Task Force on Interdisciplinary Programs
The Interdisciplinary Programs Task Force is charged to review the following Strategic Initiatives as stated in the College’s Strategic Plan: 2.1, 2.3, 2.7.
The Task Force should ensure and explain clearly how its recommendations are sensitive to the rationale for interdisciplinary programs. Also, the synergistic effect on the academic programs involved should be considered.
The purpose of the review is to develop recommendations to the Board of Trustees for the College’s future advancement. The Task Force should make its recommendations without consideration of funding requirements. It should not be of concern that in some cases a Task Force recommendation may overlap with the recommendation of another Task Force.
Strategic Goal #2: Engage education at the intersections.
Intellectual transformation occurs when students make deep connections between disciplines, experiences, and/or cultures. When students encounter opposing perspectives, make sense of incongruent information, or wrestle with ambiguity, they are challenged as individuals and groups to employ the skills of critical thinking and to affirm the processes of civil engagement. A Gustavus education will prepare students to thrive at the intersections of cultures, disciplines, questions, and commitments.
Task Force Members
- Chair: Trustee Wayne Peterson '77
- Facilitator: Mary E. Morton, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Rod Anderson
- Liesl Batz '90
- Laura Behling
- Matthew Eckman '62
- Chris Edelbrock '09
- Casey Elledge
- Ann Wilsey Gesme '86
- Jeff Heggedahl '87
- Linda Bailey Keefe '69
- Margaret Anderson Kelliher '90
- Joanne Kendall
- Janna King '76
- Richard Leitch
- Henry MacCarthy
- Anne Miller '90
- Bob Moline
- Jim Pengra '46
- Marty Penkhus
- Deirdre Rosenfeld
- Mary Sutherland Ryerse '90