Inside Gustavus April 7, 2011 | Volume 43, Number 27
Faculty/Staff Activities
Chris Johnson (Center for Servant Leadership) presented "Models of Excellence in Mentoring for Vocation," with colleagues from St. Norbert College, at the national NetVUE (Network on Vocation in Undergraduate Education) conference, March 11 in Indianapolis.Gustavus was represented at the conference by a team consisting of Johnson, Provost David Fienen, and Barb Larson Taylor, assistant to the president for special projects.
On March 23-24 Darrell Jodock (religion) spent two days at California Lutheran University delivering a public lecture on "Serving Others (Vocation) in an Anxious and Polarized Age" and a chapel talk on "Faith, Risk, and Promise." He also made presentations to the CLU cabinet, to a group of student leaders, to persons who had attended the Vocation of a Lutheran College Conference, to staff from the offices of admission, marketing, and advancement, to a group of faculty who attended a "Teaching and Learning" lunch, and to another group at a "Faculty Forum." He also was interviewed at some length by a consultant who was on campus to develop a strategy for branding and marketing. The focus of all of these presentations was on vocation as a campus-wide priority and on the characteristics of Lutheran higher education.
Virgil Jones (multicultural programs) is being honored by his alma mater, the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (Class of 1996), with that university's 2011 Multicultural Alumni Award. It will be presented to Jones during ceremonies in May.
Bob Douglas (geography) published "The Cuban Community in Louisville" in the latest edition of the Journal of Kentucky Studies at Northern Kentucky University.
Asli Ilgit (political science) has been selected to attend the 2011 National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Seminar for College and University Teachers. She will participate in a seminar titled "Rethinking International Immigration." The five-week seminar will be held at the UCLA campus from June 13 through July 15. The 16 NEH summer scholars selected to participate in the program are from a broad range of disciplinary backgrounds and will each receive a stipend of $3,900.
Jeff A. Jenson (library/archives) published "Minnesota Apple Trees: Growing Shorter in the 1950s" in the most recent issue of Minnesota History. The work explains how a new trend transformed the way the "King of Fruits" was grown, picked, and sold following a century of careful work developing tasty apples that tolerated Minnesota's climatic extremes.
Sidonia Alenuma-Nimoh (education) and Mimi Gerstbauer (political science) have co-authored a book chapter, "Gendered globalization: A rexamination of the changing roles of women Africa," in a new book, titled Critical Perspectives on Neoliberal Globalization, Development and Education in African and Asia, edited by Dip Kapoor of the University of Alberta, Canada.
Kate Knutson (political science) and seniors Jacqueline Schwerm and Courtney West presented papers and posters at the 69th annual national conference of the Midwest Political Science Association in Chicago, Ill., March 31-April 3. Kate and Jacqueline presented a paper they co-authored based on a collaborative research project funded by a Presidential Faculty-Student Collaboration Grant. Their paper was titled "Minnesota's Joint Religious Legislative Coalition: An Experiment in Interfaith Advocacy." Jacqueline also presented a poster based on her political science honors thesis, titled "A New Wave? Conservative Feminism and Women's Interest Groups in the 21st Century." Courtney presented a poster based on her political science honors thesis as well, titled "The Conflict Within: The Multiple Identities of Catholics for Equality." The annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association is one of the largest conferences in the discipline, drawing over 4,500 political scientists from around the world.
Student Achievements
Junior ACS chemistry major Steve Groskreutz has been named the recipient of a 2011 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, the premier undergraduate award for students pursuing careers in the fields of mathematics, the natural sciences, and engineering. The Faribault native is the seventh Gustavus student since 2000 to receive a Goldwater Scholarship. Groskreutz has worked in the chromatography lab of Dwight Stoll (chemistry) during January Interims and summer months over the past three years, assisting Stoll in his efforts to develop fast two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography as an analytical tool capable of quickly separating and quantifying chemical constituents of complex mixtures. This summer, he will be working in the laboratory of Professor Stephen Weber at the University of Pittsburgh. After his scheduled graduation date at Gustavus in 2012, Groskreutz plans to pursue a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry and to one day work for a large company in the agricultural business sector.
