Social Studies TeachingAcademic Catalog: 2020–2021

  • Christopher Gilbert (Political Science)

Admission to the social studies teaching major is by application and interview in the Department of Education, normally during the sophomore year. This major may be taken only in conjunction with the Secondary Education Teacher Certification Program. To be certified for licensure to teach social studies in grades 5–12, a student must complete the courses listed below and must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.75 in courses to be counted toward the teaching major. No course with a grade lower than C – may be counted toward the teaching major.

Social Studies Teaching Major:

  1. Anthropology: S/A-111 or S/A-231.
  2. Economics: E/M-109 required; E/M-108 recommended.
  3. History: three courses from HIS-110, HIS-120, HIS-130, HIS-140.
  4. Geography: GEG-101, GEG-102, and GEG-236 or GEG-215.
  5. Political Science: POL-110 and either POL-130 or POL-150.
  6. Psychology: PSY-100.
  7. Sociology: S/A-112.
  8. Two courses at Level III chosen in consultation with the advisor from any of the participating departments.
  9. The additional pre-professional courses required for Secondary licensure. (See Department of Education)