Inside Gustavus May 12, 2016 | Volume 48, Number 32

Faculty/Staff Activities and Student Achievements

Kate Keller (History) attended an international conference in March in Marburg, Germany hosted by the University of Marburg and the Herder Institute on the topic of "Security and Empire: Mechanics of Securitization in Imperial Spaces." She presented a paper entitled “A Culture of Suspicion and the Surveillance of Foreigners in Interwar French West Africa.” This paper is part of Kate's sabbatical project to revise a book manuscript.

Doug Huff (Philosophy) published one paper, presented two other papers, and had four of his plays produced or given staged-readings in the last two weeks of April.

1) Publication: "The Art of Living," in RE-VISIONING PARADIGMS, eds. Mercy Kappan, etc.

2) April16, presented a paper, "The Importance of Beauty to the Ontological Proof for the Existence of God," at the all-time first reunion of philosophy majors at GAC.

3) April 28, presented a talk, "Fiction vs History: The Writing of Historical Drama, : to the Bangalore International Centre, Bangalore, India.

4) April 14 & 16, staged-reading his new comedy, WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS (satire of a small town) at the Arts Center of St. Peter.

5) April 15, staged-reading of his play, THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT (a satire of a small college)at the Arts Center of St. Peter.

6) April 23, staged-reading of his play, A FAR SHORE, at Columbia University, N.Y.

7) April 20-May 15, production of his play, EMIL'S ENEMIES, at the BLT Theatre in Bangalore, India, and directed by theatre legend Vijay Padaki.

Marcia J. Bunge (Religion) was selected as one of ten Christian theologians worldwide to help craft a joint document of the World Council of Churches and UNICEF on child protection, and in April she attended a meeting of project advisers in Geneva, Switzerland.

Brenda Kelly (Chemistry and Biology/Provost's Office) presented a paper and poster entitled: Teaching a Broad Non-science Major Audience Using the Science of Food and Cooking at the annual meeting, Experimental Biology 2016 in San Diego on April 2-6, 2016, with collaborator Joseph Provost (University of San Diego).

In related work, Brenda Kelly and collaborators, Joseph Provost (University of San Diego), Keri Colabroy (Muhlenberg College), and Mark Wallert (Bemidji State University) had a book recently published by Wiley & Sons entitled: The Science of Cooking: Understanding the Biology and Chemistry Behind Food and Cooking.

David Jessup (Scandinavian Studies) presented a paper on Hannes Alfvén's 1966 novel Sagan om den stora datamaskinen (The Tale of the Big Computer) at the 2016 annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study in New Orleans on April 30.

In a paper to be presented at the 2016 Academy of Management meeting in August, Kathy Lund Dean (Economics & Management) was ranked the 18th most productive business and management education (BME) scholar in the world for the 10 year period of 2005-2014. The analysis by Arbaugh et al. adjusts for number of articles published, citation rates, and journal quality across all BME disciplines including accounting, marketing, information systems, economics, management, finance, and decision sciences. 


The following are additions/changes for the “Personnel Phone Directory 2015-16”:

Heather Ungerer, Career Development, Phone: x6056, Email: hungerer, Dept/Phone change

Taylor Nelson, Human Resources, Phone: x7304, Email: tnelso11, New

For further information or corrections, contact Telecommunications at x6261 or e-mail:

Position Openings

-Adjunct Instructor of Physics
-Instructor of Music (Jazz Piano)
-Instructor of Music (Trombone)
-Visiting Assistant Professor of Art and Art History (Photography/Video)
-Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry (Biochemistry)
-Visiting Assistant Professor of Music (Theory and Composition)
-Visiting Assistant Professor of Scandinavian Studies
-Visiting Instructor Geography (Geographic Information Science)
-Visiting Instructor of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (French)
-Admission Counselor/Assistant Dean of Admission
-Assistant Vice President for Advancement and Director of Development
-Director of Human Resources
-Director of Physical Plant
Custodian Positions
-Greenhouse Specialist

For more information on the aforementioned position(s), call Human Resources (x7304). 

President Cabinet Summary   

1.  Discussion was held regarding multiple drafts of a vision statement for the Gustavus Acts strategic plan. A third draft of the plan was sent to the campus community on Tuesday afternoon.

