Inside Gustavus February 24, 2011 | Volume 43, Number 22

Faculty/Staff Activities

Glenn Kranking (Scandinavian studies, history) recently published a chapter, "Estlandssvenskarnas situation i Tsar-Ryssland under slutet av 1800-talet" (The Estonian-Swedes' Situation in Tsarist Russia at the End of the 19th Century) in a book, Hans Pöhl: Estlandssvenskarnas hövding (Hans Pöhl: Leader of the Estonian-Swedes). The book was published in Swedish and Estonian, and released in February.

Kristen Lowe (art & art history) is currently a part of an exhibition of art at Gallery 13 (8th and LaSalle, Minneapolis). The exhibition, Translations and Creative Capital, will continue until mid-March, 2011.

Lisa Heldke gave a talk titled "Down-Home Global Cooking: Why Cosmopolitanism versus Localism is a False Dichotomy, and How Our Food Can Show Us the Way to a Third Option" for the Philosophy Department at University of Minnesota, Duluth.

Seán Easton's (classics) review of Lucan (Oxford Readings in Classical Studies), edited by Charles Tesoriero et al., was published in the Bryn Mawr Classical Review in February; this past November he presented a paper, titled “‘But we are not going to Pharsalia’: Nostromo and Conrad’s Lucan,” at the annual meeting of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Languages Association in Honolulu.

Greg Mueller (Sesquicentennial Sculptor) and collaborator Juilee Decker, Ph.D., art historian at Georgetown College, Ky., presented "From the Ground Up: Public Art and Community" at the 99th College Art Association Conference in New York City, Friday, Feb. 11.

So Young Park (English) has published an article in the winter issue of Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly titled "Transnational Adoption, Hallyu, and the Politics of Korean Popular Culture."

Lynn Boehne (admission) was among a group of ELCA enrollment managers and representatives of national church bodies who have been working on a collaborative e-marketing effort titled "Why Go Lutheran?" ( You're invited to view their short (3-minute) video encouraging students to consider an ELCA college. This video is also available on YouTube. Laurie Brill of LECNA; Marilyn Olson, formerly of ELCA Churchwide; and Brenda Poggendorf of Roanoke College also worked with on this project.

Dwight Stoll (chemistry) has been named winner of the LCGC 2011 Emerging Leader Award sponsored by LCGS, an online journal of peer-reviewed research in liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and mass spectrometry. As part of the award, he will be interviewed in mid-March in Atlanta, Ga., at Pittcon, the world's largest annual conference and exposition for laboratory science. The 10-12 minute interview, part of the journal's Pittcon Theater, will be videotaped and posted on LCGC's website after the show, and then highlighted in a newsletter in April and included in a special e-mail about the theater program.


Student Achievements

The Gustavus forensics team won the individual events portion and placed second overall at the 2011 Minnesota Collegeiate Forensics Association State Championships, held on Feb. 19-20 at Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato. Competing against 12 other schools, the Gustavus team dominated the individual events, placing first in 7 of the 11 events. Seniors Claire Sagstuen and Phil Helt each won two events, and senior Eric Cronin and sophomores Kate Bissen and Kaitlin Burlingame each won championships as well. By winning the Oratory event, Helt qualified to represent Minnesota at the 2011 Interstate Oratorical Association National Contest, the nation's oldest speaking competition; This is the sixth consecutive year that Gustavus has a representative at the IOA National Contest, which will be held on April 22-23 this year on the campus of James Madison University in Virginia.

Funding Opps

The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations' weekly program or funding opportunity highlight:

  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) Research Funding... The NIH offers Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) grants to stimulate research in educational institutions that provide baccalaureate degrees but that have not been major recipients of NIH support. These grants support small research projects in the biomedical and behavioral sciences. The maximum project award is $300,000 in direct costs, plus indirect costs, and is available for up to three years. Annual deadlines are June 25, October 25 and February 25. For more information, see

For more information on grants or proposal preparation, contact Bob Weisenfeld in the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (x7049 or


Social Media

Gustavus Provides a Number of Brand Resources Online... Visit and you will find numerous graphic files for download: the official College logo, icon, and brandline; the new Sesquicentennial logos and icons; letterhead and envelope templates; newsletter and information templates; business cards; and more. Be sure to check out the online Graphic Standards and Style Guide for proper usage as well. Please note: you will be asked to login using your Gustavus e-mail username and password.

