How to Declare a Psychological Science MajorSub-Title

Congratulations on choosing Psychological Science as your major! Below are the easy steps for declaring a major and getting setup with a faculty advisor. The Department attempts to keep the number of students that each faculty member advises approximately equal, so advisors are assigned by our Administrative Assistant, Amy Mukamuri. However, if you have a preference, we will do our best to honor it.

  1. Complete the top part of the major declaration form available on Web Advisor.
  2. Turn the form in to Amy Mukamuri in Beck Hall 252 or scan and e-mail the form to If you do have an advisor preference, please tell Amy when you turn in the form or include the preference in your email.
  3. Amy will assign you an advisor and have them sign your form. She will then contact you by e-mail to come to get the form. Your form will be in a black folder on her office door that has the label “Forms to be Picked up”.
  4. Please pick up the form and hand deliver it to the Registrar’s Office.
  5. Check Web Advisor after about a week to make sure you are listed as a Psychological Science major and that you have an assigned faculty adviser. If you are not listed as a Psychological Science Major and/or you do not have an adviser, then please contact Amy.