Bias Response Team

The campus community is encouraged to report an incident by completing the online reporting form or meeting with any of the following members of the Bias Response Team.

Members of the Bias Response Team

Elizabeth Kubek

Elizabeth Kubek

Director of Summer Term and Faculty Director of Student Academic Success and Professor

Amy Pehrson ’91

Amy Pehrson ’91 (Gerber)

Title IX Coordinator and Assistant Dean of Students

Tom Flunker

Tom Flunker

Director - Center for Inclusive Excellence and Interim VP for Equity and Inclusion

Scott Reiten

Scott Reiten

Director of Risk Management and Campus Safety and Director of Campus Safety

Colin Smith

Colin Smith

Visiting Assistant Professor

Jacque Christensen

Jacque Christensen

Chief Human Resources Officer

*In the event of a conflict of interest, the convenor of the Bias Response Team will ask any involved individual(s) to recuse themselves from all discussions involving that particular case.