For more information on social media, or to make a suggestion, contact Stacia Vogel in Marketing and Communication (x6365 or


In the Media

Here are some noteworthy Gustavus-related stories that recently appeared in print or broadcast media locally, regionally, or around the nation:

  • Seán Easton (classics) was interviewed by CNN International on Feb. 19 for a business section article titled "Leadership secrets from the ancients."
  • On Friday, Feb. 18, Max Hailperin (MCS) participated in an interview on KFAI radio regarding proposed changes to Minnesota election law. (His interest in this topic stems from the ambitious computer system that a pending bill calls for, a topic that the interview actually only touched on a bit, mostly toward the end of the conversation.)  The archived audio is at and the segment Hailperin is in starts at about the 29:54 point and runs for just under 15 minutes.
  • The Mankato Free Press ran a story on Feb 18 about Rydell Professor Robert J. Lang and his origami exhibition in the Hillstrom Museum of Art.
  • The Mankato Free Press ran a story on Feb 17 on Gustavus hockey player Amanda Cartony, who had been named Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference women’s hockey athlete of the week for her pla the previous week.
  • On Feb. 17 the St. Peter Herald carried a story about Rydell Professor Robert J. Lang’s origami exhibition on display in the Hillstrom Museum of Art.
  • The St. Peter Herald featured a photo on Feb. 17 showing two volunteers packing food packets for Feed My Starving Children. Gustavus in one weekend. Gustavus, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, and Feed My Starving Children worked together to make the weekend a success. 
  • Senior student Shanda Kirkeide was on the KNUJ radio Gustavus Journal show of the month on Feb. 15 talking about the Building Bridges conference, which she is co-chairing. To hear the interview, go to, click on the New tab, choose Community Affairs, and then under the scroll bar on the left select Gustavus Journal.
  • 1993 graduate Timothy R. Johnson, Ph.D., a professor of political science at the University of Minnesota who is viewed as one of the leading scholars of the U.S. Supreme Court, has received two very prominent placements in the New York Times news pages/website in the past two weeks: in a front-page story on Monday, March 14, on Justice Clarence Thomas's declining to speak in oral arguments, then as one of the responders in the widely read "Room for Debate" section of the website, on the same topic.
  • Dean Wahlund (mktg. & comm.) was on KNUJ radio Feb. 14 for St. Peter Day on KNUJ. Wahlund talked about the long relationship between Gustavus and the St. Peter community.
  • The Mankato Free Press issued a story on Feb. 13 about the Gustavus Reading in Common Program and the St. Peter Reads program.  The two programs, which are in conjunction with one another, will be this year’s recipient of the 2010 Human Rights Award from the St. Peter Human Rights Commission.  The two programs are receiving the award because of they are “furthering human rights in the St. Peter community during 2010.”
  • The St. Peter Herald issued a story on Feb 10 about the new youth center at North Intermediate School. The project was a big success, with an average of 50-70 student attendees, with funding coming from the public school district and Gustavus. The project to re-open the center was introduced by a Gustavus Student, Erik Veldersdyk, who used the center as a part of his class project for his course on Public Discourse.
  • The St. Peter Herald published a story on Feb. 10 featuring former Gustavus coach Gretchen Koehler (HES, emerita). Koehler received an award at the Minnesota State Capitol for her coaching successes. The ceremony was part of the 25th annual National Girls and Women in Sports Day. While at Gustavus Koehler coached volleyball, basketball, softball, and tennis.

Anyone who has suggested additions for this list, suggestions for potential future media stories, or interest in being a media source should contact Marketing and Communication (x7520 or


Position Openings

  • Full-time custodians (2; 35 hrs. per week)
  • Part-time weekend custodian
  • Part-time custodian (20 hrs. per week)

For more information on the aforementioned position(s), call Human Resources (x7304).



