective members of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus
      1. General Members and Dungeon Masters shall be encouraged by the Executive Council to attend such meetings.
    2. At least one General Meeting shall be held each Fall Semester, and at least two each Spring Semester.
    3. The time and location of such a meeting is up to the discretion of the Executive Council
      1. This shall be determined at least a full week before the meeting and shared with all members of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus
    4. It is necessary to meet Quorum, and members of D&D at Gustavus Adolphusshall be expected to attend
    5. During a general meeting, elections, constitutional amendments, procedures, or any other logistical element of D&D at Gustavus Adolphusmay be voted upon so long as Quorum is met
      1. Any General Member or Dungeon Master may also present issues and ideas for an official vote so long as a member of the Executive Council was made aware at least 48 hours prior
    6. The attendance and minutes of a General Meeting shall be recorded by the Executive Council

Article VI- Finances

Operating funds will be requested during Executive Council Meetings and shall be subject to the following constraints

Funds will be requested during Executive Council Meetings and shall be subject to the following constraints

Section 1: Funds of the organization 

Section 1: Funds of the organization shall be raised primarily through requesting funds from the Senate in the spring. This is one of the duties of the Treasurer.

Section 2: Funds may also be raised for the organization through College-sanctioned student organization fundraising events. The Treasurer will be responsible for managing the funds raised through these events.  

Section 3: Upon dissolution of the organization , any financial assets will be credited to the Gustavus Student Senate. 

Should D&D at Gustavus Adolphus choose to dissolve, any remaining funds shall be donated to the Gustavus Adolphus Division of Student Affairs.

Article VII- Advisor

A faculty or staff advisor shall be assigned to work with the Executive Council. The President shall update the advisor on Creative Events and General Meetings.

Article VIII- Amendments

  1. Amendments and Ratification
    1. At the end of each semester, changes may be made freely to the Constitution by any members of the Executive Council
    2. During the first general meeting of Gustavus Adolphus D&D Club of a semester, the Constitution shall go into effect if it is ratified by at least 75% of members present
      1. Should this motion fail, then the club shall be run off the Constitution of the previous semester
        1. Because the first General Meeting of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus did not consist of a ‘previous constitution’, another General Meeting would be necessary for the formation of D&D at Gustavus Adolphus should this motion fail.
  2. Amending the Constitution
    1. Proposition of Amendments to the Constitution during the semester require a full Executive Council present
    2. Amendments shall only be proposed if the Executive Council unanimously agrees that such a change is appropriate
    3. After the Executive Council agrees upon an Amendment, it shall be presented at the next general meeting, at which point it will go into effect after approval from at least 75% of members present

Article IX- Compliance

  1. Statement of University Compliance:
    1. This organization shall comply with all Gustavus Adolphus regulations as well as local, state, and federal laws.
  2. Anti-Hazing Policy:
    1. Hazing is strictly prohibited. Hazing shall be defined as any conduct which subjects another person to anything that may endanger, abuse, degrade, or intimidate the person as a condition of association with a group or organization, regardless of the person’s consent or lack thereof.
    2. Breach of this policy shall be seen as grounds for removal from D&D at Gustavus Adolphus.
  3. Personal Gain Clause:
    1. This organization, if raising funds, shall ethically raise and distribute profits from organizational functions to either the organization or members who provide a service that directly benefits the organization. Individual members of D&D at Gustavus Adolphusmay not receive compensation from for profit companies if acting as a representative of a student organization.
Read Full Constitution