Inside Gustavus February 24, 2016 | Volume 48, Number 22

Faculty/Staff Activities & Student Achievements

Ruth Lin and Dave Stamps directed the Gustavus Symphony Orchestra and Jazz Lab Band in concert on Macedonian National Television on Jan. 29, 2016 in Skopje, Macedonia. The concert featured Macedonian pop star and vocalist Laura Krliu.

Tom Huber (Physics) recently attended the Society for Experimental Mechanics: International Modal Analysis Conference in Orlando, Fla. He presented a paper titled "Spatial Distribution of Acoustic Radiation Force for Non-contact Modal Excitation" with Gustavus student co-authors Mikaela Algren '17 (Physics) and Cole Raisbeck '16 (Physics). He was also co-author on the paper "Optically Detecting Wavefronts and Wave Speeds in Water Using Refracto-Vibrometry," presented by his collaborators in the physics department at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tenn.

Dr. Justin Knoepfel (music) gave a guest artist viola recital at Luther College (Decorah, Iowa) on Feb. 20, 2016 with Beth Winterfeldt, piano. Dr. Knoepfel was sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Public Life at Luther. He also gave a talk titled "Discerning a Vocation in Music."

Philosophers at Table: On Food and Being Human, a book co-authored by Lisa Heldke and Raymond Boisvert of Siena College, was published this week by Reaktion Press, and reviewed in the Huffington Post 

Kathi Tunheim (Economics and Management) recently published a paper in the journal, Advances in Developing Human Resources, titled "The Professional Journeys and Experiences in Leadership of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Women Bishops," with co-author Mary Kay DuChene, MDiv. Kathi was also appointed to two boards in February, Lutheran World Relief and Thrivent Financial Network Resource Board.

Position Openings

-Assistant Professor of Economics and Management (Finance and Business Economics)
-Athletic Training Clinical Education Coordinator and Instructor
-Instructor of Music (Jazz Piano)
-Instructor of Music (Trombone)
-Visiting Assistant Professor of Art and Art History (Photography/Video)
-Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry (Biochemistry)
-Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry (Organic)
-Visiting Assistant Professor of Communication Studies (Public Discourse and Political Campaign Communication)
-Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics (Mathematics)
-Visiting Assistant Professor of Music (Theory and Composition)
-Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy
-Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychological Science (Experimental Psychology)
-Visiting Instructor of Health and Exercise Science (Health and Physical Education)
-Visiting Instructor of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (French)
-Visiting Instructor of Nursing (Pediatrics, Public Health, and Nursing Research)
-Director of Human Resources,
-Director of Physical Plant,
-Vice President for Finance and Treasurer
Assistant Director of Campus Activities
For more information on the aforementioned position(s), call Human Resources (x7304).

News & Announcements 

Save the Date...Students, faculty, administrators, and staff are invited to hear national CAMPUSPEAK speaker Mark Sterner share his amazing and tragic story about the spring break he never imagined. Over two million students have been impacted by Mark's incredible presentation. As the Gustavus community prepares for spring break trips, join us to hear Mark's powerful message about decision making during spring break. Presentation will be held on Tuesday, March 15 at 7 p.m. in Alumni Hall.

Spring Fitness Challenge...The annual Wellbeing for Employees (WE) Spring Fitness Challenge is about to begin. Registration is from March 7 through March 31. You can register online at or pick up a paper copy next to the Lund Information Desk. The challenge begins on April 3 and runs until April 30. The prizes are the State Park Annual Pass or a Minnesota Fishing License. Please contact Laurie Kelly ( or call x6145) with any questions.

Personnel Directories (pink in color) for Spring Semester '16: Packets should arrive in your departments this week. If you need more, want to report a correction, or have extras, please contact Nancy Beran.

Commencement Student Speaker Nominations...Faculty, administrators, and staff are encouraged to submit names of senior students who may have interest and ability to serve as the student speaker at Commencement. Candidates should uphold the College’s value of academic excellence, should be engaged in a meaningful way in the Gustavus community, should have the ability to reflect upon their experience, articulate a message that resonates with the audience, and bring dignity to the College. Names should be submitted to Alex Johnson, chair of the selection committee.

2016 MAYDAY! Peace Conference...Mark your calendar for the 2016 MAYDAY! Peace Conference on Wed., April 27. Titled “Divestment & Reinvestment: Making Money Count,” the conference will consider whether or not divestment is an effective tool for building peace. Speakers with a wide range of perspectives will examine past divestment initiatives and current strategies, investigate the impact of power structures, and explore the complexity and commitments surrounding the ongoing debate on the morality and mechanics of divestment. The event is free and open to the public and will be streamed live online. More information is available online.