For the second straight year, the Gustavus forensics team has earned a top 10 national ranking at the American Forensic Association’s National Individual Events Tournament (AFA-NIET). The team earned 152.5 points to finish in 10th place at the tournament, which took place at the University of Nebraska-Kearney April 2-4. Western Kentucky University took first place in the team sweepstakes with 412 points. Gustavus is one of only a few smaller colleges that placed in the top 20, which is dominated by larger research universities. In addition to the tremendous team accomplishment, several individuals also earned distinctive honors at the AFA-NIET. Junior Chloe Radcliffe earned an individual national championship after taking first place in Prose Interpretation, beating out 165 other competitors in the category to become the first Gustavus student to earn a national championship at the AFA-NIET. Senior Phil Helt advanced to the semifinals in Impromptu Speaking and the quarterfinals in Persuasion and was also named to the 2011 AFA-NIET All-American Team, becoming the College's fourth AFA-NIET All-American. Junior Sam Hemmerich broke two events to out-rounds, advancing to the quarterfinals in both Drama and Prose Interpretation. This year marks the fifth straight year that the Gustavus forensics team has earned a top 20 national ranking. Gustavus is one of only 11 schools—and the only "non-Division I" school—to be ranked in the top 20 in each of the past five years.
Funding Opps
The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations' weekly program or funding opportunity highlight:
American Association of University Women Fellowships and Publication Grants... The AAUW offers Post-Doctoral Research Leave Fellowships and Summer/Short-term Research Publication Grants. The former provides $30,000 for one year of support for women in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. The latter provides $6,000 in support for tenure-track women faculty members without a strong publishing record for eight consecutive weeks of final preparation of research publications. The tentative deadline is November 15. For more information, see the AAUW website.
For more information on grants or proposal preparation, contact Bob Weisenfeld in the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (x7049 or
Social Media
Internet Privacy... Have you considered your privacy on the Internet? Over the past year, the well-known social media tool Facebook has received much attention for its confusing user privacy controls. This week, take an extra 10 minutes and review your Facebook privacy settings. Once logged in, you can access these settings by clicking on the Account tab in the upper right corner, and then selecting Privacy Settings. For more information about using the privacy controls as well as general Facebook privacy information, check out the Facebook Privacy Explanation. Remember Facebook is about sharing information, but you do have the power to decide how much you wish to share.
For more information on social media, or to make a suggestion, contact Stacia Vogel in Marketing and Communication (x6365 or
In the Media
Here are some noteworthy Gustavus-related stories that recently appeared in print or broadcast media locally, regionally, or around the nation:
- The Mankato Free Press printed a story on Wednesday, April 6, about the 2011 Reading in Common selection, The Wolf at Twilight. Megan Ruble (student activities) was quoted in the story.
- The Mankato Free Press printed a story on Wednesday, April 6, about the Chemistry Club's "Science on Saturday" event.
- Sophomore forensics team member Vanessa Condon was featured in a photograph in the April 4 edition of the Kearney Hub in Kearney, Neb., alongside a story about the American Forensic Association's National Individual Events Tournament.
- included a brief about Mark Braun being appointed Provost and Dean of the College on its website on Wednesday, March 30.
- The Mankato Free Press printed a feature story about Gustavus student Jasmine Porter in its Monday, March 2,8 edition. Porter is the recipient of an Institute for International Public Policy fellowship worth an estimated $75,000.
- The Mankato Free Press printed two photographs and a short story about the Gustavus women's softball team in its April 3 Sports section.