2.  Members heard advancement and enrollment reports.

3.  Members were asked to submit information to Jolene by Friday, May 13 regarding progress on their respective 2015-2016 institutional goals. A draft powerpoint for use at the May 19 all-employee meeting will be reviewed at the next Cabinet meeting. 

4.  Members approved the hiring of a part-time bakery staff replacement position.

News and Announcements   

Community Listening Sessions...The President’s Task Force on Sexual Misconduct will be hosting three community listening sessions in the next two weeks. The purpose of these meetings for members of the Gustavus community to share issues and concerns they want to be sure the Task Force is addressing. We also would like to hear people’s thoughts on how best to keep this effort moving forward productively in the 2016-17 school year.
The meetings will be:
Thursday, May 12 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the Konferensrum
Tuesday, May 17 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the Konferensrum
Wednesday, May 18 from 2 to 3 p.m. in the Konferensrum

All-Employee Meeting...The meeting will be held at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 19 in Alumni Hall. All employees are encouraged to attend to hear a progress report on the 2015-16 institutional goals and an update on the 2016-17 operating budget.

Farewell Party...The provost's office invites the Gustavus community to join us as we say goodbye and best wishes to Paula O'Loughlin. Refreshments will be served. We hope you will stop by to wish Paula well in future endeavors between 10:30 a.m. and noon on Wednesday, May 25, in Office of the Provost’s reception area.

Retirement Celebration...Please join the College community in saying thank you to Ken Westphal for his exemplary service to Gustavus at a reception from 3 to 4 p.m. on Thursday, May 26, in the Heritage Room. A short program will be held at 3:30 p.m.

Gustavus Employee Picnic 2016...The Gustavus Employee Picnic will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, June 1, 2016, in the Evelyn Young Dining Room. There will be a full picnic menu and entertainment by funny man Bob Stromberg, co-author and one of the original stars of theatrical comedy, Triple Espresso.

Commencement Ushers...Any students or staff who are willing to serve as commencement ushers this year should contact Lorie Siebels in the Office of Marketing and Communication at 933-7520 or lsiebels@gustavus.eduYou would need to arrive by 11:45 a.m. and would be able to leave after commencement starts at 2 p.m.

Patricia Lindell Research Prize/Paper...The library is now accepting submissions for the Patricia Lindell Research Prize/Paper. This $400 prize is awarded by the library faculty for a paper already written for a Gustavus academic course. This paper should demonstrate excellent use of source material. Papers may be submitted from Fall Semester 2014 through Spring Semester 2016. As faculty endorsement is required, please encourage eligible students to submit their work. More information about the prize and the nomination process is available online.

2016 Valleyfair Ticket Tickets...Discounted Valleyfair tickets are available to purchase in the Office of Human Resources, located in the Carlson Administration Building. Tickets are good for any day during the 2016 season. Tickets may be purchased for regular admission (ages 3-61 and 48” or taller) for $32.25, junior/senior (ages 3-61, under 48” tall or 62+ years and includes admission to Dinosaurs Alive!) for $32.25, Dinosaurs Alive! tickets for $2.75 with adult park admission, parking $12.00, and ride & refresh (ages 3-61 and 48” or taller plus unlimited drink wristband) for $39.75. Cash or checks payable to Gustavus.

TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Sessions… A TIAA-CREF representative will be on campus on May 31, June 1, and June 2, 2016. To schedule an appointment, go to or contact (800) 732-8353, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (ET).

2016 Moe Lecture.. Kimberle Crenshaw available for viewing. Members of the Gustavus community can view a replay of Prof. Kimberle Crenshaw's 2016 Moe Lecture by visiting The lecture, entitled "Intersectionality Matters: Why We Can't Wait for a Racial Justice Agenda that Centers Us All," will be available until May 2017; your Gustavus login will be required. 

Campus Happenings   

Strategic Planning...Thank you to those members of the community who have attended recent strategic planning sessions and provided feedback to consultant Ann Duffield and/or others on campus regarding drafts one and two of the Gustavus ACTS strategic plan. Based on that feedback, a third draft of Gustavus ACTS has been prepared and emailed to the campus community. Please read draft three and provide feedback at one of the meetings that will be attended by President Bergman and facilitated by consultant Ann Duffield on Friday, May 13, or via email to Alisa Rosenthal or Siri Erickson.

