Senior Day: Be a Gustie!President's Day | Monday, February 21, 2022
We invite you to be a "Gustie" for a day: either virtually OR in person. Both options will give you the opportunity to hear from Gustavus students and professors, learn about financial aid, explore breakout sessions, and dig deeper into your interests.
What's Distinctive?
Choose your "visit" opportunity! While both options are great, read on to learn more before signing up:
In-Person Option: Featuring Tours and Sessions
Excited to explore campus, need a refresher tour, or want to check out some sessions? Great! We'll see you on campus! Select your arrival time and then enjoy a welcome session and a variety of breakout sessions and tours throughout the day.
*Please note: Due to the challenges of Covid-19, we are not currently able to host visiting students in Gustavus classes on event days. If sitting in on a class is really important to you, please consider our virtual Senior Day visit option below, or contact us for an individual visit.
Morning Session:
Afternoon Session:
Register for On-Campus Senior Day | 1:30 p.m. Check-In
Virtual Option: Featuring Classes & Sessions
Attend a virtual Gustavus overview, and then choose from a wide variety of class options and attend actual Gustavus classes from your own living room via Zoom. Many classes are in-person classes, and this is a great way to get a sneak peak into academic life at Gustavus. A few classes are already held via Zoom and you can join the class just like our Gusties. Throughout the day, a variety of other virtual panels and sessions will be offered.