Victim/Complainant RightsTitle IX

  1. A victim of sexual assault will be treated with dignity. They are not at fault for the incident and it will not be suggested that they should have acted in a different manner to avoid being victimized.

  2.  A victim will decide when to repeat a description of the incident of sexual assault. The College will provide the victim with access to their description of the incident as it was reported to the institution, including if that student transfers to another postsecondary institution.

  3. The College will protect the privacy of a victim of sexual assault by only disclosing data collected relevant to the complaint to the victim, to persons whose work assignments reasonably require access and, at the victim’s request, to police conducting a criminal investigation.

  4. The College will, at the direction of law enforcement authorities and the victim's request, assist in obtaining, securing, and maintaining evidence in connection with a sexual assault incident. The College will help a victim in preserving materials relevant to a campus disciplinary proceeding.

  5. At the request of the victim, the College will provide students who reported sexual assaults and subsequently choose to transfer to another postsecondary institution with information about resources for victims of sexual assault at the institution to which the victim is transferring.

  6. A victim has the right to file criminal charges with local law enforcement authorities, and, upon request, are entitled to assistance from the College in notifying local law enforcement authorities.

  7. A victim also has the right to obtain assistance from the Crime Victims Reparations Board and the Office of Crime Victims Ombudsman:

     1821 University Avenue North
     N465 Griggs-Midway Building
     St. Paul, MN 55104
     Phone: 800-247-0390

Due Process Rights for the Victim

  • The right to a fair and equitable process: The process should not take longer than 60 days
  • The right to legal counsel
  • The right to an advisor and an advocate throughout the process
  • The right to receive periodical updates throughout the process
  • The right to present evidence and/or witnesses
  • The right to receive a draft of the investigator's report to review and respond to
  • The right to be notified of the final outcome, including the reasons used to support the finding
  • The right to appeal

Other Rights

Any victim has the right to be offered and request accommodations. Accommodations can include any or a combonation of the following, but are not limited to the following...

  • Academic accommodations: such as changing class sections, withdrawing from a class without penalty, extensions, or additional help and services for class sucess
  • No Contact Orders
  • A campus escort
  • Housing accommodations
  • Health accommodations: such as free testing, examinations, or emergency contraceptives