Inside Gustavus September 8, 2011 | Volume 44, Number 1
Faculty/Staff Activities
An article by Laura Triplett (Geology and Environmental Studies) titled "Changes in amorphous silica sequestration with eutrophication of riverine impoundments" was published in the journal Biogeochemistry. The research examined how phosphorus pollution in the St. Croix and Mississippi Rivers has reduced the amount of silica, a key nutrient, being transported to ocean ecosystems.
In June, Triplett presented a poster titled "Eight years of silica sequestration by Phragmites australis in a fluvial environment" at the 9th International Symposium on Geochemistry of the Earth's Surface in Boulder, CO.
Amy Seham (Theatre and Dance) presented panels at two national theatre conferences this summer. In July, three Gustavus students from the social justice theatre troupe, I Am We Are, joined Dr. Seham in presenting "Battling for social justice in Cyberspace" at the Pedogogy and Theatre of the Oppressed conference in Chicago. In August, Dr. Seham collaborated with Megan Myrhe '11, to present a panel discussion, "When Social Justice Theatre Meets Religious Tradition on Campus" for the Religion and Theatre focus group of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education. A recent Gustavus graduate, Ms. Myrhe drew on her honors thesis for the Religion department, which explored the connections between social justice theatre and liberation theology as well as on her experience as a student leader of I Am We Are.
Dr. Sidonia Alenuma-Nimoh presented a paper titled "Taking Multicultural Education to the Next Level: An Introduction to Differentiated-Multicultural Instruction" at the 21st Annual Conference of National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME).
Karrin Meffert-Nelson (Music) and Scott Moore (Music) performed with the national touring production of West Side Story at the Orpheum Theater in Minneapolis.
Michele Koomen (Education) received the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Award IV: Innovation in Teaching Science Teachers. The Award Committee selected her paper, "Descriptive Inquiry in the Throes of Learning to Teach: Can Prospective Teachers Learn to Teach and Study their Teaching Closely?" The paper was co-written and presented with Jamie Mitchell '10 at the 2011 Annual ASTE International Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As the recipient of this award, she will be presented with a plaque from ASTE at the 2012 Annual ASTE International Conference Awards and Business Luncheon on Saturday, January 7, in Clearwater Beach, Florida, a $1000 check from Carolina Biological Supply, an ASTE corporate sponsor, and a tribute in the awards issue of the ASTE Newsletter.
Funding Opps
The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations' weekly program or funding opportunity highlight:
- Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI)...The RUI program supports research for faculty members of predominately undergraduate institutions through support for 1) individual and collaborative research projects, 2) the purchase of shared-use research instrumentation, and 3) Research Opportunity Awards for work with NSF-supported investigators at other institutions. These RUI programs are described at ( For more information, contact the NSF program director of the research program to which a proposal might be submitted. To locate the appropriate program officer, click on
For more information on grants or proposal preparation, contact Bob Weisenfeld in the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (x7049 or
Social Media
- View a You Tube video of first-year student move-in day here:
- View a Flickr photo gallery of Beck Academic Hall here:
- View a Flickr photo gallery of first-year student move-in day here:
- View a Flickr photo gallery of first-year orientation activities here:
- View a Flickr photo gallery of Opening Convocation here:
- Remember to follow Gustavus on Twitter by following the handle @gustavus.
For more information on social media, or to make a suggestion, contact Matt Thomas or Tim Kennedy in Marketing and Communication.
In the Media
Here are some noteworthy Gustavus-related stories that recently appeared in print or broadcast media locally, regionally, or around the nation:
- The Mankato Free Press printed a front page story on Saturday, Sept. 3, about first-year student move-in day. Students Nate Schleif, Gabrielle Gazzola, Taviah Hedstrom, Meghan Lee, and Joe Carlson were all quoted in the story.
- The Star Tribune printed an opinion piece Sunday, Sept. 4 titled "How poetry can lift us from our troubled times." The piece mentioned Joyce Sutphen (English) and her recent appointment as Minnesota's Poet Laureate.
