Majors and MinorsAcademics
Find Your Focus, Choose Your Major
You need a major - a focus - to graduate from Gustavus. About one-third of the courses you'd take are for your major and one-third are for your general education requirements. That leaves one-third for electives. You can use your electives to declare a second major or do a minor, or just choose courses that sound interesting to you.
Because of our liberal arts curriculum, you have the freedom to explore a variety of different topics before you go deep into your major. You've got time - you don't need to declare a major until spring of your sophomore year. Finding the intersection between your passions and interests is a key step towards a fulfilling career and life!
- AccountingMajor | Minor
- Accounting with Financemajor
- African StudiesMinor
- Ancient Greek Languagemajor
- Ancient Greek Studiesmajor
- Art Historymajor | teaching major
- Art Studiomajor | teaching major | minor
- Arts Entrepreneurshipminor
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biologymajor
- Biologymajor | teaching major | major w/honors | minor
- Business Managementmajor | minor
- Chemistrymajor | minor | teaching major
- Classical Languagesmajor | major w/honors | teaching major | minor
- Coachingminor
- Communication Studiesmajor | major w/honors | minor
- Comparative Literatureminor
- Computer Sciencemajor | minor
- Dancemajor | minor
- Eastern European and Eurasian Studiesmajor | minor
- Economicsmajor | minor
- Elementary Educationmajor | minor
- Englishmajor | teaching major | minor
- Environmental Studiesmajor | minor
- Exercise Physiologymajor
- Film and Media Studiesmajor | minor
- Financial Economicsmajor
- Frenchmajor | minor
- Gender, Women and Sexuality Studiesmajor | minor
- Geographymajor | teaching major | minor
- Geologymajor | major w/honors | minor
- Health and Physical Educationmajor
- Historymajor | minor
- Japanese Studiesmajor | minor
- Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studiesmajor | minor
- Latin Languagemajor
- Mathematicsmajor | teaching major | major w/honors | minor
- Musicmajor | teaching major | major w/honors | minor
- Nursingmajor
- Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studiesmajor | minor
- Philosophymajor | minor
- Physicsmajor | teaching major | minor
- Political Sciencemajor | major w/honors | minor
- Psychological Sciencemajor
- Public AccountingMajor
- Public Health Educationmajor | minor
- Religionmajor | minor
- Religious Diversity in Professional Lifeminor
- Russianminor
- Scandinavian Studiesmajor | minor
- Secondary Educationmajor
- Sociology and Anthropologymajor | minor
- Spanishmajor | teaching major | minor
- Sport Managementmajor | minor
- Statisticsmajor | minor
- Theatre Design and Technologymajor
- Theatre Performancemajor | majors w/honors | minor
Pre-Professional Programs
Our specialized pre-professional programs prepare students for graduate or professional school and are designed for any major. Together with an academic advisor, students strategically select coursework that fulfills the prerequisites for a designated graduate program, while also working towards a major grounded in the liberal arts. This combination helps prepare students for a variety of careers.
Master of Athletic TrainingGraduate
- Pre-Actuarial SciencePre-Professional
- Pre-ArchitecturePre-Professional
- Pre-DentistryPre-Professional
- Pre-EngineeringPre-Professional
- Pre-LawPre-Professional
- Pre-Materials SciencePre-Professional
- Pre-MedicinePre-Professional
- Pre-Occupational TherapyPre-Professional
- Pre-OptometryPre-Professional
- Pre-PharmacyPre-Professional
- Pre-Physical TherapyPre-Professional
- Pre-Physician AssistantPre-Professional
- Pre-SeminaryPre-Professional
- Pre-Veterinary MedicinePre-Professional
Choose Your Courses
Each year, our faculty teach more than 1,800 courses. Wondering what they teach? See our course catalog to look at specific major requirements, general education requirements, and all your options for electives. When we call ourselves a “liberal arts college,” that means you can take a broad (“liberal”) range of courses, giving you a strong knowledge base and an adaptable college degree.