GatherHomecoming, Reunions, Gatherings




Also known as the Great Gustie Gathering, Homecoming each Fall is to celebrate and reminisce on everything good about Gustavus. Come back to St. Peter to relive life on “the Hill” with your family, fellow alumni, current students, and the greater Gustavus community.

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Reunion Weekend

Gustavus honors reunion classes once a year, on the weekend after Commencement. The College has some traditions associated with reunions, and alumni volunteers typically plan events that are meaningful to their respective classes.

Reunion Weekend

Minnesota Gatherings

Minnesota gatherings are an opportunity for Gustavus alumni, parents, and friends across the state to enjoy summertime activities. From backyard barbecues and baseball games to wine tastings at the vineyard and concerts in the park, this is your time to get together with the Gustavus community. 

Summer Gatherings

Nationwide Gatherings

Nationwide Gatherings

National chapters are located all around the world and serve as the main link between Gustavus and alumni, parents, friends, and students in a geographic region. Many chapters host gatherings seasonally and therefore there are several opportunities to host or help plan an event. If you're interested, click the "Host an Event" link below.

Find a Chapter | Host an Event

Alumni Tours

It is time to become a student again and experience the world without the tests and papers. Gustavus faculty experts know the destination highlights found in any guide book and then take travelers deeper. The faculty are experienced guides designing trips that are a mix of learning and leisure, sharing their vast knowledge and passion for a destination and utilizing their connections to discover unique experiences.

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Alumni Tours