Campus Happenings 

Building Bridges Conference...This year’s Building Bridges Conference will be held on Sat., March 5 and will focus on two major aspects of the War on Drugs: the effects of the United States Government's massive spending on drug-fighting efforts, and the role of United States Drug Policy in the creation of international and domestic violence. Through this conference, we hope to educate our community about the average US citizen’s proximity to instances of violence that may seem far removed from their daily lives, but nonetheless contribute to loss of life, liberty, and human dignity. Tickets can be requested at

Strategic Planning Initiative...The College will welcome to campus on March 1-2 a well known expert in the higher education field.  Dr. Robert Zemsky is one of the leading researchers and commentators on the condition of higher education both nationally and internationally.  Some of you may be aware of his most recent book, Checklist for Change.  

As we move to the completion of our strategic plan, we have asked Dr. Zemsky specifically to share with the College his expertise on higher education planning and, particularly, on the future of the liberal arts.  He will provide great insights and tools that will enhance our ongoing strategic planning efforts through the next few months.  

During his time on campus, Dr. Zemsky is scheduled to visit with a number of constituents, including President Bergman, cabinet members, admission and student life staff, Faculty Senate members, and others.  In addition, we have scheduled opportunities for all members of the campus community to visit with Dr. Zemsky, along with consultant Ann Duffield, regarding the key strategies and implementation challenges associated with our strategic planning initiative.  Please plan to attend one of the following meetings:

  • Tues., March 1, 3:30-4:30 p.m., President’s Dining Room — Focus Group Meeting for all faculty
  • Tues., March 1, 4:30-5:30 p.m., President’s Dining Room — Focus Group Meeting for all students
  • Wed., March 2, 9-10 a.m., President’s Dining Room — Focus Group
    Meeting for all employees

Please take advantage of this amazing opportunity to participate in a conversation that will help us move forward with confidence in our strategic planning initiatives.  

Home Athletic Events

Support the Golden Gusties at one or more of these home athletic events this weekend.

  • Women's tennis hosts Bethel at 8 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 27

  • Men's tennis hosts Bethel at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 27

  • Women's tennis hosts Concordia at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 27

  • Men's tennis hosts Concordia at 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 27

  • Men's tennis hosts Morningside College at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 27

Fine Art Events

February 27      3:30 p.m.    Justin Knoepfel, viola, A Faculty Recital
                                             Beth Winterfeldt, piano

February 28      1:30 p.m.    James DeVoll, flute, A Faculty Recital
                                             Beth Winterfeldt, piano, Sharon Mautner-Rodgers, cello

Hillstrom Museum of Art 
Submerge, Recent Paintings by Betsy Ruth Byers
, and FOCUS IN/ON: B.J.O. Nordfeldt’s Two Pigeons
Open Feb. 15 through April 24, 2016

FINAL WEEKEND Love's Labour's Lost...Tickets are now available online or by calling 507-933-7590 for the Department of Theatre & Dance production of Love's Labour's Lost, a new musical based on the play by William Shakespeare. Performances will be held Feb. 26-27 at 8 p.m., with matinee performance on Feb. 28 at 2 p.m. Gustavus students and staff are entitled to one free ticket for the production. Other tickets are $9 for adults and $6 for senior citizens and other students. Tickets not sold before the event will be placed on sale one hour prior to curtain at the Anderson Theatre box office. 

"We'll have it all, while we are young.” In this contemporary musical adaptation of Shakespeare's classic comedy, music and lyrics create a sexy and irreverent look at love, homecoming, and hookups.

Love's Labour's Lost is a new musical based on the play by William Shakespeare.
Songs by Michael Friedman, book adapted by Alex Timbers.
Henry MacCarthy, Director; Samuel Grace '11, Music Director
Lydia Francis ‘11, Scenic Design; Terena M. Wilkens, Lighting Design;
Elsa Larsen ‘17, Costume Design

Gustavus United Way Rally… All faculty, staff and administrators are invited to join us from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Leap Day, Feb. 29, in the Heritage Room us for a fun hour to learn about the 2016 United Way on-campus campaign. Come for…
• A chance to win a $100 Bookmark gift certificate (no pledge necessary…all attendees will be in the drawing),
• Frost-your-own sugar cookies,
• Hot chocolate,
• Information about all of the GREAT things our area UNITED WAY does for the Saint Peter and Mankato communities – we will hear from President Becky Bergman as well as area United Way President Barb Kaus,
• The opportunity to make a one-time pledge or a calendar year 2016 payroll deduction pledge for the United Way, and
• Information about Gustavus’s decision to LEAP AHEAD in future years and hold the employee United Way campaign in the fall instead of in the spring. 

