Question, create, connect.
These are the three driving forces behind research at Gustavus. Throughout the academic year and summer, Gusties have the chance to collaborate with faculty on research and creative projects. Additionally, there are ample opportunities for faculty to build on their prior research or explore new avenues. There are many ways for faculty to find funding to work on their own or with collaborators at other institutions or with students here at Gustavus.

“I completed an independent study on the geology of Mauritius with Professor Laura Triplett. I had this opportunity to be at Gustavus and learn even more about my home country. How amazing is that?”
Melanie Kistnasamy ’22, environmental studies, conducting research in Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Mauritius
For Our Students
Wherever You Find Your Big Questions
Research and creative inquiry takes place in classrooms, laboratories, studios, theatres, and the community. Gustie researchers carry out field research, such as collecting data on fish populations on the open seas, excavating Roman villas, measuring glacial melt in the Andes, and interviewing local farmers. Discover how to get involved and begin your research today!

For Our Faculty
Advance Your Field, And Your Students
Thinking about pursuing a grant, fellowship, or contract? Working with a collaborator on a project? Have a great idea? Learn more about research at Gustavus and begin your project today!

Our Responsibility to the World
With great research comes great responsibility. Gustavus offers regular training in Responsible Conduct of Research. The training combines an online RCR module and an in-person training workshop. Any student funded by a public or government source (local, state, or federal) completes training in how to conduct responsible research, and all other students and faculty conducting research are strongly encouraged to do so.