The Yellow Sheet for March 8, 2007March 8, 2007 | Volume 39, Number 22

Volume 39, Number 22

News & Announcements
Grant News
Upcoming Events
Off-Campus Events
Extraordinary People
Congregational Outreach

Funding Opps
Telecommunications Updates
Calendar of Events
Submit an Item Online

News & Announcements

Voice Mail Time-Change Update... Due to the change in daylight savings time and the age of the campus voice mail system, the time-change adjustment to the voice mail system will need to be done manually. The change will be made on Monday, March 12 by 8 a.m. Please keep this in mind when reviewing messages that are received on Sunday, March 11, until the adjustment is made on Monday morning. Telephone displays and call records will adjust automatically on Sunday morning. If you have any questions, please contact Telecommunications at x7025 or x6261.

Welcome New Advancement Staff... Join the advancement staff in welcoming Kari Clark, director of gift planning, and Tony Pasiak, associate director of the Gustavus Fund, on Tuesday, March 13, 2007 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Linner Lounge.

Media Relations Manager Named... Matt Thomas, a 2000 graduate of Gustavus who has been working as a sports reporter for the Lakeshore Weekly News in Wayzata, Minn., and a legal reporter for Courthouse News Service, has joined the Marketing and Communication staff as media relations manager. He will be working with local, regional, and statewide media outlets to convey the Gustavus story to the public.

Cancer Support Group... The campus Cancer Support Group will meet at noon on Wednesday, March 14, in Linner Lounge. Bring a lunch and join the conversation.

Marketing and Communication Open House... An open-house reception will be held in Marketing and Communication (upper level of Carlson Administration Building) from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 15, to welcome Vice President Gwendolyn Freed, Media Relations Manager Matt Thomas, and Director of Web Communications Jerry Nowell and to bid farewell to Administrative Assistant Carol Lawrence. Freed began her duties in December, Thomas started his position on March 5, Nowell transferred to Marketing and Communication on March 1, and Lawrence, who has been employed at Gustavus for 17 years, will be retiring this spring.

Leadership and Service Award Nominations Sought... The Paul Magnuson Student Leadership and Service Award was established in 1991 to recognize leadership and service contributions made by current Gustavus students. Nominations are currently being sought for student-planned events, programs, or individual expressions of leadership by students during the 2006-07 academic year. Nomination forms for the Magnuson Award are available at the Dean of Students' Office or at the Student Activities Desk. Nominations must be returned to the Dean of Students' Office by Wednesday, March 28, to be given consideration. Please contact Assistant Dean of Students Steve Bennett ( or x7739) if you have any questions.

Grant News

Thanks to the efforts of Lisa Lindley (economics and management) and Noreen Buhmann (Community Service Center), Gustavus was awarded $2,500 from the James S. Kemper Foundation. This grant supports a research project to assess student outcomes resulting from the experiential learning/service learning-enhanced component of a Strategic Management class during the current academic year.

Amanda Nienow (chemistry) was awarded $19,272 through the Research Site for Educators in Chemistry program at the University of Minnesota. Funding will support faculty/student research this summer that examines the photochemistry of emerging aqueous contaminants.

Ryan Yunkers (student activities) successfully secured a $6,000 award from the C. Charles Jackson Foundation in support of an experiential leadership program that includes an outdoor challenge course and outdoor adventure trips for individual Gustavus student groups and student teams comprising members of several student groups.


Chapel Schedule... All are invited to the worship services at 10 a.m. weekdays and 10:30 a.m. Sundays in Christ Chapel. The upcoming schedule is as follows:

  • March 9 -- St. David's Day gymanfa ganu
  • March 11 -- Chaplain Rachel Larson
  • March 12 -- Pastor Lars Clausen
  • March 13 -- Steve Bennett
  • March 14 -- Lenten Liturgy
  • March 15 -- Apple Valley High School Choir
  • March 16 -- TBA

St. David's Day Again... Gustavus Adolphus College has rescheduled its 34th observance of St. David's Day, which had been postponed from March 2, for Friday, March 9. The event opens with 10 a.m. hymn sing/worship service in Christ Chapel, followed by a reception in Alumni Hall, a presentation on Wales by Mark Bjelland (geography), and a luncheon.

Dance Concert This Weekend... Tickets are now on sale at the Gustavus Ticket Center (933-7590) for the spring dance concert, "To Touch, To Move, To Inspire," March 9-11 in Anderson Theatre. Gustavus students and employees receive one complimentary ticket. For outside students and senior citizens, tickets cost $5, while an adult ticket costs $7. This concert is directed by Michele Rusinko and Maria Gomez-Tierney and choregraphed by Sue Gunness, Cynthia Gutierrez-Garner, Maria Gomez-Tierney, Laura Selle Virtucio, Suzanne Wiltgen, Matt Dittes, Taylor Rocheford, and Tiffany Plante.