Congregational Outreach

Retreats ...The Office of Church Relations will host a weekend confirmation retreat for Christ the King Lutheran Church of Bloomington on Friday, Feb. 26 to Saturday, Feb. 27. The retreat program is a resource offered to ELCA congregations that are also members of the Gustavus Association of Congregations.

Preaching in Congregations...Dr. Darrell Jodock will be speaking at the Southeastern Minnesota Synod's Blue Earth River Conference meeting at Faith Lutheran Church in Delavan MN on Thurs., March 3. The pulpit supply program is coordinated by The Office of Church Relations for Gustavus Association member congregations.

Exploring Religious Questions Series: "Introduction to Judaism: Religious Practices, Central Texts, and Jewish-Christian Relations Today"...This mini-course continues from 7 to 9 p.m. on Mon., Feb. 22 in Olin Hall 103, in the final session with a discussion led by Rev. Brian Konkol (College Chaplain, Gustavus Adolphus College) and Dr. Marcia J. Bunge (Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion at Gustavus Adolphus College) about "Jewish- Christian Relationships Today: Lutheran and Catholic Perspectives." The mini-course is sponsored by The Office of Church Relations.

In The News

Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon visited Jill Locke's Feminist Political Thought class on Feb. 18. Students Megan Klapperich and Olivia Alm Brillantes were quoted in St. Peter Herald's coverage of the visit.

KEYC covered the Get Out The Vote event hosted by the College Democrats on Feb. 18. Senior Patrick Kelliher was interviewed.

The St. Peter Herald covered last week's Ask a Muslim event, which featured multifaith advisor Ailya Vajid, Bruce Gray postdoctoral fellow Taneem Husain, and professor Fuad Naeem.

Senior Nathan Kroschel was interviewed by the St. Peter Herald about the caucus preparation event that took place on campus on Feb. 22.

KEYC profiled sophomore women's hockey player Kaitlyn Klein, who is recovering from a spinal injury suffered early this season. Several of her Gustavus teammates were also interviewed in the piece that aired on Feb. 23.

The Ames Tribune (Iowa), highlighted the upcoming Gustavus Wind Orchestra performance that will take place at the College Band Directors National Association Conference at Iowa State University. The wind orchestra will also perform with the Ames High School symphonic band on Friday, Feb. 26.

Political science professor Kate Knutson was interviewed by KEYC about the upcoming Minnesota caucuses. Seniors Jack Anderson and Delaney Sweet were also quoted in the written version of the piece.

Off Campus Events

Members of the Gustavus community are warmly invited to several upcoming events of interest at Prairie Oaks Institute, near Belle Plaine, including:

  • “Healing the Heart of Democracy: A Gathering of Spirits for the Common Good” with renowned author and educator Parker Palmer and singer/songwriter Carrie Newcomer,  at 2 p.m. on Sat., Feb. 27 at St. John Lutheran Church, Belle Plaine; advance tickets and more information at

  • “Leading with Heart: Courage and Resilience for Challenging Times: A Courage to Lead® / Daring WayTM Retreat,” Fri. – Sat., Mar. 11-12; registration and more information at

  • “Draw from the Deep Well: A Courage to Teach® Oasis for the End of the Year,” Thurs. evening – Sat. lunch, Mar. 31-Apr.l 2 offers the rare gift of a quiet, supportive space to re-charge your batteries and renew your sense of calling and purpose in the teaching life. Registration and more information at

  • “The Power of Story and the Courage to Change the World,” Apr. 14-16: with visual artist, photographer and author John Noltner (; musical artist and singer/songwriter (and director of the Gustavus Tennis & Life Camp) Neal Hagberg (; and listening artist and Courage and Renewal® facilitator (and former Gustavus Director for Vocation and Integrative Learning) Chris Johnson ( Registration and more information at


Carl Koehler, brother of Gretchen Koehler (retired HES), passed away in California on Feb 19.

Robert S. Moe of Minneapolis, Minn. and Bonita Springs, Fla., died peacefully on Feb. 21 after a long battle with Alzheimer's disease. Robert and his wife, Karin, have been generous philanthropists towards Gustavus for many years, and have supported the John S. Kendall Center for Engaged Learning and the annual Moe Lecture, which is named in their daughter's honor.  A full obituary can be read online.

