Inside Gustavus September 2, 2010 | Volume 43, Number 1

Faculty/Staff Activities

Paula Swiggum (nursing) presented a poster with collaboration colleagues on her research, "Student Nurse Thinking during Medication Administration," at the Midwest Health Educators Conference in Grand Forks, N.D., May 23-24. The poster won first prize in the Research category.

Carolyn O'Grady (CICE) has been selected as a 2010-11 AIEA Presidential Fellow by the peer-review panel assigned by the Association of International Education Administrators. The fellows program is a program of mentorship for senior international officers, with preference given to those who have been in their position for less than three years. The number of annual fellowships offered is limited, with one person per year selected from each of three categories: applicants from public teaching-oriented institutions, applicants from Ph.D.-granting public and private research universities, and applicants from private, four-year liberal arts colleges. Each fellow is matched with a mentor at another institution, spends several days at the mentor's campus, and designs an individualized plan of action for professional development during the fellowship period.

Briana Hewitt ' 09 and her faculty supervisor, Stephanie Otto (HES), recently submitted and were invited to present their research at the 57th annual American College of Sports Medicine conference in Baltimore, Md. The project was titled "Nutritional Practices of Coaches in the Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference."

A solo dance work created by Melissa Rolnick (theatre & dance) was presented at the World Dance Alliance Global Dance Event held July 12-17 in New York City. The event was hosted by the World Dance Alliance-Americas in affiliation with the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the NYU Steinhardt School's Dance Education Program. Performances and master classes took place at one of the most prestigious venues for dance art in the United States: Dance Theater Workshop. Rolnick's solo, titled Mine Heart Weeps to Belong, choreographed in 2008, was performed by Jennifer Walker of Contemporary Dance Wyoming in a concert/showing at Dance Theater Workshop on July 15.

Jane Coleman (nursing, emerita) presented her research on "Spring Forest Qigong: Hope for Chronic Pain" at the 30th annual Conference of the American Holistic Nurses Association held this year in Colorado Springs, CO. on June 3-6. She also co-presented at Grand Rounds at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester for the Integrative Medicine Group on June 7, for which her topic was "Spring Forest Qigong: Making a Difference."

Funding Opps

The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations' weekly program or funding opportunity highlight:

  • Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI)... The RUI program supports research for faculty members of predominately undergraduate institutions through support for 1) individual and collaborative research projects, 2) the purchase of shared-use research instrumentation, and 3) Research Opportunity Awards for work with NSF-supported investigators at other institutions. These RUI programs are described at getpub.cfm?nsf00144. For more information, contact the NSF program director of the research program to which a proposal might be submitted. To locate the appropriate program officer, click on

For more information on grants or proposal preparation, contact Bob Weisenfeld in the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (x7049 or

In the Media

Here are some noteworthy Gustavus-related stories that recently appeared in print or broadcast media locally, regionally, or around the nation:

  • The "foiling" of Scott Bur's office (chemistry) made the San Francisco Chronicle.
  • -KEYC-TV ran a feature story on their Wednesday, Aug. 25, newscast about Gustavus student-athlete Matt Collins, who is battling leukemia but still playing football. Collins and head coach Peter Haugen were interviewed for the story.
  • The Mankato Free Press printed a season preview of the Gustavus football team in its Saturday, Aug. 28, Sports section. Head coach Peter Haugen and student-athlete Zach Lundquist were quoted in the story.
  • The Mankato Free Press printed a feature story on Gustavus student-athlete Logan Becker in its Saturday, Aug. 28, Sports section. Becker and head coach Peter Haugen were both quoted in the story.
  • The Metro Lutheran printed a story about green efforts by Gustavus students in its August issue. Jim Dontje (Johnson Center) and student Ashley Hansen were quoted in the story.
  • The Metro Lutheran printed a story about Gustavus's partnership with the American Swedish Institute in its August issue. President Jack R. Ohle was quoted in the story.
  • The Metro Lutheran printed a story about the College's new academic building in its August issue. President Ohle was quoted in the story.