Draft 3 Meetings:
Friday, May 13
8-9 a.m. — Community Feedback Session (all employees and students) — St. Peter Room
9-10 a.m. — Planning Leadership Team and Strategic Action Team — St. Peter Room
11 a.m.-12 p.m. — Community Feedback Session (all employees and students) — St. Peter Room

Spring Carnival...Avenues for Homeless Youth is a nonprofit organization in Minnesota that provides basic needs and community outreach for children, teens, and young adults who do not have homes. Queers and Allies, The Greys Fraternity, and Hmong American Cultural Outreach (HACO), are sponsoring a clothing drive and hosting a carnival fundraiser to support Avenues for Homeless YouthThe carnival will be from noon-8 p.m. on Saturday, May 14 in Lund Center. There will be food, games, prizes, live performances, and more. The first five tickets are free. If you have anything to donate to the clothing drive, it would be greatly appreciated. Questions can be directed to Victoria Conteras.

Faculty and Administration Retirement Dinner...The Alumni Association will honor and recognize 2016 faculty and administrator retirees with a dinner at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, May 18 in Alumni Hall. The cost is $15 per person and registration is available online. Please contact the Office of Alumni and Parent Engagement at x7511 or with any questions. Those will be recognized at the dinner include:

Max Hailperin, math, computer science, and statistics
Rick Orpen, professor of instrumental music, composition, and theory
Lois Peterson, professor of art and art history
Ken Westphal, vice president for finance and treasurer
Warren Wunderlich, director of physical plant

Faculty and Administration Service Awards...The College and the Alumni Association will recognize the commitment of faculty and administrators who have served 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 years with a special Gustavus community gathering at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, May 18 in Christ Chapel. A reception will immediately follow for guests and honorees. Please contact the Office of Alumni and Parent Engagement at x7511 or with any questions. Those being recognized include:

10 years
Sidonia Alenuma-Nimoh, associate professor in education, peace studies, gender/women/sexuality studies
Joel Carlin, associate professor in biology and environmental studies
John Engebretson ’91, adjunct instructor/director of the Adolphus Jazz Ensemble
Jeff Engelhardt ’93, visiting instructor in math, computer science, and statistics
Julie Moberg Gilbert ’99, associate professor in the library
Maria Kalbermatten, associate professor in Spanish
David Newell ’03, director for community-based service
Shanon Nowell, assistant to the provost
Jeffrey Owen ’92, associate professor in economics and management and environmental studies
Matthew Rasmussen ’98, visiting assistant professor in English
Mayra Taylor, adjunct instructor in Spanish and LALACS
Jessie Twaddle, assistant director of core services, lead information security specialist for GTS
Tommy Valentini ’02, head men’s tennis coach, assistant director of Tennis and Life Camps.

15 Years
Jeffrey Anderson, international student services coordinator
Teri Bauman, information systems development and support specialist in GTS
Eric Dugdale, professor of classics
Patricia English, associate professor in communication studies, gender/women/sexuality studies
Sarah Erickson-Lume, adjunct instructor of music
Mimi Gerstbauer, associate professor of political science, peace studies, LALACS, and African Studies
Deborah Goodwin, associate professor of religion, gender/women/sexuality studies, and environmental studies
Jon Grinnell, associate professor of biology
Elizabeth Jenner, associate professor of sociology and anthropology
Ann Johnson, director of advancement services
Mary Milbradt, administrative information systems development and support specialist

20 Years
Kirk Carlson ’95, assistant vice president for enrollment
Paul Jacobson, assistant director of dining services
Richard Leitch, associate professor of political science, environmental studies and Japanese studies
Doug Minter ’79, associate vice president for enrollment and dean of financial aid
Peg O’Connor, professor in philosophy and gender/women/sexuality studies

25 Years
Tom Brown, director of intercollegiate athletics
Chris Gilbert, professor of political science
Mary Gunderson, assistant registrar
Michael Jorgensen, professor of music
Paschal Kyoore, professor of French, African, Caribbean studies in modern languages
Barb Lundgren, interim director of human resources
Amy Gerber Pehrson ’91, assistant director of campus activities/director of mentoring and peer education

30 Years
Paul Estenson, associate professor of economics and management
Mark Hanson ’83, head men’s basketball coach, HES instructor, and director of outdoor education
Greg Kaster, professor of history and gender/women/sexuality studies
Steve Mellema ’72, professor of physics
Kate Wittenstein, professor of history and gender/women/sexuality studies

35 Years
Mark Kruger, professor in psychological studies
Rick Orpen, professor of instrumental music, composition, and theory

The WORD Play Festival will be held at Gustavus on May 26 and 27. The literary gathering will include readings by Gustavus faculty, an open mic session, and a buffet dinner. Full event details are available online, additional information can be requested from Julie Johnson.