News & Announcements

If You're Experiencing E-Mail Issues... Several offices continue to report e-mail-related issues that may be a result of the "Make Your Life Count" e-mail signature (including the "G" icon with the three crowns). Specifically, individuals have reported that their e-mails to off-campus recipients have been blocked by spam filters and/or that reply messages from off-campus are going into their spam folders. Others have noted that the image does not always appear when composing or receiving a message that includes the signature. If you are experiencing such problems, we recommend that you remove the signature per the instructions below:

  • Mozilla Thunderbird - Click Tools > Account Settings and deselect the Attach the signature checkbox. If you have an old signature you'd like to use, you may instead click the Choose button and browse to the old signature file.
  • Apple Mail - Click Mail > Preferences > Signatures and select Gustavus from the left window, then choose Nonefrom the menu at the bottom of the dialog box. If you would like to revert to an old signature, you may select it from the same menu in place of None.

If you have questions about this, please call Jerry Nowell in Gustavus Technology Services at x6365. This notice was authorized by Gustavus Technology Services and Marketing and Communication.

Daffodil Days... The week of March 7-11 marks Daffodil Days for the American Cancer Society. Various configurations of daffodils will be sold from a booth set up on the lower level of the Jackson Campus Center starting after lunch on Monday, March 7. The booth is sponsored by Colleges Against Cancer and Delta Phi Omega.

Flooding—Be Prepared... With many local businesses concerned about the spring thaw, we thought it might prove helpful to pass along some information about flooding projections, contact information for acquiring sandbags, and the names of local insurance agents who provide flood insurance. The following insurance agencies are all Chamber members committed to serving the local community:

  • Byron Kleist, American Family Insurance (507-931-6111)
  • David Detlefsen Agency, State Farm Insurance (507-931-2889)
  • Mackenzie Agency (507-931-4482)
  • Pell Insurance (507-931-1703)
  • Terry Genelin Agency, Le Sueur (507-665-3132)
  • Community Insurance, HomeTown Bank (507-934-2823)

Those interested in procuring sandbags to protect their personal or professional property should contact Denise Wright, director of Nicollet County Emergency Management, at 507-934-0412. For additional information, consult the following links:

Sesquicentennial Graphics Available... As part of the celebration of the College’s Sesquicentennial, a modified unit word mark, a special Gustavus three crowns thumbprint, and Sesquicentennial specific graphic treatment will be used in publications and official correspondence from September 2011-October 2012. The College website, letterhead, envelopes, and print materials will all reflect this one-year modification. You may access the Sesquicentennial images at If you have questions on the use of these images, please consult with the Office of Marketing and Communication.

Open Sessions for VPSL Candidates... Three candidates for the Vice President for Student Life position will be on campus today or in the next several days. Material on each is available at Below is a schedule of open meetings. We encourage you to attend one of the open sessions with the finalists, as your schedules permit.

  • Candidate #1: This afternoon (Thursday, Feb. 24), 3:30-4:30 p.m. (Heritage Room), or Friday, Feb. 25, 9-10 a.m. (Heritage Room)

  • Candidate #2: Monday, Feb. 28, 3:30-4:30 p.m. (Heritage Room), or Tuesday, March 1, 9-10 a.m. (Three Crowns Room)

  • Candidate #3: Wednesday, March 2, 3:30-4:30 p.m. (Heritage Room), or Thursday, March 3, 9-10 a.m. (Heritage Room)


Campus Happenings

Chapel Schedule... All are invited to the worship services at 10 a.m. weekdays and 10:30 a.m. Sundays in Christ Chapel. The upcoming schedule is as follows.