Anyone who has suggested additions for this list, suggestions for potential future media stories, or interest in being a media source should contact Marketing and Communication (x7520 or
New Faces
The following people have recently joined the Gustavus community:
* New Support Staff
- Robert Leal, part-time custodian (physical plant)
- Wayne Overson, custodian (physical plant; transferring from Campus Safety)
- Ricky Schroeder, part-time custodian (physical plant)
Position Openings
- Campus Safety officer
For more information on the aforementioned position(s), call Human Resources (x7304).
President's Cabinet Summary
The President’s Cabinet met on March 15, March 22, and April 5, 2011. Items discussed include:
- President Ohle thanked Cabinet members for their work concerning the attempted sexual assaults on March 5 and 6. Next steps in the communication strategy regarding the attempted sexual assaults were discussed.
- Professors Steve Mellema and Sujay Rao, Faculty Senate Chair and Vice Chair respectively, gave an update at the March 15 meeting on recent Faculty Senate activities, including discussion concerning Faculty Manual amendments and the process of two current searches—the Distinguished Chair in Lutheran Studies and the Distinguished Chair in Management and Leadership.
- Two resolutions from the Student Senate were reviewed, one regarding the escort ride system and one concerning the two attempted sexual assaults.
- Director of the Center for Environmental Innovation Jim Dontje gave a report on the President’s Climate Initiative.
- Future use of the Retreat Center was explored, given that the Office of Church Relations has moved to the Johnson Student Union as part of the Center for Servant Leadership.
- Conversation was held regarding Creative Play Place, a place for parents and children to gather with other parents and children, located in the St. Peter Community Center. The organization is interested in collaborating with the College.
- Homecoming 2012 was confirmed for October 13.
- Health Service Nurse Practitioner Nissa Fell gave a presentation regarding Gustavus becoming a tobacco-free campus. Vice President Stocco and others in the Student Affairs division will plan conversations with campus constituencies in April.
- Sponsored home pages for student organizations was discussed, and it was confirmed that third-party sponsorship is not permitted.
- The Cabinet discussed the “It Gets Better” video produced by Campus Activities Board in collaboration with other student groups.
- The need and strategic goal to have an interfaith reflection space on campus was discussed. Several spaces were considered for this purpose.
- The Cabinet reviewed the schedule for the April 9 Convention of the Gustavus Adolphus College Association of Congregations, including the opening of the Center for Servant Leadership.
News & Announcements
TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Sessions... A TIAA-CREF representative will be on campus on May 3, 4, & 5, 2011, for individual counseling sessions. To schedule an appointment, please contact 800-732-8353, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Reading in Common Book Selected for 2011-12... The Reading in Common book committee has selected The Wolf at Twilight: An Indian Elder’s Journey through a Land of Ghosts and Shadows , by Kent Nerburn, as its Reading in Common book for the 2011-12 academic year. The book is a fictionalized account of actual events as the author rekindles a friendship with a Lakota elder named Dan. The story reveals the Native American way of teaching and learning and also unmasks the dynamically complicated relationship between a white American and a Dakota Indian. Nerburn also uncovers a common occurrence in the late 19th and early 20th century when many Indian children were taken from their families and sent away to boarding schools where teachers forced them to abandon their tribal traditions and native tongue and learn English. Nerburn is the author of 12 books on spirituality and Native themes. He will make a public appearance on campus, tentatively scheduled for Sept. 13-14. This is the 12th year of the Reading in Common program at Gustavus. All first-year students are expected to read the chosen book during the summer and then meet with faculty members and upperclass students during New Student Orientation to discuss it.
Clothesline Project... On Monday, April 18, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) will be hosting the Clothesline Project just outside of the Jackson Campus Center's Heritage Room. The Clothesline Project is a program that addresses the issue of violence against women, with the primary purpose being to increase awareness, celebrate a woman’s strength to survive, and provide another way to break the silence that often surrounds her experience. During this event, students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to decorate a shirt for themselves or for someone they know who has been affected by violence and/or sexual assault. There are five T-shirt colors to choose from, each color representing a different population that has been affected. The Blue shirt represents children that have been sexually assaulted or molested. The Purple represents GLTBQ that have been sexually assaulted based on the premise of sexual orientation. The White represents those who pledge to never commit, condone, or remain silent about sexual violence. The Yellow is for males who have been sexually assaulted. The Orange represents those that have been sexually assaulted or raped. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate.