Fine Arts Events

May 13, 2:30 p.m., Gustavus Jazz Combos @ the Courtyard Café, Dave Stamps & Donnie Norton, directors
May 14, 1:30 p.m., Gustavus Wind Orchestra & Vasa Wind Orchestra Spring Concert, James Patrick Miller &
Karrin Meffert-Nelson, conductors
May 14, 7:30 p.m., Gustavus Philharmonic Orchestra Spring Concert, Justin Knoepfel, conductor
May 15, 1:30 p.m., Nikki Skifton, flute  A Student Recital
May 15, 3:30 p.m., Brassworks!, Scott Moore, James Patrick Miller, Heidi Johanna Miller & Trygve Skaar, directors
May 15, 7:30 p.m., Spring Handbell Choirs Concert in Christ Chapel, Christ Chapel Ringers, Christ Chapel Bells,
Gustavus Symphonic Ringers, Chad Winterfeldt, director

Hillstrom Museum of Art
Epoch: Senior Studio Art Majors Exhibition through May 29, 2016

Schaefer Gallery
30 MPH Zone: New Works by Cameron Jarvis ‘15

Next Best Steps: Gustavus Dance Company in Concert
Michele Rusinko and Melissa Rolnick, directors
May 13-14 at 8 p.m. and May 15 at 2 p.m.
Anderson Theatre
Tickets available at

In The News

Sophomore hockey player Kaitlyn Klein was interviewed in a KEYC follow-up piece on her recovery after suffering a fractured vertebrae in a game this fall. Athletic trainer Ashley Krug was also interviewed in the story.

Senior philosophy major Sean Kehren was featured on WCCO-TV and in the Star Tribune, Pioneer Press, Daily Mail, and St. Peter Herald (among numerous other publications) after pulling a woman from a burning car on Sunday.

Tennis and Life Camps director Neal Hagberg was interviewed in the May/June edition of AAA Living Magazine in a short piece about TLC titled "The Game of Life."

The Mankato Free Press covered comedian and actress Lea DeLaria's appearance at Gustavus this Tuesday.

The St. Peter Herald announced this weekend's spring dance concert, Next Best Steps.


  • Pamela Conners, (Communication Studies) gave birth to a baby boy on April 14. Benjamin Matthew Borslien weighed 7 lbs, 11 oz and measured 22.25 inches long.

Off Campus Events

Inviting all children and their families to THE ECFE VEHICLE FAIR! 5:30-7 p.m. on Thursday, May 12, (rain date: May 19) First Lutheran Church Parking Lot, 1114 West Traverse Road. Come to look at, climb on, and even sit in a fire truck, police car, school bus, and more! Food will be for sale at the concessions stand. This is a free event sponsored by the Early Childhood Family Education/School Readiness Advisory Council.


House For Sale: 1104 Kristine Court St. Peter. 5 bedroom 2 story house with finished basement, beautiful private backyard. Large foyer entry leads into living room with gas fireplace and bay window. Main level has open floor plan with large living room, formal dining room and kitchen. Lots of windows throughout to let in natural light. Sliding door off dining room leads to deck. Kitchen has a built in desk and box window above sink. Large main floor laundry room off oversized double garage. 4 bedrooms and 2 baths on upper level. Huge family room in finished basement and 5th bedroom with egress window and large closet. Very large landscaped yard with numerous trees for privacy and entertaining. If interested, contact or to see complete listing contact

For Rent: One bedroom apartment, fully furnished, utilities included. Across the street from Sohre. Available June 1. 
Contact Gene Lund, 507-931-1913, or email

House for Rent:  2113 Turpin St. in Saint Peter. Available July 2 for a one or two-year lease. Built in 2006, the house has 1,950 sq. ft. of finished space and includes four bedrooms, two full baths, an attached two-car garage and central A/C. Contact David Kogler ( or 507-317-7987) for pictures, rent, and additional info.