  • Friday, Feb. 25 - Casey Elledge (religion)
  • Sunday, Feb. 27 - Chaplain Brian Johnson, Lucia Singers
  • Monday, Feb. 28 - TBA
  • Tuesday, March 1 - St. David's Day mini-gymanfa ganu (hymn festival)
  • Wednesday, March 2 - Morning Praise
  • Thursday, March 3 - TBA
  • Friday, March 4 - TBA

Gustavus Joins Global Effort to Stop Violence against Women and Girls... V-Day Gustavus Adolphus College 2011
will present a benefit production of The Vagina Monologues to raise funds and awareness for the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), which aims to end violence against women and girls. The play will be performed on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 25 and 26, at 8 p.m. at the Arts Center of Saint Peter and on Feb. 26 at 2:30 p.m. in the Wallenberg Auditorium, Nobel Hall of Science. Admission is $5 for students and $8 for non-students. The V-Day performances are sponsored by the Womyn’s Awareness Center. For more information, contact Keisha Bates at 763-568-0549 or e-mail V-Day is a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls that raises funds and awareness through benefit productions of playwright and founder Eve Ensler’s award-winning play, The Vagina Monologues, and other artistic works. In 2010, over 5,400 V-Day benefit events took place in the U.S. and around the world, produced by volunteer activists and educating millions of people about the reality of violence against women and girls. To date, the V-Day movement has raised over $75 million and educated millions about the issue of violence against women and the efforts to end it. In twelve years, the V-Day movement has reached over 300 million people.

MPR Artists-in-Residence to Perform on Campus... Cantus, named the “premier men’s vocal ensemble in the United States” by Fanfare magazine, will perform at Gustavus at 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 27, at Jussi Björling Recital Hall. Cantus’s appearance at Gustavus is part of a tour of greater Minnesota funded through Minnesota Public Radio’s Artists-in-Residence program and a Minnesota State Arts Board grant. Tickets for the Feb. 27 concert are available online at or by calling 507-933-7590. With underwriting from Minnesota Public Radio, tickets are $15 for general admission, $12 for MPR members, and $5 for students. Tickets remaining on the day of the concert will be available at the door.

Grad Will Deliver Kendall Lecture... Kathleen Vohs, Ph.D., Land O’ Lakes Professor of Marketing and McKnight Presidential Fellow in the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota (and a 1996 Gustavus grad), will present the 2011 John Kendall Lecture Series address at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 28, in Wallenberg Auditorium in the Nobel Hall of Science. Her lecture, titled “Small Reminders of Money Produce Big Changes in Behavior,” is free and open to the public. Vohs, an internationally recognized leader in the field of psychology, applies her understanding of psychological science to business issues in order to advance new areas of marketing research. The John Kendall Lecture Series was established to honor the late psychology professor and former president Dr. John Kendall for his contributions to the Gustavus Department of Psychology and for his support and influence on the careers of his students. Funding for the public address and classroom visits is provided through the John Kendall Lecture Series Endowment, established in 1985 through the efforts of departmental faculty and the financial contributions of psychology majors who were here when Kendall was teaching in the department.

Visiting Lecturer Talks Food... Author and professor Psyche Williams-Forson, Ph.D., will visit Gustavus on March 2. Her lecture, titled "Bet Your Bottom Dollar: Expanding the Concept of Alternatives in a Changing Food World," is in partnership with Gustavus's Global Insight program and will start at 7 p.m. in F.W. Olin Hall, Room 103. The lecture will discuss the many options of food access and security as well as the role of the value market as a immediate place of food acquisition. Williams-Forson is the author of Building Houses Out of Chicken Legs: Black Women, Food and Power. She is an associate professor of American studies at the University of Maryland. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Lisa Heldke (philosophy) at or 507-933-7029.

And More Food for Thought... Nationally known lecturer-entertainer Deanna Latson. an inspiring and empowering speaker on food and nutrition, will speak at Gustavus on Thursday, March 3. Her presentation, titled "Eat Right. Feel Good. Look Great!" begins at 6:30 p.m. in Alumni Hall. She will discuss what kinds of foods you can eat to stay fit, be energized, and perform well both academically and athletically and will also identify the "slow poisons" you might eat every day that can lead to lethargy and interfere with performing at your best. Through her lecture, she hopes to empower her audience to make life-changing decisions to reach their optimum health and vitality. Latson, a clinically certified nutritionist, has spoken to over 100,000 people all over the world, appearing at more than 300 colleges and universities. Her lecture is free and open to the public. Her visit is sponsored by the Peer Assistants, Campus Activities Board, and Dining Services.