Anyone who has suggested additions for this list, suggestions for potential future media stories, or interest in being a media source should contact Marketing and Communication (x7520 or

New Faces

The following people have recently joined the Gustavus community:

* New Administrators

  • Thomas Anderson, asst. football coach (athletics)
  • Marc Bachman, asst. football coach (athletics)
  • Mitchell Bockenstedt, assistant athletic trainer (athletics/HES)
  • Thomas Crady, vice president for enrollment management
  • Rachelle Dosch, head women's volleyball coach/GHP program coordinator (athletics)
  • Christian Elizondo, asst. men's soccer coach (athletics)
  • Hannah Godbout, staff psychologist (Counseling Center)
  • Shawn Grygo, area coordinator/head resident in College View (residential life)
  • Alex Haas, asst. football coach (athletics)
  • Jesus Hernandez Mejia, assistant director (financial aid)
  • Ruthann Kragh, asst. women's hockey coach/club sports & recreation coordinator (athletics)
  • Jennifer Kurth, graphic designer (marketing & comm.)
  • Michael Middleton, head men's soccer coach (athletics)
  • Greg Mueller, Sesquicentennial sculptor (Office of the President)
  • Corrie Odland, interim internship director (Career Center)
  • Karin Ryan, staff psychologist (Counseling Center)
  • Kelly Sandstrom, asst. volleyball coach (athletics)
  • Heidi Selzler, asst. track and field coach (athletics)
  • Adam Tehle, admission counselor
  • Jill VanOsdol, career programs assistant (Career Center)
  • Cynthia Yang, admission counselor
  • Daniel Zimmerli, computer and electronics technician (GTS/physics)

* New Support Staff

  • Kimberly Dirks, records & data specialist (registrar)
  • Jeannie Peterson, budget & institutional data specialist (library)

* New Faculty

  • Ruth Baker, visiting instructor (geography)
  • Kristian Braekkan, assistant professor (E/M)
  • William Daddario, visiting assistant professor (theatre & dance)
  • Ileana Dumitriu, visiting instructor (physics)
  • K. Angelique Dwyer, assistant professor (MLLC-Spanish)
  • Philippe Gagnon, visiting assistant professor (religion)
  • Elizabeth Goeke, visiting instructor (geology)
  • Heather Hrodey Haemig, visiting assistant professor (chemistry)
  • Lauren Hecht, assistant professor (psychology)
  • Robin Helgen, visiting instructor (music; spring)
  • Asli Ilgit, assistant professor (political science)
  • Cadi Kadlecek, visiting instructor (comm. studies)
  • Choong-Soo Lee, visiting assistant professor (MCS)
  • Nikki Lemire, visiting instructor (music)
  • Ruth Lu Lin, assistant professor (music)
  • Paul Lutter, visiting instructor (religion)
  • Larissa McConnell, adjunct instructor/costume shop supervisor (theatre & dance)
  • Kjerstin Moody, assistant professor (Scandinavian studies)
  • Ashleigh Penrod, visiting instructor (theatre & dance)
  • Jeremy Robinson, Culpeper Language Learning Center coordinator/instructor in Spanish (MLLC)
  • Amy Ronnkvist, visiting instructor (sociology & anthro.; spring)
  • Kenneth Simon, visiting instructor (education)
  • Thomas Tucker, visiting assistant professor (biology)
  • Valerie Struthers Walker, assistant professor (education)
  • Larry Zimmerman, visiting instructor (music)

Personnel Changes

  • J. Blake Couey, from visiting assistant professor (religion) to assistant professor (hired to tenure track)
  • Janet DeMars, program coordinator/case manager for the High-Risk Drinking Initiative (added responsibility)
  • Darlene Dillavou, from administrative assistant-loans (financial aid) to financial aid counselor (position change)
  • Sarah Hankerson, visiting assistant professor, from biology to psychology (department change)
  • Sarah Johnson, assistant professor (religion), to Sarah Ruble (name change)
  • Kent Kalm, from visiting professor (HES) to assistant professor (hired to tenure track)
  • Stephen Miller, from visiting assistant professor (chemistry) to assistant professor (hired to tenure track)
  • Kristen Nelson, from career programs assistant (Career Center) to admission counselor (position change)
  • Melissa Rolnick, from visiting assistant professor (theatre & dance) to assistant professor (hired to tenure track)

Position Openings

  • Administrative assistant (Office of the Provost)
  • Catering supervisor (Dining Service)

For more information on the aforementioned position(s), call Human Resources (x7304).

