John ChaFaculty
Cha's teaching and research interests include Buddhist philosophy, Indian intellectual history, comparative philosophy, and inter-religious dialogue (primarily Buddhist/Christian dialogue).
Cha has recently presented the following papers: "Buddhist Intellectual History at the Crossroads of Theory" at the The International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities; "Reflecting Reality: Critical and Foundational Aspects of Indian Yogācāra Epistemology" at the American Academy of Religion annual meeting; "Causality and Its Cessation: The Process of Purification in Classical Indian Yogācāra Thought" at the 2nd Annual conference of the International Society for Buddhist Philosophy (ISBP); "The Problem of Identity and Difference in Indian Yogācāra Conceptions of Reality: Emptiness According to the Madhyanta-vibhaga and its Indic Commentaries" at the 1st Annual conference of the ISBP.
Cha's most recent publication is "Language Conceptualization and Awakening: On the Paradox of Discourse in Classical Indian Yogācāra", Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory, Vol 2 No. 3, 2001. At Gustavus since 1997.
B.A., Quincy College, 1986; M.A., Ph.D., Northwestern, 1992, 1997
Areas of Expertise
Buddhist commentarial literature, Indian Buddhist philosophy, and modern Japanese philosophy
Buddhist/Christian dialogue, comparative philosophy, inter-cultural communication, inter-religious dialogue, phenomenology, and western philosophy
Courses Taught
Synonym | Title | Times Taught | Terms Taught |
REL-115 | World Religions | 39 | 2024/FA, 2024/SP, 2022/FA, 2019/FA, 2019/SP, 2018/FA, 2017/SP, 2016/FA, 2015/FA, 2015/SP, 2014/FA, 2011/SP, 2010/FA, 2010/SP, 2009/FA, 2009/SP, 2008/SP, 2007/FA, 2007/SP, 2003/SP, 2002/FA, 2002/SP, 2001/FA, 2000/FA, 2000/SP, 1999/FA, and 1999/SP |
REL-355 | Buddhist Philosophy | 19 | 2024/FA, 2022/FA, 2021/FA, 2019/FA, 2018/FA, 2017/FA, 2016/FA, 2015/FA, 2014/FA, 2013/FA, 2013/SP, 2012/FA, 2011/FA, 2010/FA, 2009/FA, 2007/FA, 2004/FA, 2003/SP, and 2002/SP |
REL-235 | Zen and Japanese Culture | 19 | 2024/SP, 2023/SP, 2022/SP, 2020/SP, 2019/SP, 2018/SP, 2017/SP, 2016/SP, 2015/SP, 2013/FA, 2013/SP, 2012/SP, 2011/SP, 2010/SP, 2008/FA, 2007/SP, 2002/FA, 2001/FA, and 1999/FA |
FTS-100 | FTS:Meditation in Action | 10 | 2024/FA, 2019/FA, 2018/FA, 2017/FA, 2012/FA, 2010/FA, 2009/FA, 2008/FA, 2001/FA, and 2000/FA |
REL-344 | ST:Yogic Philosophy in India | 10 | 2024/SP, 2023/SP, 2022/SP, 2017/SP, 2016/SP, 2013/FA, 2012/SP, 2009/SP, 2000/SP, and 1999/SP |
JPN-399 | Senior Thesis | 10 | 2023/SP, 2022/FA, 2022/SP, 2021/FA, 2019/FA, 2019/SP, 2018/SP, 2017/SP, 2016/SP, and 2015/FA |
CUR-399 | Senior Seminar | 8 | 2023/SP, 2022/SP, 2021/FA, 2020/SP, 2018/SP, 2017/FA, 2015/SP, and 2014/FA |
REL-244 | ST:The Unseen God(s) | 7 | 2022/JN, 2019/FA, 2015/FA, 2011/FA, 2008/SP, 2004/SP, and 2000/FA |
NDL-200 | Intercultural Issues | 3 | 2006/SP, 2005/FA, and 2005/SP |
REL-365 | Hindu Philosophy | 2 | 2020/SP and 2019/SP |
REL-216 | Buddhist Contemplation | 2 | 2013/JN and 2009/JN |
REL-125 | Sanskrit I | 2 | 2007/FA and 2003/FA |
REL-117 | Zen Martial Arts | 1 | 2018/JN |
PHI-344 | ST:Hindu Philosophy | 1 | 2016/SP |
IDS-140 | Martial Arts Phil/Prac | 1 | 2012/JN |
REL-135 | Sanskrit II | 1 | 2008/SP |
REL-200 | Indian Philosophy | 1 | 2008/JN |
IDS-247 | Liberation Movements | 1 | 2004/FA |
IDS-246 | Global Development | 1 | 2004/FA |
IDS-245 | India Religion, Culture, and Society | 1 | 2004/FA |
IDS-243 | Environment, Ecology, and Livelihood | 1 | 2004/FA |
REL-137 | Sanskrit Language | 1 | 2003/JN |
REL-245 | Mahayana Buddhism | 1 | 2002/JN |
REL-116 | Japanese Shingon Buddhism | 1 | 2000/JN |