Academic WritingA Brief Introduction: Writing Across the Curriculum at Gutavus

English, History, and Philosophy majors huddle around an iMac, collaborating on an archival project in the Digital Humanities Center of Confer-Vickner Hall. In newly renovated Nobel Hall, researchers prepare to share their poster presentations. At Hillstrom Gallery, the Studio Arts majors display their Artist Statements at the Senior Show. Writing Across the Curriculum, or the WAC Program, supports the Gustavus Writing Requirement by providing resources for both faculty and students. 

Gustavus requires students to complete THREE designated writing requirement courses from at least two different departments in order to graduate. These courses are designated either WRIT-I, or "Writing Intensive," or WRIT-D, "Writing in the Discipline." Generally, one of these courses should be taken in the first year, typically in the First Term Seminar or Three Crowns Curriculum. Students then complete the writing requirement by taking two additional courses. At least one designated writing course must be taken as part of a student’s major and one must be a WRITD course. 

Support for Faculty

Each June, new faculty at Gustavus pursue their passion for teaching. The WAC program supports faculty in partnership with the Kendall Center for Engaged Learning by offering summer faculty development workshops, including workshops designed specifically for First Term Seminar (FTS) instructors. Writing Program and Teachers Talking Writing lunchtime sessions provide further support for writing instructors on campus, and the Kendall Center's Faculty Writing Retreats help faculty writers recharge and refuel. There are many opportunities to learn more: contact Rebecca Fremo, Director of Writing Across the Curriculum, at