Class of 1982

Can you believe it's already been 35 years since graduation? Plans are underway for our 35-year reunion, which will take place on campus June 2-4, 2017. In addition to the general programming outlined below, our class is planning on:

  • "Barn Bust" gathering at a special tent with mix tapes and plenty of nostalgia
  • Dinner and wine tasting at the home of Tim Kennedy '82 on Saturday night

Stay tuned for more details - we look forward to seeing you there!

Our class established a legacy when we created the Class of 1982 Endowed Scholarship. We are paying it forward to future Gusties through this scholarship. Each year it provides some much needed financial assistance to a student wanting to spend their four years at the place we called home. The tradition will continue and we hope you will join in growing the fund to help it continue forever. Give generously when you can--every gift counts!

Support the Class of 1982 Endowed Scholarship Fund

Class of 1982 Reunion Weekend ScheduleReunion Weekend 2017 Pricing Overview

Gustie Gals Meet-Up

Around 3 years ago
Gustie Gals from the Class of ’82 celebrated lifelong friendships recently with dinner at Redstone in Minnetonka. L-Rt: Sherrie Swanson, Tracy Koeger Heitner, Anne Juhl Legeros, Camille Clausen Ehrich, Lisa Martinson Buchal. This news was submitted using our Submit Your News form. If you have any news you'd like to share, please let us know!

Book about Gustie Alum

Around 3 years ago

Timothy Hoover ’82

Around 4 years ago

Martha (Keller) McBurney ’82

Around 5 years ago

Three Gusties Show Their Spirit on Gustie Gear Day

Around 5 years ago

Read more about the Class of 1982 Tell us your news



Date Event
Oct 12 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Homecoming 2024 Field / Alumni Tent