Eastern European and Eurasian Studies
The increasingly globally connected world continues to change among myriad challenges: economic institutions evolve, participation in international organizations fluctuates, terrorism threatens stability. Against this background, the once closed countries of eastern Europe and Eurasia strive to find their place on this expansive continent. As some countries enter the European Union and assess and re-assess their relationship to the wider European community, others maintain close aliances with Asian nations and traditions. The cultural, social, and economic fabric of one of the world's most influential areas is growing more and more influential. At the same time, new questions continually arise concerning Eurasia's role in the world, her future and her fate. The states of eastern Europe and Central Asia will certainly play a significant part in the global future. Indeed, recent political events have heightened our awareness of the necessity for understanding how nations, both large and small, are interconnected in a world made small by digital interaction. As one says in Russian, Мир тесен!
The Eastern European and Eurasian Studies program is designed to give students a deeper understanding of the Russian language as well as Eurasian values, cultures, civilizations, history, literature, and economics. The study of this exciting and often enigmatic area of the world addresses all aspects of its composition, from the earliest appearance of the Slavs in history to recent dynamic cultural, political and economic events.
The Eastern European and Eurasian undergraduate program invites students to explore a rich tapestry of disciplines related to this diverse and dynamic region. By offering a wide array of classes, the program encourages participants to broaden their perspectives and challenge their existing beliefs.
Students develop their interests in Eurasia for many reasons and will therefore have differing focal points for their studies. Those who choose to major or minor in Eastern European and Eurasian Studies, study the Russian language in depth, and select from an array of additional courses in departments including History (HIS), Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures (MLLC), Economics (ECON), and Political Science (POL).
The program is particularly attractive for students majoring in History, International Management, or Political Science, among others. Study of the Russian language can also be of great value for students studying art, biology, computer science, physics, or mathematics. It is also compatible with ROTC for students enrolled in that program.
Graduates of the Eastern European and Eurasian Studies program go into diverse fields including interpreting/translating, teaching (elementary through university level), information and archival technology, international business, consulting, government work (State Department and intelligence agencies), military careers, service oriented employment (Doctors without Borders, International AIDS project, Greenpeace), and many others.
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