- The St. Peter Herald printed a front page story on Thursday, Sept. 1, about Kent Nerburn's upcoming appearance on campus as this year's Reading in Common author.
Anyone who has suggested additions for this list, suggestions for potential future media stories, or interest in being a media source should contact Marketing and Communication (x7520 or
New Faces
The following people have recently joined the Gustavus community:
* New Administrators
- Ethan Armstrong, Interim Director of Sports Information, Marketing and Communication
- Margo Druschel, Assistant Disability Services Coordinator, Academic Advising Center
- Timothy Johnson, Assistant Diving Coach, Athletics
- Naomi Mortensen, Donor Relations Associate, Institutional Advancment
- Nathaneal Otto, Assistant Volleyball Coach & Women's JV Basketball Coach, Athletics
- Kirstin Peterson, Assistant Women's Hockey Coach, Athletics
- Luke Weyandt, Assistant Swimming Coach, Athletics
* New Support Staff
- Robert Andree, Officer (on call), Campus Safety
- Natalie Lindberg, Cheerleading Coach, Athletics
- Stacie Miller, Administrative Assistant, Communications Studies and History
- Walter Timmerman, Officer (on call), Campus Safety
- JoAnn Trimbo, Cusotidan, Custodial
President's Cabinet Summary
The President’s Cabinet met on Tuesday, September 6 and discussed the following topics:
- Discussion was held regarding the September 29-30 Board of Trustees meeting agenda and related activities.
- President Ohle indicated that a display surrounding the College’s core values will be placed in the Campus Center this fall.
- The hiring of a part-time Dining Service position was approved.
- Ken Westphal reminded members about College policy concerning outside vendor contracts. Because of legal issues, either President Ohle, or Ken with his approval, are required to sign all contracts with vendors.
- Ken made his annual reminder to the Cabinet that the College’s Educators Legal Liability (ELL) Insurance requires the institution to provide timely notice to ELL of any actual claim as well as any incident that may develop into a claim. This policy requires that incidents be reported to the insurer as soon as they are known by the institution.
News & Announcements
About Inside Gustavus...Welcome to a new academic term, the 150th at Gustavus Adolphus College. With the beginning of a new school year comes Inside Gustavus, the campus's weekly, online, internal newsletter. Inside Gustavus will be posted online each Thursday except during academic breaks. Here's some technical stuff that you'll want to keep in mind regarding submissions and publication:
- How should items be submitted? Fill out an online news submission form (, click the Inside Gustavus box, and finally click the submit box.
- What is the deadline? All submissions must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to publication.
- Who may submit items? Anyone who has pertinent news or information for the campus community. Keep in mind that the newsletter is not a vehicle for personal thank-yous or a market for local businesses, and the editor retains the right to edit material and refuse material deemed inappropriate.
- How many times may an item run? Generally, twice, so plan your event and promotion accordingly. Sometimes, we can run an advance notice (perhaps 6-8 weeks out) and then run two closer to the date of the event. Notices of academic processes and deadlines (e.g., the appeal for support letters for tenure candidates) are exempt from the “two times” rule and can appear additional times upon request.
- When is the newsletter distributed? Each week of the academic year except during the week of Thanksgiving, the weeks of Christmas break, Touring Week, and the week of spring break.
How to Submit a Calendar Item...As we begin a new academic term, the Marketing and Communication staff reminds the community of the process for submitting events for the online College Calendar. Departments, student groups, and individuals may submit events to the online College Calendar to keep the campus updated on events and activities offered throughout the year. By using the online College Calendar as a central location for event announcements, the event will show up in our searchable, online calendar, and it will also show up in various locations on the Gustavus website.
- Submissions to the calendar can be made by clicking on the following link and entering the appropriate information (date, time, location, event description, sponsor, and contact info): Submit an item. (This can also be found through the Gustavus homepage, clicking on "Calendar" and then "Submit an item".
- Once a submission has been made, it will be reviewed and approved by the Office of Marketing and Communication and then posted to the College Calendar. Those who visit the College’s homepage will be able to view the Calendar, which includes events for the day, week, and month.