Campus Happenings
Chapel Schedule... All are invited to the worship services at 10 a.m. weekdays and 10:30 a.m. Sundays in Christ Chapel. The upcoming schedule is as follows.
- Friday, April 8 - Women in Business Leadership: Kathi Tunheim (E/M)
- Saturday, April 9 - Gustavus Association of Congregations Convention; 10 a.m. worship: the Rev. Rod Anderson
- Sunday, April 10 - Chaplain Rachel Larson
- Monday, April 11 - Mary Solberg (religion)
- Tuesday, April 12 - Taizé
- Wednesday, April 13 - Lenten Liturgy
- Thursday, April 14 - TBA
- Friday, April 15 - Chad Fothergill (music/chaplains' office)
'Women Discovering Leadership'... A new student organization at Gustavus, Women in Business Leadership, will be hosting the first annual Women in Leadership conference, "Women Discovering Leadership," on Friday (April 8). This year's keynote speaker will be Susan Madsen, Ph.D., associate professor of management at Utah Valley University and an author and expert on women in leadership. Following Madsen's presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to take in two of the six breakout sessions available; topics include Career Advice for Female Students, The Importance of Mentoring in the Real World, Using Your College Connections to Network, a CEO Panel, an Entrepreneurs Panel, and Communication and Gender. Following a luncheon, the closing speaker will be Nancy Johnson Dahl '83, CEO of LifeTouch Studios, Eden Prairie. Tickets are required (at $15 for students, $25 for Gustavus employees, and $30 for general admission) and are available through
CSA Fair on April 8... Are you and your family interested in receiving locally-grown fresh and organic produce on a weekly basis? Representatives of local farms will be on campus providing Gustavus employees with useful information about their Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Shares. GHP will host a CSA Fair on Friday, April 8, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Faculty/Staff Lounge. The CSA Fair utilizes a drop-in format to allow interested employees to meet local farm representatives face-to-face to learn about the farms' philosophies, operations, and specific share offerings. Employees will have the opportunity to register for shares during the fair. If there is enough interest from Gustavus employees in purchasing shares, there is a possibility of a Gustavus Campus drop-off site. Confirmed farms attending the CSA Fair are:
Gullywash Gardens (Belle Plaine): Roy and Barbara
Website Profile
Gullywash Gardens slideshow - Living Land Farm (St. Peter): Adam Ellefson and Lupita Marchan
Listing under Living Land Farm: - Pine Acres Farm (Belle Plaine): Jane Mosel and Jeff Mosel
Phone: 218-349-7850 - East Henderson Farm (Henderson): Josh Reinitz and family
Faculty Shop Talk... Karla Marz (biology) will present the next Faculty Shop Talk of the 2010-11 academic year. Her talk, titled “Molecular gears of the daily clocks inside us,” will be presented on Friday, April 8, at 4:30 p.m. in the Lind Interpretive Center. Feel free to arrive any time after 4:15 p.m. The abstract for this and future talks may be viewed at
'Enfolded Precision: Embodied Interpretations'... Advanced dance composition students will be presenting their choreographic work in response to Many-Fold Manifolds: Engineered Origami by Robert Lang" and "Look! Works from the Hillstrom Collection" in a special performance titled "Enfolded Precision: Embodied Interpretations" at the Hillstrom Museum presented by the Department of Theatre and Dance in collaboration with the Hillstrom Museum on Friday, April 8, 5:30-6:30 p.m., and Saturday, April 9, 3-4 p.m.
