Task Force on Facilities & Finances

The Facilities and Finances Task Force is charged to review the following Strategic Initiatives as stated in the College’s Strategic Plan: 1.7, 5.3, 5.5, and 5.6.

The Task Force should take into consideration that the entire environment educates and therefore facilities and equipment are important to the total educational experience. Likewise, the financial well-being of the College depends upon the careful use of its resources. Furthermore, as a consumer of financial resources, it is vital that all those who manage the use of resources understand the importance of accountability.

The purpose of the review is to develop recommendations to the Board of Trustees for the College’s future advancement. The Task Force should make its recommendations without consideration of funding requirements. It should not be a concern that in some cases a Task Force recommendation may overlap with the recommendation of another Task Force.

Strategic Goal #5: Engage in responsible and ethical stewardship.

Gustavus’s Core Values mandate appropriate stewardship of our human (students, faculty, staff, trustees, alumni, friends), environmental, capital, and financial resources. Minimizing the environmental impact of campus practices and decisions, responsible fiscal policies, staff and faculty development and compensation, and planning and renewal of strategic goals are all part of our stewardship responsibilities.

Strategic Initiative: Set competitive compensation goals for staff, faculty, and administrators informed by appropriate budget models and timeframes by which to meet these goals. - Facilities and Finances Task Force
Strategic Initiative: Practice responsible environmental stewardship within the campus infrastructure and operations. - Facilities and Finances Task Force
  • Tactic (e.g.) Reduce water and energy use and waste generation.
  • Tactic (e.g.) Engage in responsible construction, maintenance, and renovation practices.
Strategic Initiative: Engage in ongoing strategic planning throughout the College in a manner linked to responsible resource management. - Facilities and Finances Task Force

Strategic Goal #1 - Educate for leadership and service.

Our Mission Statement calls us to engage students in transformative education that leads them to attain their full potential as persons, to develop in them a capacity and passion for lifelong learning, and to prepare them for fulfilling lives of leadership and service in society. Gustavus will invest in transformative education practices—in classrooms, studios, laboratories, performance spaces, residence halls, support offices, and playing fields—to support individual student success across the campus.

Strategic Initiative: Build and renovate academic facilities in a manner informed by the curriculum, student needs, and environmental stewardship. - Facilities and Finances Task Force

Task Force Members

  • Chair: Trustee Tracy Bahl '84
  • Facilitator: Ken Westphal, Vice President for Finance and Treasurer.

  • Clyde Allen '56
  • Scott Anderson '89
  • Glenn Barnette
  • John Bennetts '09
  • Richard Black '75
  • Scott Bur
  • Richard Carlander
  • Jeff Dahlseid '90
  • Carolyn Dobler
  • Brent Erickson '84
  • Scott Gilyard '83
  • Bruce Gray '61
  • Pat Haugen '70
  • Stuart Henderson
  • Brian Holcomb '79
  • Ron Jones
  • Leonard Lundquist
  • John Menge '66
  • Kevin Miller '77
  • Brian Norelius '95
  • Brad Nuss '97
  • Michael Rusinko
  • Mac Ryerse '87
  • Darcey Price Schoenebeck '91
  • John Strachota
  • Kiersten Supina '09
  • Ray Thrower
  • George Torrey '55
  • Gary Wollschlager
  • Warren Wunderlich
  • Anita Thomsen Young '77
  • Larry Zelenz