Anthropologist Visits... Terry L. Hunt, Ph.D., professor of anthropology at the University of Hawaii-Manoa, visits Gustavus on March 3-4 as a Sigma Xi guest lecturer. Hunt, who has conducted archaeological field research in the Pacific Islands for more than 30 years and currently directs an annual archaeological field school on Rapa Nui (Easter Island), will present two lectures during his time on campus. On March 3, at 7:30 p.m., Hunt will deliver a lecture on “Revisiting Rapa Nui (Easter Island) Ecocide.” The talk, which is aimed at the general public, discusses many aspects of this small and remote island's prehistory and the trajectory of cultural and ecological changes. On March 4, at 3:30 p.m., Hunt will present a more technical talk appropriate for science students and faculty, titled “New Research Reveals Late and Rapid Human Colonization in Polynesia.” Both lectures will be held in Wallenberg Auditorium, Nobel Hall of Science, and are open to the public without charge.

Faculty Shop Talk on March 4... Laura Triplett (geology) will present the next Faculty Shop Talk of the 2010-11 academic year. Her talk, titled “Invasion! How one reed species is changing the geochemistry of the Platte River,” will be presented on Friday, March 4, at 4:45 p.m. in the Interpretive Center. Feel free to arrive any time after 4:15 p.m. The abstract for this and future talks may be viewed at

PASO Sponsors African Night... On March 4, starting at 6 p.m. in Alumni Hall, the Pan Afrikan Student Organization (PASO) is sponsoring African Night, a night of ethnic entertainment and cuisine. The event, which is open to the public without charge, features invited performances from Ethiopian, Moroccan, and Sudanese cultures; Ghanaian drums and Ivorian (Ivory Coast) and Congolese dances; a fashion show; and student entertainment. Ethiopian, Moroccan, and Ghanaian foods will be served.

Spring Dance Concert... The Department of Theatre and Dance presents Balance Off Center: The Gustavus Dance Company in Concert on March 4 and 5 at 8 p.m. and March 6 at 2 p.m. This year's spring dance concert is co-directed by Assistant Professor Melissa Rolnick and Visiting Assistant Professor Jeffrey Peterson and includes a diverse range of choreography by faculty, selected students, and guest artists including Joe Chvala and members of Stuart Pimsler Dance and Theater. Tickets are available online at or by calling the Gustavus Ticket Center at 507-933-7590. Gustavus students and staff are admitted free of charge with ID. Tickets not purchased in advance may be purchased at the Anderson Theatre Box Office beginning one hour prior to curtain.

Lunch and Learn about Gustavus and the American Swedish Institute (ASI)... The campus community is invited to a “Lunch and Learn” with President Ohle and Bruce Karstad, president of ASI, focused on the new partnership between Gustavus and the ASI. Gustavus will have an office suite in the expansion of the ASI facility to be ready summer 2012. Beyond the obvious links with the College’s Swedish heritage, this space will provide a Gustavus base in the Twin Cities. This includes possibilities for faculty and current students to use this space for classes, meetings, and community-based learning initiatives. The American Swedish Institute is in the heart of the Philips Neighborhood in Minneapolis, which is easily accessible and is in a culturally diverse setting. Come learn more at one of two informal lunch presentations on Tuesday, March 8, at 11:30 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. in the Presidents Dining Room. Cost in the buffet is only $5 for guests attending this lunch. For more information, contact Barb Larson Taylor at

Origami Master Returns to Campus... Robert J. Lang, who is serving as the 2010-11 Rydell Professor, returns to Gustavus the week of March 7-11 for a series of public lectures and classroom visits. Lang will present a campus lecture, “From Flapping Birds to Space Telescopes: The Mathematics of Origami,” on Tuesday evening, March 8, at 7 p.m. in Alumni Hall. A reception and book-signing opportunity will follow his talk. Lang co-taught a January IEX course titled “Mathematics and Origami” with professors Barbara Kaiser and Carolyn Dobler (both MCS). An exhibition of his works, Many-Fold Manifolds: Engineered Origami by Robert J. Lang, opened Feb. 14 in the Hillstrom Museum of Art. and is on view through April 21. Lang's campus lecture and the origami exhibition are open to the public at no charge.   