Staff Reclassification Committee...The Staff Reclassification Committee (SRC) is scheduled to meet September 29 to review and evaluate complete reclassification requests received in the Department of Human Resources by September 22. Complete requests are those submitted on the "Position Description Questionnaire" form (normally completed by the employee) and accompanied by a "Request for Job Description Review" form completed by the supervisor and signed by the appropriate Vice President. Both forms are available in the Department of Human Resources. Requests for reclassification received after September 22 will be carried to the next meeting of the Committee to be scheduled for March 2012.
Select Account...There is an update on how pharmacy expenses will be paid from your Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) and Flexible Spending Account (FSA). Now, when you visit the pharmacy, if you are enrolled in crossover and there is money in your account to cover all or part of the cost of the prescription, the funds will be pulled directly from your account and paid to the pharmacy (would pay out of the HRA first and once those funds are gone, it would pay out of the FSA). That means no more waiting for reimbursement. If there is not enough money in your account to cover the full cost of the prescription, you will be responsible for paying the remainder out of pocket.
If you have any questions about this feature, please contact Select Account customer service at (651) 662-5065 or toll free at 1-800-859-2144, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., CST.
Fitness Classes...Activities scheduled as part of the Gustavus Health Promotion (GHP) for the Fall 2011 semester are listed below. All Classes are free of charge and available to Gustavus employees and spouses. Each class is designed to challenge all fitness levels, and you don’t need to be “in shape” to participate. I encourage everyone to bring a friend and give each class a try (you do not need to sign up or register for classes). Classes begin Monday, September 12. If you have any questions about any of the programs that are offered, contact Rachelle Dosch x6468.
- High-Low Mixx: 11:40 - 12:20 p.m. , Monday, Instructor: Brenda Haugen, Lund 217—This class includes a variety of kick boxing moves and high/low aerobic exercises that will be sure to provide you with the energy boost you need to start your week off right.
- The Mixx: 6:30 - 7:30 a.m., Tuesday, Instructor: Brenda Haugen, Lund 224—Calling all early birds! The “50/50 Mixx” is an all-in-one workout that includes cardiovascular strength training and muscular strength training.
- Yoga: 11:40 - 12:20 p.m., Tuesday, Instructor: Kelly Holland, Lund 224—Join new GHP and certified Yoga Instructor, Kelly Holland, for the first of two Yoga classes offered each week during the fall semester. This class is meant for the yoga novice or veteran. So kick off your shoes, lay out your mat, and prepare to balance the body and mind!
- Water Aerobics: 12:40 - 1:20 p.m., Wednesday, Instructor: Kari Eckheart, Lund Pool—The water is a great place to work out and an excellent way to incorporate some variety into your normal routine! This water class is for participants who are comfortable in the shallow end as well as the deep end.
- Cardio-Strength Circuit: 5:00pm - 5:50 p.m., Wednesday, Instructor: Brenda Haugen, Lund 224— A great mid-week motivator! Shape it up with this all-in-one cardio/free weights class that gets your heart pumpin’ and your muscles movin’! This class is meant for all fitness levels. This is a 7-week class available from 9/14 - 10/26.
- Yoga: 12:40 - 1:20 p.m., Thursday, Instructor: Brenda Haugen, Lund 224—Kick off your shoes, lay out your mat, and prepare to balance the body and mind. For the Yoga novice or veteran, this is a great way to refresh and rejuvenate at the end of the week!
- "The Movers” Walking Club: 12:40 - 1:20 p.m., Monday & Friday, Meet in Lund—This is an informal class without an instructor that is open to anyone who wants to meet people to walk, jog, and socialize while exercising. Come for 10 minutes or stay for the entire 40 minutes. All participants will meet at the Red Desk and decide where they want to start moving! Participants can use the Lund Center Forum, Outdoor Track, or Arboretum.
A weekly circuit will be posted on the wall in the Lund Center forum for individuals looking to add variety into their workout. This circuit will include a variety of total body exercises. This is a great option for people who need to workout on their own and want the structure of someone telling them what to do. The circuit will be posted under the big time clock in the forum.