Association of Congregations Focuses on Servant-Leadership... The 24th annual Gustavus Association of Congregations (GACAC) convention will be held on Saturday, April 9. The theme for the day is "A Year of Living Purposefully: Savoring Life Through Servant-Leadership." Richard J. Leider '66 and Larry C. Spears will give the keynote address, to begin at 11 a.m. in Christ Chapel. During the afternoon workshop in the Campus Center, an interactive experience using a specially-created card deck will guide participants through a technique to see for themselves their own God-given gifts. Other events for the day include the annual business meeting with Trustee and Association elections; and worship in Christ Chapel with the Rev. Rodney L. Anderson as homilist, and the dedication of Gustavus' new Center for Servant Leadership. The 2011 Covenant Award will be presented during the noon luncheon to Bishop Jon Anderson of the Southwestern Minnesota Synod ELCA in appreciation of his commitment to the College, contributions toward the College's mission, and strengthening the partnership of the College with Lutheran congregations.
Jazz Lab Band to Perform Home Concert... Following participation in the Notre Dame Jazz Festival and the Eau Claire Jazz Festival, the Gustavus Adolphus College Jazz Lab Band and Director Steve Wright return to Gustavus to play their spring home concert at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 9, at Jussi Björling Recital Hall. The concert includes works that the band performed at the two festivals as well as additional selections, including such standards as "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square," "Groove Merchant," "Yardbird Suite," and "La Fiesta" and newer works like Rick Cornish’s "Ballade" and "Spain" by Chick Corea. The program also includes two works by the band’s director, Steve Wright—"Doubledad" and "Riu Riu," a work he arranged for Christmas in Christ Chapel 2010.
Orchestra's Home Concert Set for Sunday Afternoon... The Gustavus Symphony Orchestra and Conductor Ruth Lin return from a 10-day Midwestern concert tour to present their Home Concert in Christ Chapel on Sunday, April 10, at 1:30 p.m. For this concert, the orchestra will perform two works by Peter Tchaikovsky: the "Romeo and Juliet Overture" and the Symphony No. 2 in C minor, Op. 17, known as the “Little Russian.” First-year conductor Ruth Lin promises a memorable concert, "because it’s great music played by people who love it. And, I promise it will be fun!” This performance is free and open to the public.
Alumnus Organ Recital... Gustavus graduate Jerrad Fenske returns to Gustavus on Sunday, April 10, to present an alumnus organ recital in the Youngdahl Organ Studio in the Schaefer Music Building (Room 103). Fenske’s recital begins at 7:30 p.m. and is free and open to the public. Fenske, a 1990 graduate of Gustavus, earned his master's degree from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. He is artistic director of Men’s Voices Milwaukee and organist and choirmaster at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Milwaukee.
Second Colloquium Session Next Week... "What is 'the scientific community,' and who belongs to it?" is the topic of the second of three conversations about "Community: Concept & Reality" sponsored by the Religion Department to be held this semester. Panelists Margaret Bloch-Qazi (biology), Jeff Dahlseid (molecular biology & biochemistry), and Chuck Niederriter (physics) will lead the conversation on Tuesday, April 12, 1:30-3 p.m., inOlin 103, responding to the question on the table and inviting further comments, questions, and reflections by all those who attend. Refreshments, of course. For more information, contact
Gustie Breakfast... You are invited to a Gustie breakfast Wednesday, April 13. Reserve your spot by e-mailing or call 507-933-6664. Engage with other friends of Gustavus and learn something about the College at the Saint Peter Gustie breakfasts. The on-campus breakfasts will be held at 7:30 a.m..on the second Wednesday of each month in a campus banquet room. Cost is $8 for an individual or $15 per couple, payable at the door. This month’s breakfast will feature Warren Wunderlich, director of the physical plant. Upcoming breakfasts include Carolyn O'Grady (CICE) on May 11 and Grady St. Dennis (CSL) on June 8. Visit for more information.
