Jon Ivan GillFaculty

Assistant Professor in Philosophy

Jon Ivan Gill is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Gustavus Adolphus College and Cross-Community Coordinator at the Center for Process Studies. He has written on Afrofuturism, religion, Hip-Hop, philosophy, poststructuralism, atheism, and creative writing. He is co-owner of Serious Cartoons Records & Tapes in San Bernardino, Ca. and Tijuana, Mexico. He is also a solo Hip-Hop artist using the moniker "Gilead7," a member of Chicago Hip-Hop collective Tomorrow Kings, Southern California-based Echoes of Oratory Muzik, and the duo Crystal Radio along with Michael Adame, also known as Phantom Thrett. His first book, Underground Rap as Religion: A Theopoetic Examination of Process Aesthetic Religion, is in the Routledge Studies in Hip-Hop and Religion series, edited by Monica R. Miller and Anthony B. Pinn. His latest edited student volume, Toward Afrodiasporic and Afrofuturist Philosophies of Religion, was released in April of 2022 by Wipf and Stock.


travel, vinyl records, and reading

Courses Taught

Synonym Title Times Taught Terms Taught
PHI-108 Great Philosophers 6 2023/SP, 2022/SP, 2021/FA, 2021/SP, and 2020/FA
PHI-244 ST:Bug Philosophy 5 2024/SP, 2022/FA, 2021/FA, 2021/JN, and 2020/FA
PHI-144 ST:Race/Sex Caribbean 3 2023/SP, 2022/FA, and 2022/JN
PHI-107 Philosophy of Battle Rap 2 2024/SP and 2023/FA
PHI-201 Ancient Philosophy 2 2023/FA and 2021/FA
PHI-240 Philosophy of Religion 2 2023/SP and 2021/SP
PHI-235 Existentialism 1 2024/SP
PHI-391 IS:Nietzsche and Meaning 1 2024/SP
PHI-216 Philosophy of Race 1 2023/FA
GWS-244 ST:Race and Sexuality 1 2022/FA
PHI-212 Oppression/Privilege 1 2022/SP