Faculty Shop Talk...Pamela Kittelson (Biology) will present the first Faculty Shop Talk of the 2011/12 academic year. Her talk entitled, “Early Bloomers: Can climate advance flowering” will be presented on Friday, September 16th, at 4:30 p.m. in the Interpretive Center. Feel free to arrive any time after 4:15 p.m. The abstract for this and future talks may be viewed at,
Join the St. Peter Choral Society...Members of the Gustavus community are invited to join the Saint Peter Choral Society to prepare for two performances of Bach's St. John Passion with orchestra next March. Rehearsals begin Monday, September 12 from 7:15 to 9:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 511 S. Fifth Street. For further information call Director Sara McKay at 934-6176 or President Dr. John Holte 933-7465.
Online Ticketing Procedures...All campus members who want a ticket for the Nobel Conference, Christmas in Christ Chapel, or any theatre and dance or Fine Arts Performance Series event on campus will need to order their tickets online.
Go to the ticket website,
Employees should log into the left side of the page; it will verify employee status and make them eligible for a complimentary ticket.
First-time users will be asked to set up a profile: The billing address should match the address they use for any Mastercard/Visa purchases. If they were to purchase additional tickets, the verification process will confirm that the address matches the credit card information.The shipping address should be changed to 800 West College Avenue if that is possible. It helps us save on postage if we can use our delivery system instead of the postal service. Returning users should verify their billing/shipping information and update as necessary. Employees who do not use a Gustavus e-mail account should contact the Office of Marketing and Communication at 933-7520 for assistance in building a profile to receive a complimentary ticket.
Flu Shot Clinic...Fight the flu! Wednesday, September 21st and Thursday, October 6th. Heritage Banquet Rooms, 8am - 4pm.
Available for students and current employees. Also available to employee’s spouse, partner and dependents over age 18. Not available to retirees. Watch for information about a future flu shot clinic also available to retirees.
Payment Methods:
Billing Insurance: Bring your insurance card. Or bring a copy of the front and back of your insurance card to allow for faster check-in. We will need to know who the policyholder is - name, address, date of birth. Gustavus supplemental studen insurance does not cover the flu shots - take advantage of our same day discounted price. Flu shots will be billed at $49 to insurance and are not eligible for the same day discounted price. You will be billed the balance due. We are unable to bill Medicare - all other insurances accepted. Check your insurance policy for coverage.
Cash Discount: If your insurances does not cover the flu shot, take advantage of our same day only discounted price of $25. We accept cash, check payable to Gustavus, or bill your student account (we are unable to bill employee accounts). No debit or credit cards accepted. The same day discounted price will not be honored after the date the flu shot is given. Many insurance plans cover the flu shots 100%. Check your insurance coverage.
C in CC Tickets...Christmas in Christ Chapel worship service and buffet tickets will go on sale on Monday, September 19. Tickets are $17.50 each. Tickets will go on sale to the general public on October 18, for best selection order early.
To order, go to You may order your complimentary ticket and any additional tickets through this site. Performers may request a complimentary ticket and give it to friends or family, but the ticket must be ordered by the student. Tickets will be mailed to the shipping address in mid-October.
Campus Happenings
Chapel Schedule... All are invited to the worship services at 10 a.m. weekdays and 10:30 a.m. Sundays in Christ Chapel. The schedule is as follows:
- Friday, Sept. 9: Mark Braun, Provost and Dean of the College
- Sunday, Sept. 11: Chaplain Rod Anderson
- Monday, Sept. 12: Will Freiert (Classics)
- Tuesday, Sept. 13: Chaplain Rod Anderson
- Wednesday, Sept. 14: Morning Praise
- Thursday, Sept. 15: Tom Crady, Vice President for Enrollment Management
- Friday, Sept. 16: Chaplain Rachel Larson
Fall Fest...Come explore the Linnaeus Arboretum for Fall Fest on Saturday, Sept. 17! Newcomers welcomed. The day’s activities include: Hayrides, guided tours, artisans & artists, music, book signing (Herb Chilstrom, Bob Douglas), pumpkin painting, scavenger hunts, face painting, and a concession stand. Alpacas are returning for another visit! Also, Flood Plain Four (10:15am & 11:30am), Theater in the Arb (11am, 12pm, 1pm), and last but not least, border collies agility & herding demonstration (3pm).