To inform the campus community of the death of a current student, employee, or trustee; an emeritus professor or trustee; or an immediate family member of a current employee, contact the Office of the President (x7538 or Death announcements and funeral notices for students, current and emeritus faculty and employees, and trustees will be sent to the community via written notice from the president, posted on community-l, the official campus-wide e-mail list, and published in the Inside Gustavus or Summer Scoop. Notices for immediate family members of current employees will be published in the Inside Gustavus or the Summer Scoop unless they occur during a publication break, in which case they will be posted on employee-l.


CSA Shares for Sale...Dan Zimmerli, Gustavus alum and Macintosh coordinator for Gustavus has some CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) shares for sale for the 2016 season. Get fresh produce weekly, grown by Dan. For more information contact

Condo For Rent...2 bedroom/2 bathroom condo for the week of July 16-22, 2016.
Location: Palace View by Spinnaker, Branson, MO.  Priced below standard rental rates. Lots of fun things to do in the Branson area in the summer! Contact Dana Lamb for more details.

"Plugs" is maintained as a forum by which members of the Gustavus community may offer goods and/or services to others in the community, or seek the same from them. It is not meant to accommodate ads or announcements from area businesses such as real estate agents or retailers, although from time to time such announcements may be published when deemed to be of particular interest to the community. 


Upcoming events
Date Event
Today 34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at St Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (Plymouth, Minn.) Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church, 17205 County Rd 6, Plymouth, MN 55447, USA
6:307:30 p.m. Sunday Worship Community Chapel
78 p.m. Athletic Training Virtual Open House on Google Meet
Tomorrow Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
57 p.m. Spring into Wellness Campus Center
Feb 25 Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
1111:30 a.m. Career and Vocation Champions - Explore, Experience, Transition: Our Model for Supporting Students Center for Career Development, JSU Room 209
11:3011:50 a.m. Guided Meditation - Online
11:3011:50 a.m. Chapel Break Chapel
3:305 p.m. Campus Conversation: AI at Gustavus in Class and at Work, Three Crowns, and St. Peter rooms (JCC)
Feb 26 Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Applause for the Cause - Gustavus Performing Arts Giving Days Björling Recital Hall lobby
36 p.m. Gustavus Women in Leadership International Women's Day Event Hall
3:304:30 p.m. New Faculty Orientation Session (Required for TT faculty; others welcome) Hall, Room 304
3:304:30 p.m. New Faculty Orientation session (Required for TT faculty; others welcome) Hall, Room 304
Feb 27 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Applause for the Cause - Gustavus Performing Arts Giving Days Björling Recital Hall lobby
11:30 a.m. to 11:50 p.m. Chapel Break Chapel
11:3011:50 a.m. Guided Meditation - In Person Multifaith Center, Anderson Hall
Feb 28 Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
1st half finals
Mar 1 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at Augustana Lutheran Church (Washington D.C.) Lutheran Church, 2100 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20009
Mar 2 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at Cathedral of the Incarnation (Baltimore, Md.) of the Incarnation, 4 E University Pkwy, Baltimore, MD 21218
Mar 3 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
Spring Break
78:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at The Church of the Holy Trinity (Philadelphia, Penn.) Church of the Holy Trinity, 1904 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Mar 4 Spring Break
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. RESPOND Training: Supporting Student Mental Health Heritage Room
58 p.m. Alumni Gathering with President Bergman in North Glendale, AZ of Paul Batz '85 and Melinda Moen Batz '86
78:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church (Ridgewood, N.J.) Evangelical Lutheran Church, 155 Linwood Ave, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Mar 5 Spring Break
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library

To add or change items on the calendar, please fill out and submit a College Calendar event form. View the entire College Calendar online.


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Gustavus Shows Breadth, Depth in National Rankings

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Softball Has 12 Named NFCA Scholar-Athletes

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Women’s Basketball Earns WBCA Academic Top 25 Team Honor Roll

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Men’s Hoops Earns NABC Academic Awards

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Inside Gustavus is a newsletter for Gustavus Adolphus College employees produced by the Office of Marketing and Communication. It is published weekly during the academic year (except during the week of Thanksgiving, the Christmas break, Touring Week, and the Spring and Easter breaks). Anyone may submit items by filling out an online submission form. While online submissions are preferred, items may also be submitted typewritten on a letter-sized sheet of paper. Send "snail mail" items to: Inside Gustavus, Office of Marketing and Communication. Items must reach the office no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. For more information, contact Lorie Siebels ( or x7520).

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