Student Life Awards and ScholarshipsDean of Students

*Deadline for nomination/application is February 28, 2025 unless otherwise noted. 

*Senior awardees are honored during a Convocation Ceremony to be held at 8:45 a.m. on Commencement day: Sunday, May 4, 2025. 

*Click on each award for more detailed descriptions and requirements.
*You may use the electronic form (button below) to nominate a student for multiple awards. Self-nominations are accepted.

Paul Magnuson Student Leadership and Service Award
Recognizes the significant contributions that individual students and student groups make to campus life. Each year, outstanding students, student organizations, and student-led events/programs are nominated by fellow students, faculty, administrators, and staff for recognition.
Ovanlig Award
Awarded to a current junior or senior who has “demonstrated leadership in raising campus awareness of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender rights and concerns.”
Guild of St. Ansgar
Up to 8 percent of the graduating class will be selected on the basis of scholarship, leadership, and participation in extra-curricular activities. Students should be nominated by faculty. Participation forms, soliciting information about activities and positions at Gustavus as well as in church and home communities, are available to all senior students.
Guild of St. Lucia
Fifteen students of current junior standing are selected based on academic success, leadership qualities, and service to the College.
Edward and Patty Lindell Scholarship
This scholarship is designated for a senior student (junior at the time of nomination) to be selected in the spring prior to their senior year with a grade point average greater than 3.0 who has provided service and/or leadership, and has otherwise participated in Gustavus life.
Bunn-Swenson Scholarship
It is intended that the recipient(s) of this scholarship be a sophomore, junior, or senior (first year, sophomore, or junior at the time of nomination) involved in student life in leadership roles through student government or other campus organizations, including writing for student publications. It is desired that factors such as appreciation of community and sensitivity to racial or other personal injustices also be taken into consideration in selecting scholarship awardees.
Schwalm-Brostrom Leadership in Service Awards (one awardee for Service, one awardee for Faith)
These awards recognize two current Gustavus sophomores, juniors, or seniors (at the time of nomination) who, in his or her voluntary and community service for the benefit of those outside the Gustavus campus, "models an understanding of vocation and leadership embodied in creative, innovative, and extraordinary efforts or new initiatives that respond to the needs of society."
R. John Van Deusen Award
This award is given in recognition of an individual who will attain a Gustavus degree (graduating senior) through unusual perseverance, courage, and effort in dealing with significant challenges presented by a disability.

Student Life Award Nominations

Center for Inclusive Excellence
Numerous awards and fellowships are available for student leaders in campus climate change around equity and inclusion. Awards will be presented at the annual Diversity Ball event in April. Contact the Center for more information about the nomination and selection processes and deadlines.
  • Champion of Interfaith Understanding
  • Champion of Cultural & Ethnic Understanding
  • Champion of Gender & Sexuality Advocacy
  • Champion of Political & Social Dialogue
  • Outstanding First Year Student (DEI)
  • Outstanding Senior Student(s) (DEI)
  • Elizabeth A. Coco Award
  • Mark Anderson Award for Faculty & Staff
Community Engagement Center (CEC)
Multiple awards and fellowships are bestowed for significant student achievement and effort in civic engagement and service-learning. In addition to the Schwalm-Brostrom Award for Service and Faith (see above), the CEC coordinates the nomination/application process for