"Plugs" is maintained as a forum by which members of the Gustavus community may offer goods and/or services to others in the community, or seek the same from them. It is not meant to accommodate ads or announcements from area businesses such as real estate agents or retailers, although from time to time such announcements may be published when deemed to be of particular interest to the community. 



Upcoming events
Date Event
Today 34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at St Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (Plymouth, Minn.) Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church, 17205 County Rd 6, Plymouth, MN 55447, USA
6:307:30 p.m. Sunday Worship Community Chapel
78 p.m. Athletic Training Virtual Open House on Google Meet
Tomorrow Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
57 p.m. Spring into Wellness Campus Center
Feb 25 Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
1111:30 a.m. Career and Vocation Champions - Explore, Experience, Transition: Our Model for Supporting Students Center for Career Development, JSU Room 209
11:3011:50 a.m. Guided Meditation - Online
11:3011:50 a.m. Chapel Break Chapel
3:305 p.m. Campus Conversation: AI at Gustavus in Class and at Work, Three Crowns, and St. Peter rooms (JCC)
Feb 26 Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Applause for the Cause - Gustavus Performing Arts Giving Days Björling Recital Hall lobby
36 p.m. Gustavus Women in Leadership International Women's Day Event Hall
3:304:30 p.m. New Faculty Orientation Session (Required for TT faculty; others welcome) Hall, Room 304
3:304:30 p.m. New Faculty Orientation session (Required for TT faculty; others welcome) Hall, Room 304
Feb 27 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Applause for the Cause - Gustavus Performing Arts Giving Days Björling Recital Hall lobby
11:30 a.m. to 11:50 p.m. Chapel Break Chapel
11:3011:50 a.m. Guided Meditation - In Person Multifaith Center, Anderson Hall
Feb 28 Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
1st half finals
Mar 1 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at Augustana Lutheran Church (Washington D.C.) Lutheran Church, 2100 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20009
Mar 2 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at Cathedral of the Incarnation (Baltimore, Md.) of the Incarnation, 4 E University Pkwy, Baltimore, MD 21218
Mar 3 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
Spring Break
78:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at The Church of the Holy Trinity (Philadelphia, Penn.) Church of the Holy Trinity, 1904 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Mar 4 Spring Break
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. RESPOND Training: Supporting Student Mental Health Heritage Room
58 p.m. Alumni Gathering with President Bergman in North Glendale, AZ of Paul Batz '85 and Melinda Moen Batz '86
78:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church (Ridgewood, N.J.) Evangelical Lutheran Church, 155 Linwood Ave, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Mar 5 Spring Break
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library

To add or change items on the calendar, please fill out and submit a College Calendar event form. View the entire College Calendar online.


Gustavus Peer MALTs Pay It Forward

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Schaefer Gallery showcases grant winners Kaelyn Lobalbo and Willa Brown

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What to Know about Dr. Heidi Johanna Miller

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Our Town: The Community of Theater at Gustavus

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President’s Art Award Recipient: Mya Hanson ‘25

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Gustavus Adolphus Establishes Endowed Chair in Scandinavian Studies

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Greek Life at Gustavus Opens Up New Worlds

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Gustavus Shows Breadth, Depth in National Rankings

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Aney, Nelson Receive DIIICA Regional Student-Athletes of the Year Honors

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Softball Has 12 Named NFCA Scholar-Athletes

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Women’s Basketball Earns WBCA Academic Top 25 Team Honor Roll

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MIAC nominates Nelson for NCAA Woman of the Year, Aney for DIIICA Men’s Sport Student-Athlete of the Year

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Men’s Hoops Earns NABC Academic Awards

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Inside Gustavus is a newsletter for Gustavus Adolphus College employees produced by the Office of Marketing and Communication. It is published weekly during the academic year (except during the week of Thanksgiving, the Christmas break, Touring Week, and the Spring and Easter breaks). Anyone may submit items by filling out an online submission form. While online submissions are preferred, items may also be submitted typewritten on a letter-sized sheet of paper. Send "snail mail" items to: Inside Gustavus, Office of Marketing and Communication. Items must reach the office no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. For more information, contact Lorie Siebels ( or x7520).

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