Stephanie Otto '00Faculty

Stephanie is a member of department of health and exercise science. She is honored and excited to be back on campus after graduating from Gustavus in 2000. Her research interests include physical activity and bone mineral density. She conducted her thesis on the relationship between bone mineral density and physical activity among women taking Depo-Provera. Stephanie was fortunate to be able to work with a Middle Tennessee high school for her dissertation which involved investigating the relationships between physical activity and body composition, blood pressure, and bone mineral density among a group of 9-12 grade students.  She enjoys being involved in student research here at Gustavus and also in the Gustavus community. 

Stephanie is an active member of the Northland American College of Sports Medicine where she previously served on the board as the undergraduate research coordinator.  She is also an member and fellow of the National American College of Sports Medicine organization where she currently serves on the Strategic Health Initiative committee for women, sport and physical activity.  She has presented research at this national conference for many years and most recently submitted an abstract for presentation on protein intake and bone health.


B.A. Gustavus Adolphus College in Health Fitness; M.A. and Ph.D Middle Tennessee State University in Exercise Science with an emphasis on Human Performance

Courses Taught

HES-300 (Research Presentation), HES-308 (Physiology of Exercise), HES-310 (Exercise Testing/Prescription), HES-391 (IS: Physiological Assessment), and HES-398 (Exercise Phys Sr Sem)

Synonym Title Times Taught Terms Taught
HES-398 Exercise Phys Sr Sem 30 2024/FA, 2024/SP, 2023/SP, 2022/FA, 2022/SP, 2021/FA, 2021/SP, 2020/FA, 2020/SP, 2019/FA, 2019/SP, 2018/FA, 2018/SP, 2017/FA, 2017/SP, 2016/FA, 2016/SP, 2015/FA, 2014/FA, 2014/SP, 2013/FA, 2013/SP, 2012/FA, 2011/FA, 2011/SP, 2010/FA, 2010/SP, 2009/FA, 2009/SP, and 2008/FA
HES-222 Applied Human Nutrition 22 2024/S1, 2024/FA, 2019/SP, 2018/FA, 2018/SP, 2017/FA, 2017/SP, 2016/FA, 2016/SP, 2015/FA, 2014/FA, 2014/SP, 2013/FA, 2013/SP, 2012/FA, 2011/FA, 2011/SP, 2010/FA, 2010/SP, 2009/FA, and 2008/FA
HES-220 Statistics in Exercise Physio 14 2024/FA, 2021/FA, 2020/FA, 2019/FA, 2018/FA, 2017/FA, 2016/FA, 2015/FA, 2014/FA, 2013/FA, 2012/FA, 2011/FA, 2010/FA, and 2009/FA
HES-100 Physical Fitness: Aquatics 12 2023/SP, 2022/FA, 2014/FA, 2014/SP, 2013/FA, 2012/FA, 2011/SP, and 2010/FA
HES-208 Exercise Physiology 11 2018/FA, 2017/FA, 2016/FA, 2015/FA, 2014/FA, 2013/FA, 2012/FA, 2011/FA, 2010/FA, 2009/FA, and 2008/FA
HES-313 Health Fitness Methods 10 2020/SP, 2019/SP, 2018/SP, 2017/SP, 2016/SP, 2014/SP, 2013/SP, 2011/SP, 2010/SP, and 2009/SP
FTS-100 FTS:Rediscovering Food 8 2021/FA, 2020/FA, 2019/FA, 2018/FA, 2017/FA, 2016/FA, and 2014/FA
HES-219 Exercise Leadership 7 2024/FA, 2021/SP, 2020/SP, 2019/SP, 2018/SP, 2017/SP, and 2016/SP
HES-310 Physiological Assessment 4 2024/SP, 2023/SP, and 2022/SP
HES-308 Physiology of Exercise 3 2024/SP, 2023/SP, and 2022/SP
HES-291 IS:Teaching Assistant 3 2023/SP, 2023/JN, and 2022/FA
HES-350 Adv Exercise Testing 3 2022/SP, 2021/FA, and 2012/FA
HES-215 Exercise Leadership 3 2013/JN, 2012/JN, and 2010/JN
HES-391 Is: Physiol Assessmt TA 2 2024/SP and 2023/SP
HES-243 Eat Italy! 2 2019/JN and 2017/JN
HES-239 Applied Human Nutrition 2 2009/SP and 2008/FA
HES-219 Exercise Leadership Lab 1 2024/FA
HES-300 Research Presentation 1 2024/FA
HES-144 ST:Food Fight 1 2021/JN
HES-305 Kinesiology 1 2016/SP
NDL-268 Career Exploration 1 2014/JN
HES-092 Senior Research 1 2012/FA
HES-132 Rediscovering Food 1 2011/JN