News & Announcements

Once More unto the Breach... Welcome to a new academic term, the 149th at Gustavus Adolphus College. With the beginning of a new school year comes Inside Gustavus, the campus's weekly, online, internal newsletter. Inside Gustavus will be posted online each Thursday except during academic breaks. Here's some technical stuff that you'll want to keep in mind regarding submissions and publication:

  • How should items be submitted? Fill out an online news submission form (, click the Inside Gustavus box, and finally click the submit box.
  • What is the deadline? All submissions must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to publication. (Due to the Nobel Conference on Oct. 5-6, the deadline for that week's edition will be 4:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 4.)
  • Who may submit items? Anyone who has pertinent news or information for the campus community. Keep in mind that the newsletter is not a vehicle for personal thank-yous or a market for local businesses, and the editor retains the right to edit material and refuse material deemed inappropriate.
  • How many times may an item run? Generally, twice, so plan your event and promotion accordingly. Sometimes, we can run an advance notice (perhaps 6-8 weeks out) and then run two closer to the date of the event. Notices of academic processes and deadlines (e.g., the appeal for support letters for tenure candidates) are exempt from the “two times” rule and can appear additional times upon request.
  • When is the newsletter distributed? Each week of the academic year except during the week of Thanksgiving, the weeks of Christmas break, Touring Week, and the week of spring break.

A New Academic Year... Gustavus begins its 149th academic year with approximately 2,375 full-time students and 35 part-time. Around 645 new students (first-year, degree-seeking international, and transfer) are enrolled at the College this fall.

Parking Enforcement... All parking rules and regulations go into effect Tuesday, Sept. 7. Vehicles without a valid parking permit will be ticketed beginning at 7 a.m. on Sept. 7. Parking rules and regulations may have changed, so be sure to read the parking and traffic regulations. A complete list of rules may be found at policies/traffic.php. New parking stickers, which expire 8/31/2013, are available in the Campus Safety office and must be displayed on any employee vehicle prior to September 7. Contact Lisa Octigan at (x8809) with any questions.

* Parking regulation reminders: 

  • Green (employee) and Yellow (commuter) lots are no parking 2 a.m.-7 a.m. Overnight parking is available in the gravel parking lot located across from the football stadium; look for designated spaces.
  • Non-registered vehicles receiving their third parking citation will receive a tow warning. A fourth ticket for non-registration will result in a tow.
  • Visitor parking lots are closed to students and staff at all times (24/7/365). 

Parking Restriction This Weekend... Lund Parking Lot will be closed to faculty, staff, and students beginning Friday, Sept. 3, at 11 p.m. and will reopen for campus parking following the First-Year Orientation Square Dance event Saturday night, Sept. 4.

Capitol Drive Parking Restrictions... And, while we're on the subject of parking, on August 23 the City Council passed a resolution authorizing the placement of parking restrictions on Capitol Drive (the residential street on the northeastern side of campus, just north of the Sorensen Hall parking lot). In order to park on the street on Capitol Drive, a parking permit must be obtained and displayed; permits will be issued only to residents who live on the street. Beginning Friday, October 1, cars will be ticketed if they are parked on Capitol Drive without proper parking stickers/permits.

How to Submit a Calendar Item... As we begin a new academic term, the Marketing and Communication staff reminds the community of the process for submitting events for the online College Calendar. Departments, student groups, and individuals may submit events to the online College Calendar to keep the campus updated on events and activities offered throughout the year. By using the online College Calendar as a central location for event announcements, the event will show up in our searchable, online calendar, and it will also show up in various locations on the Gustavus Web.