Dinesh D'Souza to Speak on Campus... The 2011 Lindau Symposium at Gustavus Adolphus College will feature conservative scholar, writer, and public intellectual Dinesh D'Souza. D'Souza, a former policy analyst in the Reagan White House and current president of King's College in New York, will deliver the symposium address, "Why America Is Loved, Why America Is Hated," on Thursday, April 14, at 7 p.m. in Alumni Hall and will participate in a reception and dialogue following his lecture. The event is open to the public without charge. Author of 10 books, including The End of Racism and What's So Great about America, D'Souza has been named one of the nation's leading authorities on international issues by the World Affairs Council and one of America's most influential conservative thinkers by The New Your Times Magazine. His appearance at the Lindau Endowed Symposium is made possible with funding from the Phil '58 and Nancy Lindau family.
Off-Campus Events of Interest
'How Swede It Is!'... The folks at the American Swedish Institute will be closing their mansion in Minneapolis soon for renovations, but before they do they are holding a weekend-long festival celebration. On Saturday, April 16, ASI will be hosting a groundbreaking ceremony at 10 a.m. in order to kick off the construction of the Nelson Cultural Center (which will contain offices for Gustavus). The festivities continue throughout the day with live dancing and music, including two Gustavus ensembles. There will also be a meatball recipe competition from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., along with short theatrical presentations about Swedish immigration throughout the day. There will also be opportunities to tour the mansion.
On Sunday, April 17, there will be two smörgåsbords, one at noon and one at 5 p.m. Both meals will feature a performance by members of the Gustavus Choir. (Reservations must be made by Friday, April 15. Cost: $28). For more information please see the ASI event webpage (
Post-Prom Party Fundraiser... The SPHS Post-Prom Party Committee is sponsoring a fundraiser on Saturday, April 16, at the Red Men Club (412 S. Third St., St. Peter). A bake sale will be held from 8 a.m. to noon, and Bingo offered from 4 to 6 p.m. (must be 18 years old to play). Everyone is welcome! For questions, contact Ann Volk at 931-5816.
Benefit Fundraiser for Heather Banks... A benefit for Heather Banks (Career Center) will be held at the Red Men Club (412 S. 3rd, St. Peter) on Sunday, April 17, noon-4 p.m. Heather continues to undergo treatment for Stage 3 breast cancer, and the proceeds from this benefit will help assist Heather and her family—husband Aaron (HES) and their two young boys—with her rising medical expenses. The event will include food, a silent auction, bingo, and a bake sale. To donate silent auction or bake sale items, contact Kristen Hartz at khartz or Amy Pehrson at apehrson or call x7169.
Congregational Outreach
Partners in Education... Presenters for this week include Elizabeth Baer (English) and Darrell Jodock (religion). Baer will be speaking on April 10 at First Lutheran Church in St. Peter on the topic "How do we Teach Evil to our Chirldrean in a Post-Holocaust World?" Darrell Jodock will be presenting at Hope Lutheran Church in Jordan, Minn., from 9:40 to 10:50 a.m. He will be speaking on the topic "The Mystery of God." Partners in Education is a program coordinated by the Office of Church Relations in which participating faculty and staff members prepare topical presentations for adult forums, workshops, and seminars in congregations of the ELCA.
Events... The annual convention of the Gustavus Association of Congregations will be held on Saturday, April 9 (see information above, in the Campus Happenings section. Included on the schedule for a third consecutive year is a Student Leadership track. High school student leaders and potential prospects in grades 8-11, as well as youth directors, are welcomed for a day of leadership development that will help participants consider what leadership is, ways to lead and, working with Gustavus student facilitators, how to develop an understanding of themselves as leaders in their congregations and communities. Tiger McLuen of Youth Leadership will keynote and will also lead training. A special afternoon workshop led by Richard Leider and Larry Spears, "Discovering the Essence of Servant-Leadership," will help participants see for themselves their God-given gifts and will help youth directors better understand their youth and how they can help the students succeed as leaders.