Author Visit... Unicycling pastor Lars Clausen is coming to Gustavus on Monday and Tuesday, March 12-13 to discuss his book Straight Into Gay America: My Unicycle Journey for Equal Rights. This book is a "coming out" story combining personal exploration with active advocacy. Clausen visited Gustavus a few years ago and spoke with several audiences about his first book, One Wheel, Many Spokes. Clausen is an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and holds the Guinness world record for the longest unicycle tour (9,136 miles). He will be homilist in Chapel on Monday, March 12, and present a public address that evening at 7 p.m. in the Heritage Room, Jackson Campus Center.

Safe Zone Training... It's not too late to sign up for Safe Zone Training. In addition to the March 8 session (2:30-4:30 p.m.), there's an evening session on Tuesday, March 13 (7-9 p.m.) in the Saint Peter Room, Jackson Campus Center. Safe Zone is a program that helps build a supportive campus climate for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people, as well as those in the process of defining their sexuality or gender identity. Training is prepared and put on by Gustavus Queers and Allies. Participants may choose to display a Safe Zone sticker in their office following the training, but it is not required.

Locavores, CSAs, and Farmers' Markets: The Growing Interest in Local Foods... Locally grown foods are one of the fastest-growing segments of the food industry. They are also increasingly being seen as an important tool in promoting community food security. Lisa Heldke (philosophy) will explore aspects of the local foods movement and will examine the ways in which local foods can contribute to greater food security for all during a presentation on Tuesday, March 13, at 7 p.m. in the Interpretive Center, ($8 for the public; free for Gustavus students and employees). She'll look ahead to the upcoming MayDay conference, the theme of which is "Community Food Security."

Documentary Screening... The Changing Face of America, a documentary filmed over January by four Gustavus students addressing U.S. immigration policy, will be screened at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 14, in Wallenberg Auditorium. A discussion will follow the screening. It is sponsored by GAC TV and the Film Society.

Faculty Shop Talk... Pamela Kittelson (biology) will present the next Faculty Shop Talk of the 2006-07 academic year. Her talk, titled "Invaders in the midst: how does native plant diversity and resource availability affect the impact of an invader?" will be presented on Friday, March 16, at 4:30 p.m. in the Interpretive Center. Feel free to arrive any time after 4:15 p.m. The abstract for this and future talks may be viewed at

Sign Up Now for CVR Summer Workshop... The Center for Vocational Reflection is pleased to announce that this summer's biennial staff/faculty workshop will revisit the very successful theme and format of the 2005 workshop, "Mentoring and Advising for Vocation: Gustavus as a Mentoring Community." Renowned educator and scholar Sharon Parks, author of Big Questions, Worthy Dreams: Mentoring Young Adults in Their Search for Meaning, Purpose, and Faith and co-author of Common Fire: Leading Lives of Commitment in a Complex World, will return as special guest facilitator for the 2007 workshop, which is scheduled for Monday, June 11, through Wednesday, June 13. All faculty, staff, administrators, and coaches are welcome to apply. A maximum of 40 applicants will be selected to participate. A limited number of up to 15 stipends of $300 each will be available to those who indicate that they would not otherwise be able to participate. If you would like to participate but are willing to do so without the stipend, please indicate that on the application. (Applications are available in the CVR, or on the CVR website: Completed applications are due to the Center for Vocational Reflection by Thursday, March 15, 2007.


Breakfast Fundraiser for SPHS Graduation Party... Postponed from Sunday, Feb. 25, the 21st annual St. Peter High School All Night Graduation Party Pancake and Sausage Breakfast has been rescheduled for Sunday, March 11, 2007, from 8 noon at the St. Peter American Legion. Tickets are $5 for adults, $4 for students 6-11 years of age, and under 6 years free. All proceeds help sponsor the St. Peter High School All Night Graduation Party. The event is sponsored by the St. Peter Masons, Nicollet Lodge #54.

Celtic Music at the Arts Center... Harpist Amy Kortuem and her Celtic band perform at the Arts Center of Saint Peter (315 S. Minnesota Ave., St. Peter) on March 23 at 7:30 p.m. Amy's music has delighted varied audiences from festival goers to dignitaries, and her band's unique style of traditional Irish and Celtic music is perfect for welcoming in the spring. Tickets may be purchased at the door (adults $10, AC members $9, students $6). Seats can be reserved by calling the Arts Center at 931-3630.


Lisa Heldke (philosophy) presented a paper, titled "Jane Addams and Liberty Hyde Bailey: Two Models of Democratic Inquiry Communities," at the meeting of Feminist Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology and Science Studies, held at Arizona State University in Tempe.

