Nissa ParmarFaculty

Visiting Assistant Professor in English

Nissa Parmar’s research and teaching interests are emergent American literature and culture, in particular Native American, Asian American, and women’s literatures, as well as modern and contemporary poetry. She is a career teacher with an MA of Education from the University of Minnesota and an MA of Literature and a PhD from Oxford Brookes University. She has professional writing, editing, and curriculum development experience. She was lead editor of Mapping the Self: Place, Identity, Nationality, a cultural studies collection to which she contributed an essay on Adrienne Rich and demonstrated her expertise with global literatures. Her most recent work is Multicultural Poetics: Revisioning the American Canon published by SUNY Press.


PhD and MA in Literature from Oxford Brookes University; MA Education from UMN; BA in Biology and Writing from Macalester

Areas of Expertise

Poetry, Form, and History and Cultural Studies



Courses Taught

Synonym Title Times Taught Terms Taught
ENG-101 Read:Environmt Humanty 10 2023/SP, 2021/FA, 2021/SP, 2020/FA, 2020/SP, 2019/FA, 2019/SP, and 2018/FA
ENG-144 ST:Science & Lit 5 2024/S1, 2023/FA, 2023/JN, 2022/FA, and 2021/FA
ENG-130 Intro World Literature 3 2020/FA, 2019/FA, and 2018/FA
ENG-298 Chal Sem: Native Represent 2 2024/SP and 2023/FA
ENG-246 Modernismin London/Paris 2 2023/JN and 2022/JN
ENG-344 Whitman's Descendants 2 2022/SP and 2020/SP
ENG-281 Postcolonial Lit 2 2021/SP and 2019/SP
ENG-114 Girls on Film 2 2021/JN and 2020/JN
ENG-231 Modern Poetry 1 2023/FA
ENG-229 Native Representations 1 2022/FA
ENG-113 Science & Literature 1 2019/JN