  • Submissions to the calendar can be made by clicking on the following link and entering the appropriate information (date, time, location, event description, sponsor, and contact info): Submit an item. <> (This can also be found through the Gustavus homepage, clicking on "Calendar" and then "Submit an item".)
  • Once a submission has been made, it will be reviewed and approved by the Office of Marketing and Communication and then posted to the College Calendar. Those who visit the College’s homepage will be able to view the Calendar, which includes events for the day, week, and month.

TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Sessions... A TIAA-CREF representative will be on campus on September 28, 29 & 30, 2010, for individual counseling sessions. There are a limited number of openings. To schedule an appointment or to discuss your plan and options for managing your retirement savings, call 800-732-8353, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

New Process for Ordering Business Cards... The process for ordering business cards has changed. The new directions are as follows:

  • Go to the marketing home page ( On the left hand side of the page, click on "Order Business Cards." That link which will bring you to the vendor. Your user name is your e-mail address and your temporary password is the name before the (For example: Username:; Password: lsiebels. Once you have signed in the first time you can change your password.)
  • Click on the business card and Create New. When your order has been created, our department receives an e-mail to approve the order. You can request e-mail updates so you can track the shipping information.

This process for ordering saves each person as a separate order, so you don't have to re-enter the information for repeat orders. By entering your Wells Fargo Account number, it gets billed directly to you. You can order quantities of 100, 250, 500 or 1000. We don't have to wait for a minimum number of orders to have the cards printed and shipped, and they will be delivered to the delivery address you enter.
If you have any problems, please contact Lorie Siebels in the Office of Marketing and Communication at 507-933-7520.

Van Driver Training... Training for individuals seeking certification to drive the College's 10-passenger vans is offered by Campus Safety. Pre-register prior to the day of training by e-mailing your name and student/employee ID# to You will receive information for completing the online portion (Part 1) of the course. Then, come to the Campus Safety office on Wednesday, Sept. 1, with your certificate of completion of the online portion of the course and your driver's license. Please contact Lisa Octigan to reserve a time slot between 1:30 and 4 p.m.

Where's Waldo?... The Office of Marketing and Communication has moved from the Carlson Administration Building into the Lundgren House, between the Guest House and the GACAC Retreat House on the northeastern side of campus. Come and visit before the weather turns.

Parking Restriction This Weekend... Lund Parking Lot will be closed to faculty, staff, and students beginning Friday, Sept. 3, at 11 p.m. and will reopen for campus parking following the First-Year Orientation Square Dance event Saturday night, Sept. 4.

2010 Holiday Schedule... The College will observe the following holidays through the remainder of the 2010 calendar year:

  • Fourth of July - Monday, July 5, 2010
  • Thanksgiving Day - Thursday, November 25, 2010
  • Day after Thanksgiving - Friday, November 26, 2010
  • Christmas Day - Friday, December 24, 2010
  • Floating Holiday - Monday, December 27, 2010
  • Floating Holiday - Tuesday, December 28, 2010
  • Floating Holiday - Wednesday, December 29, 2010
  • Floating Holiday* - Thursday, December 30, 2010
  • New Year’s Day - Friday, December 31, 2010

*Additional floating holiday approved by the President’s Cabinet for this year.

Reminder... The College is officially open on Labor Day, Sept. 6. Employees taking the day off must use PTO or a vacation day.

Campus Happenings

Chapel Schedule... All are invited to the worship services at 10 a.m. weekdays and 10:30 a.m. Sundays in Christ Chapel. The upcoming schedule is as follows.

  • Tuesday, Sept. 7 - Opening Convocation: President Jack Ohle
  • Wednesday, Sept. 8 - Morning Praise
  • Thursday, Sept. 9 - Taizé
  • Friday, Sept. 10 - TBA

Fall GHP Programs Announced... Activities scheduled as part of the Gustavus Health Promotion (GHP) for the Fall 2010 semester are listed below. All classes are free of charge and available to Gustavus employees and spouses. Each class is designed to challenge all fitness levels, and you don’t need to be “in shape” to participate. Bring a friend and give each class a try (you do not need to sign up or register for classes). If you have any questions about any of the programs that are offered, contact Rachelle Dosch at x6468.