Interactive Exhibition Chronicles 50 Years of Human Rights Struggles in Colombia... From March 14 to March 26, the College is hosting “Remember Me: Voices of the Silenced,” a traveling gallery of powerful interactive artwork from Colombia that testifies to the struggles of the victims of violence during the last 50 years in Colombia. The exhibition will be mounted in Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library (main floor, far side, to the right of the computer lab). On the opening night of the exhibition—March 14—there will be a lecture and reception. At 7 p.m. Nils Dybvig and Michele Braley will speak in Alumni Hall about their work with Christian Peacemaker Teams in Colombia accompanying human rights workers. This will be followed by a reception and then the opening of the gallery at the library (at around 7:45 p.m.—following the lecture). The gallery, which is touring the country under the auspices of Lutheran World Relief, is sponsored at Gustavus by Peace Studies; the Office of the Chaplains; Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library; LALACS; Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; and Crossroads. Learn more about the gallery at

Ellis to Appear in Concert... Minneapolis-based singer-songwriter Ellis will perform in the Dive at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 16. A native of Texas, Ellis moved to Minneapolis at the age of 16, where she quickly built a local following that blossomed into a nationwide presence, with extensive touring and seven albums released in the last 16 years. In addition to selling more than 35,000 copies of her CDs independently, Ellis has accrued a wealth of accomplishments including national songwriting honors and performances at the Philadelphia Folk Festival, Falcon Ridge Folk Festival, Sisters Folk Festival, and the Rocky Mountain Folk Festival. Read more at

Mark Your Calendars Now... A new student organization, Women in Business Leadership, will be hosting the first annual Women in Leadership conference, "Women Discovering Leadership," on April 8. This year's keynote speaker will be Susan Madsen, Ph.D., author and expert on women in leadership. Following Madsen's speech, attendees will have the opportunity to choose two of the six breakout sessions available. Topics include: Career Advice for Female Students, The Importance of Mentoring in the Real World, Using Your College Connections to Network, a CEO Panel, an Entrepreneurs Panel, and Communication and Gender.  The closing speaker will be Nancy Johnson Dahl '83, CEO of LifeTouch Studios. Tickets are required (at $15 for students, $25 for Gustavus employees, and $30 for general admission) and are available through Watch for more information as the event draws closer.


Congregational Outreach

We've Moved!... The Office of Church Relations has moved to the Servant Leadership Center in the Johnson Student Union (it's now where Linner Lounge used to be). Effectively immediately, pick up Guest House and Retreat Center keys at their new location..

Partners in Education... Karl Larson (HES) spoke on the topic "Cultivating Wellness" at Prairie Lutheran Church in Eden Prairie, Minn., on Wednesday, Feb. 23. Partners in Education is a program coordinated by the Office of Church Relations in which participating faculty and staff members prepare topical presentations for adult forums, workshops, and seminars in congregations of the ELCA.

Events... Exploring Religious Questions start its winter series next week. The topic is "God's Purpose and Our Role in the World." Darrell Jodock (religion) will be leading this class, which meets every Monday night from 7 to 9 p.m. The dates for the class are Feb. 28 and March 7, 14, and 21. The class will be meet in Olin Hall, Room 103. Exploring Religious Questions is a program sponsored by the Office of Church Relations that allows people from campus and the local community to come and learn about topics that are relevant to today's world. Those interested in attending are asked to register through the Office of Church Relations (x7001).