On February 28, Steve Wright (music) was the guest clinician and director for the Rum River Conference Jazz Festival in Braham, Minn. Besides directing the all-conference jazz ensemble, he worked with five bands from the district and performed a jazz concert as the finale event. The Gustavus Jazz Quartet (student group) also performed at the concert. The host for the event was John Cook (band director in Olgivie, Minn.), who is a graduate of Gustavus. On March 5, Wright was an adjudicator for a band and orchestra contest in New Ulm, Minn.. Seven concert bands and two orchestras from the area participated in the contest.


Partners in Education... Presenters scheduled for this week include Darrel Jodock (religion) who will be speaking on Christian-Jewish relations at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, New Ulm, Minn., at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday, March 11. Partners in Education is a program coordinated by the Office of Church Relations for which participating faculty and staff members prepare topical presentations for adult forums, workshops, and seminars in congregations of the ELCA.

Retreats... The Office of Church Relations will host a confirmation retreat for Nokomis Heights Lutheran Church from Minneapolis on Friday, March 9, through Sunday, March 11. Church Relations will also host a confirmation retreat for First Presbyterian Church from Mankato, Minn., on Friday, March 9, and Saturday, March 10.

Music in Worship... Any Gustavus music ensemble or soloist is welcome to perform in congregations. For more information, contact Marilyn Beyer (x7001).


The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations' weekly program or funding opportunity highlight:
  • Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Program and Grant News... Awards in the Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Program are viewed as among the most prestigious appointments in the Fulbright Scholar Program. Candidates should be senior scholars and have a significant publication and teaching record. Awards provide the opportunity to lecture and/or do research in twelve European countries, two South American countries, Russia, Canada, and Australia. Grants are available from three months to ten months and vary by country or regional program and type of award. The deadline for required letter of interest, sample syllabus and curriculum vitae is May 1. Those invited to submit full applications have an August 1 deadline. For more information, please see
For more information on grants or proposal preparation, contact Bob Weisenfeld in the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (x7049 or


The following are changes and additions for the "Personnel Phone Directory 2006-07":
  • Bobbie Jo Goughnour, Custodial, phone: x7655 (addition)
  • Anne Patneaude, Career Center, phone: x6056, e-mail: apatneau (addition)
  • Ann Studniski, Athletic Training, phone: x6462, e-mail: astudnis (addition)
  • Matthew Thomas, Marketing and Communication, phone: x7510, e-mail: mthomas (addition)

For further information or corrections, contact Laura McCabe in telecommunications (x6261 or


Car for Sale: 1996 Dodge Stratus ES 4-door sedan, 5-speed manual, maroon, $1,400, new tires, flawless interior (non-smoking), air conditioning, 163,000 miles. This car has been meticulously maintained and taken care of. There is a small area of rust beginning on the front of the hood, but otherwise this car is spotless. Please contact Tyler at 952-994-4550.

For Sale: DXG 5.1 megapixel digital camera with MP3, voice and video recorder, still photos. $80. Call Carol at x6213.

Florida Condo Rental... Orlando/Kissimmee Condo--one week, only $400. That's less than $60 per night for a suite that sleeps four with a full kitchen. Very close to Disneyworld. Dates are May 26-June 2. If interested or for more info, please contact Kristi at or 934-5242.


Reception Correction... Please note that the reception for new advancement staff on Tuesday, March 13, in Linner Lounge runs from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. rather than 10-11 a.m. as listed last week.


Upcoming events
Date Event
Today Apply to Be a Paid Writing Assistant!
Athletic Training Virtual Open House
Market Place, Courtyard Café, and The STEAMery Hours
RESPOND Training: Supporting Student Mental Health
34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at St Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (Plymouth, Minn.) Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church, 17205 County Rd 6, Plymouth, MN 55447, USA
6:307:30 p.m. Sunday Worship Community Chapel
78 p.m. Athletic Training Virtual Open House on Google Meet
Tomorrow 2025 Student Employment Job Fair
Apply to Be a Paid Writing Assistant!
Library Hours for Spring Break
Market Place, Courtyard Café, and The STEAMery Hours
Relay For Life of Gustavus Adolphus College
RESPOND Training: Supporting Student Mental Health
Retreat in the Chapel
Tryout for the 2025-26 GAC Dance Team!

To add or change items on the calendar, please fill out and submit a College Calendar event form. View the entire College Calendar online.

The Yellow Sheet is a newsletter for Gustavus Adolphus College employees produced by the Office of Marketing and Communication. It is published weekly during the academic year (except during the week of Thanksgiving, the Christmas breqk, Touring Week, and the Spring and Easter breaks). Anyone may submit items by filling out an online submission form. While online, e-mail submissions are preferred, items may also be submitted typewritten on a letter-sized sheet of paper. Send "snail mail" items to: The Yellow Sheet, Office of Marketing and Communication. Items must reach the office no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. The week of Nobel Conference the deadline is 4:30 p.m. Monday. For more information, contact Steve Waldhauser ( or x6413).
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