  • Pilates and More: 11:40 a.m.-12:15 p.m., Tuesdays, Lund 224 (Instructor: Rachel More) — A pilates and cardio class all-in-one? Too good to be true! This class offers an exercise medley that targets both your core strength and cardiovascular stamina.
  • Old Skool Aerobics: 12:40-1:15 p.m., Tuesdays, Lund 217 (Instructor: Brenda Haugen) — Who doesn’t love taking a trip back in time? Have fun moving to the music as you perform old skool aerobic exercises that will really get your heart pumping. Hair scrunchies, leggings, and off-the-shoulder sweatshirts are optional.
  • The Mixx: 6:30-7:30 a.m., Wednesdays, Lund 224          (Instructor: Brenda Haugen) Who needs morning coffee when you have “The Mixx”? This class includes a variety of kick-boxing moves and high/low aerobic exercises that will be sure to provide you with the energy boost you need to start your day off right.
  • Water Aerobics: 12:40-1:15 p.m., Wednesdays, Lund Pool (Instructor: Kari Eckheart) The water is a great place to work out and an excellent way to incorporate some variety into your normal routine! This water class is for participants who are comfortable in the shallow end as well as the deep end.
  • Yoga: 12:40-1:15 p.m., Thursdays, Lund 217 (Instructor: Brenda Haugen) Kick off your shoes, lay out your mat, and prepare to balance the body and mind. This class is meant for the yoga novice or veteran. A great way to refresh and rejuvenate at the end of the week!
  • “The Movers” Walking Club: 12:40-1:15 p.m., Mondays & Fridays, Meet in Lund — This is an informal class without an instructor that is open to anyone who wants to meet people to walk, jog, and socialize while exercising. Come for 10 minutes or stay for the entire 45 minutes. All participants will meet at the Red Desk and decide where they want to start moving! Participants can use the Lund Center Forum, Outdoor Track, or Arboretum.
  • Weekly Circuit: Posted in Lund Center Forum every Monday — A weekly circuit will be posted on the wall in the Lund Center Forum for individuals looking to add variety into their workout. This circuit will include a variety of total body exercises. This is a great option for people who need to workout on their own and want the structure of someone telling them what to do. The circuit will be posted under the time clock in the Forum.

Off-Campus Events of Interest

New Weight Watchers Session... For information on attending Weight Watchers meetings at Scholarship America, please contact Julie Wilkins by phone at 507-931-0433, or e-mail

Youth Activities Fair... The community is invited to attend a free Youth Activities Fair on Monday, Sept. 13, 5:30-7 p.m., at the St. Peter Community Center. Check out the many organizations and associations that provide opportunities for St. Peter youth. From sports associations to scouting to theater opportunities to dance and art and 4-H, come and see all that's available to youth during the year. Meet and ask questions. Register if you're interested. Sign up for door prizes. The Daily Grind Concession Stand in the Community Center will be open during the fair. The Youth Activities Fair is sponsored by St. Peter Recreation & Leisure Services and St. Peter Community & Family Education.

Congregational Outreach

Events... The Office of Church Relations will be hosting a welcome reception in the Retreat Center for clergy parents and families of first-year and new transfer students on Friday, Sept. 3, at 1:30 a.m.


Thank you to all who have expressed sympathy to us on the death of our father, Jim Klein. We are truly blessed to be a part of such a caring community. Your kindness will never be forgotten. ~Dave Klein (Campus Safety) and Mary Gunderson (Registrar's Office).


Cooperative Memberships Offered... One- and two-bedroom apartments are available at Realife Cooperative (500 West Jackson St., 2 blocks south of Jefferson Ave. and 4th St. in St. Peter). Realife is member-owned and -controlled and is a 55+ community. Guest room and party room available for members' use. Laundry is free. The building is secure. Additional information is available at or 507-934-2902.