Retreats... Confirmation retreats scheduled for this weekend include Hosanna Lutheran Church from Forest Lake, Minn., and Faith Lutheran Church from Winona, Minn. the Office of Church Relations offers a confirmation retreat program that allows churches to bring youth to campus for a weekend to grow in their faith and also to utilize the facilities the campus has to offer.

Music in Worship... Any Gustavus music ensemble or soloist is welcome to perform in congregations. For more information, contact Marilyn Beyer (x7001).



For Rent... Four-bedroom House in St. Peter; single garage and large yard; washer/dryer. No smoking. $895/month. Call Kevin at 507-381-4695.

Gopher Tickets for Sale... Karrie Anderson (Book Mark) can't use her Gopher men's basketball tickets for Sunday, March 6 (it's a noon start vs. Penn State). Call her at x6065 if interested.

"Plugs" is maintained as a forum by which members of the Gustavus community may offer goods and/or services to others in the community, or seek the same from them. It is not meant to accommodate ads or announcements from area businesses such as real estate agents or retailers, although from time to time such announcements may be published when deemed to be of particular interest to the community.


Upcoming events
Date Event
Today 34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at St Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (Plymouth, Minn.) Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church, 17205 County Rd 6, Plymouth, MN 55447, USA
6:307:30 p.m. Sunday Worship Community Chapel
78 p.m. Athletic Training Virtual Open House on Google Meet
Tomorrow Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
57 p.m. Spring into Wellness Campus Center
Feb 25 Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
1111:30 a.m. Career and Vocation Champions - Explore, Experience, Transition: Our Model for Supporting Students Center for Career Development, JSU Room 209
11:3011:50 a.m. Guided Meditation - Online
11:3011:50 a.m. Chapel Break Chapel
3:305 p.m. Campus Conversation: AI at Gustavus in Class and at Work, Three Crowns, and St. Peter rooms (JCC)
Feb 26 Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Applause for the Cause - Gustavus Performing Arts Giving Days Björling Recital Hall lobby
36 p.m. Gustavus Women in Leadership International Women's Day Event Hall
3:304:30 p.m. New Faculty Orientation Session (Required for TT faculty; others welcome) Hall, Room 304
3:304:30 p.m. New Faculty Orientation session (Required for TT faculty; others welcome) Hall, Room 304
Feb 27 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Applause for the Cause - Gustavus Performing Arts Giving Days Björling Recital Hall lobby
11:30 a.m. to 11:50 p.m. Chapel Break Chapel
11:3011:50 a.m. Guided Meditation - In Person Multifaith Center, Anderson Hall
Feb 28 Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
1st half finals
Mar 1 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at Augustana Lutheran Church (Washington D.C.) Lutheran Church, 2100 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20009
Mar 2 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at Cathedral of the Incarnation (Baltimore, Md.) of the Incarnation, 4 E University Pkwy, Baltimore, MD 21218
Mar 3 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
Spring Break
78:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at The Church of the Holy Trinity (Philadelphia, Penn.) Church of the Holy Trinity, 1904 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Mar 4 Spring Break
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. RESPOND Training: Supporting Student Mental Health Heritage Room
58 p.m. Alumni Gathering with President Bergman in North Glendale, AZ of Paul Batz '85 and Melinda Moen Batz '86
78:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church (Ridgewood, N.J.) Evangelical Lutheran Church, 155 Linwood Ave, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Mar 5 Spring Break
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library

To add or change items on the calendar, please fill out and submit a College Calendar event form. View the entire College Calendar online.


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Around 2 years ago by CJ Siewert
From Athletics


Inside Gustavus is a newsletter for Gustavus Adolphus College employees produced by the Office of Marketing and Communication. It is published weekly during the academic year (except during the week of Thanksgiving, the Christmas break, Touring Week, and the Spring and Easter breaks). Anyone may submit items by filling out an online submission form. While online submissions are preferred, items may also be submitted typewritten on a letter-sized sheet of paper. Send "snail mail" items to: Inside Gustavus, Office of Marketing and Communication. Items must reach the office no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. The week of Nobel Conference the deadline is 4:30 p.m. Monday. For more information, contact Steve Waldhauser ( or x6413).

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