Michael Chorost...As a pre-cursor to this year’s Nobel Conference (“The Brain and Being Human”), conference organizers and the Neuroscience Program at Gustavus have invited technology theorist Michael Chorost to speak at the College on Friday, Sept. 9. Chorost’s talk is titled “World Wide Mind: How to Connect Your Brain to the Internet (And Would You Want To)” and will take place at 2:30 p.m. in Alumni Hall, located on the upper level of the O.J. Johnson Student Union.
Hillstrom Museum of Art...The Hillstrom Museum of Art at Gustavus Adolphus College will open three concurrent exhibitions on Monday, Sept. 12. The new exhibitions include A Collector’s Passion for Dürer’s Secrets: the MAGJEKL Collection, “Comfort Me, Said He,” Recent Work by Kristen Lowe, and FOCUS IN/ON: Guy Pène du Bois’ Connoisseurs. An opening reception for these exhibits will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday, Sept. 12. A second reception will occur during the Nobel Conference from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 4. The exhibitions will remain on view through Sunday, Nov. 6, and they are free and open to the public.
Reading in Common Author...Kent Nerburn, the author of this year’s Reading in Common book, The Wolf at Twilight, will give a free public lecture at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 13 in Alumni Hall, located on the upper level of the O.J. Johnson Student Union. Nerburn will be joined by the Native American father and son tandem of Raymond and Martin Sensmeier, who will share their experiences and insight as members of the Tlingit Tribe of Yakatut, Alaska. Following the event, there will be a question and answer session and a book signing.
Celebrate St. Peter Day...Saturday, Sept. 17 is Celebrate St. Peter Day as Gustavus will welcome members from the St. Peter Community to come to campus to attend a variety of events at no charge. Please welcome community member to campus that day if you see them around campus.
Nobel Conference...The 47th annual Nobel Conference is titled The Brain and Being Human," and will take place Oct. 4-5. More information is available at
For Sale...Tiered computer desk. Dimensions of the desk are 35" H x 39 1/2" W x 29 1/2" D. The main desk has a few compartments for desk accessories which measures 22" L x 5 1/2" W x 5 1/2" D. The top tier measures 30" W x 13 3/4" D. Asking $50.00. Please contact LuAnn at 933-6664.
For Rent...Very nice room for rent - close to campus. Includes all utilities, furnished if needed, access to attached garage, wi-fi. Private bathroom. No smoking or pets. Quiet home and neighborhood. 450.00 per month. Call 507-340-5656
Creative Play Place Rummage Sale...Saturday, September 10, 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Saint Peter Community Center Parking Lot (601 S Washington Ave, Saint Peter). Featuring children's items and clothes. Proceeds support the Creative Play Place, keeping it free and open to all.
"Plugs" is maintained as a forum by which members of the Gustavus community may offer goods and/or services to others in the community, or seek the same from them. It is not meant to accommodate ads or announcements from area businesses such as real estate agents or retailers, although from time to time such announcements may be published when deemed to be of particular interest to the community.
To add or change items on the calendar, please fill out and submit a College Calendar event form. View the entire College Calendar online.
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Inside Gustavus is a newsletter for Gustavus Adolphus College employees produced by the Office of Marketing and Communication. It is published weekly during the academic year (except during the week of Thanksgiving, the Christmas break, Touring Week, and the Spring and Easter breaks). Anyone may submit items by filling out an online submission form. While online submissions are preferred, items may also be submitted typewritten on a letter-sized sheet of paper. Send "snail mail" items to: Inside Gustavus, Office of Marketing and Communication. Items must reach the office no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. The week of Nobel Conference the deadline is 4:30 p.m. Monday. For more information, contact Matt Thomas ( or x7510).
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