Apartments for Rent... Located at 418/420 West Wabasha in St. Peter. Two bedrooms, two baths, spacious living area and kitchen. Appliances include stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer, and dryer. Forced-air furnace and central air. Available Sept. 1. No pets. Rent is $700; gas, electric, phone, and cable extra. Call Janet Anthony at 934-5711.

Furnished Apartment for Rent... Located on Swede Park (Minnesota Square). One large bedroom, newly tiled bath with shower. Fully or partially furnished. Photos available on request. No pets. No smoking. Contact

"Plugs" is maintained as a forum by which members of the Gustavus community may offer goods and/or services to others in the community, or seek the same from them. It is not meant to accommodate ads or announcements from area businesses such as real estate agents or retailers, although from time to time such announcements may be published when deemed to be of particular interest to the community.



Upcoming events
Date Event
Today 34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at St Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (Plymouth, Minn.) Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church, 17205 County Rd 6, Plymouth, MN 55447, USA
6:307:30 p.m. Sunday Worship Community Chapel
78 p.m. Athletic Training Virtual Open House on Google Meet
Tomorrow Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
57 p.m. Spring into Wellness Campus Center
Feb 25 Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
1111:30 a.m. Career and Vocation Champions - Explore, Experience, Transition: Our Model for Supporting Students Center for Career Development, JSU Room 209
11:3011:50 a.m. Guided Meditation - Online
11:3011:50 a.m. Chapel Break Chapel
3:305 p.m. Campus Conversation: AI at Gustavus in Class and at Work, Three Crowns, and St. Peter rooms (JCC)
Feb 26 Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Applause for the Cause - Gustavus Performing Arts Giving Days Björling Recital Hall lobby
36 p.m. Gustavus Women in Leadership International Women's Day Event Hall
3:304:30 p.m. New Faculty Orientation Session (Required for TT faculty; others welcome) Hall, Room 304
3:304:30 p.m. New Faculty Orientation session (Required for TT faculty; others welcome) Hall, Room 304
Feb 27 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Applause for the Cause - Gustavus Performing Arts Giving Days Björling Recital Hall lobby
11:30 a.m. to 11:50 p.m. Chapel Break Chapel
11:3011:50 a.m. Guided Meditation - In Person Multifaith Center, Anderson Hall
Feb 28 Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
1st half finals
Mar 1 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at Augustana Lutheran Church (Washington D.C.) Lutheran Church, 2100 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20009
Mar 2 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at Cathedral of the Incarnation (Baltimore, Md.) of the Incarnation, 4 E University Pkwy, Baltimore, MD 21218
Mar 3 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
Spring Break
78:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at The Church of the Holy Trinity (Philadelphia, Penn.) Church of the Holy Trinity, 1904 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Mar 4 Spring Break
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. RESPOND Training: Supporting Student Mental Health Heritage Room
58 p.m. Alumni Gathering with President Bergman in North Glendale, AZ of Paul Batz '85 and Melinda Moen Batz '86
78:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church (Ridgewood, N.J.) Evangelical Lutheran Church, 155 Linwood Ave, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Mar 5 Spring Break
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library

To add or change items on the calendar, please fill out and submit a College Calendar event form. View the entire College Calendar online.


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Gustavus Shows Breadth, Depth in National Rankings

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Inside Gustavus is a newsletter for Gustavus Adolphus College employees produced by the Office of Marketing and Communication. It is published weekly during the academic year (except during the week of Thanksgiving, the Christmas break, Touring Week, and the Spring and Easter breaks). Anyone may submit items by filling out an online submission form. While online submissions are preferred, items may also be submitted typewritten on a letter-sized sheet of paper. Send "snail mail" items to: Inside Gustavus, Office of Marketing and Communication. Items must reach the office no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. The week of Nobel Conference the deadline is 4:30 p.m. Monday. For more information, contact Steve Waldhauser ( or x6413).

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