Guest House Keys... Now that the Church Relations office has moved, keys for Guest House or Retreat Center can be picked up during office hours in Room 216, Center for Servant Leadership, in the Johnson Student Union. (Please do NOT plan to pick up keys during Chapel break.) Guests may check in after 3 p.m. on the day of arrival, and check-out time is 10 a.m. (unless other times are pre-arranged).
Music in Worship... Any Gustavus music ensemble or soloist is welcome to perform in congregations. For more information, contact Marilyn Beyer (x7001).
Granlund Sculpture Offered... A Paul Granlund sculpture from the estate of the late William Mortensen '53 is being offered for sale. The piece, one of three castings made in 1977, is an image of the crucified Christ similar to the figure that is part of the chancel cross Chancel Crucifixion created for First Lutheran Church in 1974 (#361 in the catalogue system developed for the 1991 book Paul Granlund: Spirit of Bronze, Shape of Freedom), but larger—23". The sculpture has been appraised at $20,000; the seller is asking $16,000 or best offer. If interested, call Stefan Mortensen at 612-978-6236, or e-mail him at
For Sale... Blackberry Curve 8330, in excellent condition; dark red coverplate; includes charging cords, case, and manual; $50.00. Contact Jeanne Herman ( or call 507-317-7625).
Nanny/Daycare Wanted in St. Peter... Melanie Marti ( writes, "I'm looking for a nanny to watch my 2-1/2-year-old daughter in my home in St. Peter. Hours needed are from 5:20 a.m -6:30 p.m. Days of the week vary, but it averages out to be 2-3 days/week (average 10 days/month); every 3 week block is the same. If you're only able to do some of the days (e.g., if you have every Friday off), I'd be open to talk about that with you! Or if you're able to be here at 5:20 a.m. but can stay for only a few hours in the morning, send me an e-mail, because I can make that work too. Must be reliable, dependable, trustworthy, and loving and caring. Send me an e-mail if you're interested and we can set up a time to talk about more details."
Home for Sale... Well-maintained two-story in lower North Mankato near Spring Lake and Wheeler parks. Relax in the enclosed front porch complete with combination windows, or play in the fenced back yard with nice patio and 14 x 12 deck. Main floor: porch; living room and dining room with natural wood work and maple floors; den/office or guest BR; dining room with patio doors to deck and built-in hutch; remodeled kitchen with newer oak cabinets; pantry. Upstairs: three nice-sized bedrooms; remodeled bathroom; built-in shelves at end of hall. Even a walk-up attic with great storage. Basement: rec. room, mechanical room and laundry, large storage room. Additional updating: replaced driveway; deck new in 2009; replacement windows in 2009; new roof in 2010. Detached single garage, two additional parking spaces behind garage off alley. Contact Joyce Prahm (Gustavus Annual Fund) for more information or to see photos (507-933-6664;
St. Peter Home for Sale... A four-bedroom home located in St. Peter is available for sale immediately. The home has roughly 2,600 square feet and includes four bedrooms, living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, family room, and three-season porch. In addition to an attached garage, the home has a washer/dryer, refrigerator, range/oven, water softener, central air, and fireplace. Inquiries should be made by phone to Bev at 740-326-6711 or 507-779-4060.
For Rent... Two 2-bedroom apartments, available starting April 15-May 1, 2011. $580/month plus gas and electric, owner pays water, sewer, garbage. One-year lease, no smoking, quiet tenants only, will consider pet with additional pet deposit. Address: 729 Broadway, St. Peter. 1 block from high school, 5 blocks from Gustavus Adolphus College. Large back yard, Tenants are responsible for shoveling and some yard work, garden space available upon request. Off-street parking, no garage. No washer and dryer on site but there are hook ups in one of the units. Call Sue at 507-388-5006, cell 612-414-5165 or e-mail
Breezy Point Condo for Rent... Two-BR, two-bath; hide-a-bed in LR. Kitchen, small deck, fireplace. Condo building is right across the road from Big Pelican Lake and next to the recreation center. Indoor swimming pool, children's pool, large hot tub inside condo building as well. Available June 24-July 1. $850. CallPaula at 612-750-3067 or e-mail
Wanted... Apartment (or house) to rent. Must be as close to the College as possible. One or two bedrooms, and ideally furnished. Move-in date flexible. Contact Mike by e-mail ( or phone (507-933 7699).
