
What is Starfish?

Starfish is a retention solution program that helps to create an online student success environment, facilitating programs such as counseling and advising, tutoring, mentoring, and others–with the aim of improving student success and retention. Starfish is a one-stop shop that allows students to schedule meetings with their instructors, advisors, or other services on campus; allows instructors, advisors, or employees to "flag" students when there is a concern or give students a "crown" when they do something positive. Using flags and crowns allows Gustavus to see areas of concern for students so we can help them stay on path to graduating from Gustavus.

Some of the features of Starfish include:

  • Viewing support networks for your courses
  • Receiving early alerts for academic concerns and crowns for a job well done
  • Getting electronic referrals and other messages
  • Viewing and following academic plans
  • Signing up online for appointments with course instructors, counselors, advisors, financial aid, and faculty.
  • Automatic progress reports in real time to connect students to appropriate campus offices

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