House for Rent... For 2011-12 academic year, available mid-summer, dates negotiable. Charming Tudor Revival house with 3 bedrooms, bookcase-lined office, 2 bathrooms, living room, formal dining room, breakfast nook, and family room. Character home with hardwood floors throughout, natural woodwork, and working fireplace. Fully furnished or partially furnished, as you prefer. Includes piano and exercise equipment. Spacious two-car garage for renter's use. Desirable location, across the street from Minnesota Square Park and walking distance to campus, downtown, and schools. Great neighbors. 916 South 4th Street. $1,000 per month, plus utilities. Contact Mark at
Lake Home for Rent... Two-bedroom home on Lake Washington available for lease to a Gustavus staff member for the 2011-12 school year. The lease is for $650 per month; this includes electricity, cable TV, refuse, and water. Some of the amenities include central air, washer & dryer, dishwasher, insulated garage with storage, cul de sac living, wireless availability, and a great beach. Contact Mike at 952-758-3430, or e-mail
'Splash MS' at the Water Park of Minnesota... This summer, Pastor David Shilling of Grace Lutheran Church in Le Sueur will be riding in the MS TRAM (The Ride Across Minnesota). Through the National MS Society, he is able to offer tickets to the Water Park of America (Bloomington, Minn.) good for Sunday, April 10, from 2 to 7 p.m., at half the normal cost. Tickets are only $15 for the first four a family purchases. (Additional tickets purchased by that family will be available for only $5 each, up to a total of eight tickets per family.) Tickets for the "Splash MS" day at the water park must be purchased through Shilling (507-665-2194 or to take advantage of this price. A portion of each ticket will go to support MS research.
"Plugs" is maintained as a forum by which members of the Gustavus community may offer goods and/or services to others in the community, or seek the same from them. It is not meant to accommodate ads or announcements from area businesses such as real estate agents or retailers, although from time to time such announcements may be published when deemed to be of particular interest to the community.
To add or change items on the calendar, please fill out and submit a College Calendar event form. View the entire College Calendar online.
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6 months ago by Luc Hatlestad
From News
Aney, Nelson Receive DIIICA Regional Student-Athletes of the Year Honors
Around 2 years ago by CJ Siewert
From Athletics
Softball Has 12 Named NFCA Scholar-Athletes
Around 2 years ago by Jordan Modjeski
From Athletics
Women’s Basketball Earns WBCA Academic Top 25 Team Honor Roll
Around 2 years ago by Jordan Modjeski
From Athletics
MIAC nominates Nelson for NCAA Woman of the Year, Aney for DIIICA Men’s Sport Student-Athlete of the Year
Around 2 years ago by CJ Siewert
From Athletics
Men’s Hoops Earns NABC Academic Awards
Around 2 years ago by CJ Siewert
From Athletics
Inside Gustavus is a newsletter for Gustavus Adolphus College employees produced by the Office of Marketing and Communication. It is published weekly during the academic year (except during the week of Thanksgiving, the Christmas break, Touring Week, and the Spring and Easter breaks). Anyone may submit items by filling out an online submission form. While online submissions are preferred, items may also be submitted typewritten on a letter-sized sheet of paper. Send "snail mail" items to: Inside Gustavus, Office of Marketing and Communication. Items must reach the office no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. The week of Nobel Conference the deadline is 4:30 p.m. Monday. For more information, contact Steve Waldhauser ( or x6413).
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