The Yellow Sheet 2003February 13, 2003 | Volume 35, Number 18

Thursday, Feb. 13,

Volume 35, Number 19

News & Announcements
Upcoming Events
Off-Campus Events
Congregational Outreach
Funding Opps
In the Media
Lost, But Found
Calendar of Events
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News & Announcements

Community Conversation Tomorrow... Campus community members who have not yet registered but would like to participate in the Feb. 14 "The Heart of Gustavus: A Community Conversation" must register by 3 p.m. today, Feb. 13. To register or for more information, call the Office of the President (x7538).
Departments and offices to be closed from 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Feb. 14, unless otherwise indicated, include:
Academic Advising
Academic departments
Administrative Computing Center
Alcohol/Drug Education
Career Center
Center for Vocational Reflection
Community Service Center
Dean of Students Office
Dining Service (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.)
Diversity Center
Financial Aid
Finance Office (student checks to be issued today, Thursday)
Human Resources
International Education
Lund Center
Media Services
President's Office
Residential Life
Registrar's Office
Health Service

Skeleton or emergency only crew:
Admission -- open for out-of-state visitors
Book Mark -- skeleton staff
Counseling Center -- counselors available for emergencies
Custodial -- skeleton staff
Dean of Faculty -- student employee staff
Information Technology -- skeleton staff
Institutional Advancement -- skeleton staff
Library -- skeleton staff
Physical Plant -- phone only
Post Office -- skeleton staff
Public Relations -- skeleton staff
Safety and Security -- officers available to respond, if needed
Student Activities -- information desk only
Swanson Tennis Center -- closed except for reservations
Telecommunications Office -- switchboard only will remain open

Extended Absence Reminder... All individuals participating in the community conversation are encouraged to leave an extended absence greeting on voice mail. Here is a sample message: "You have reached (name) in the (office/department) at Gustavus Adolphus College. Today, Feb. 14, I will be out of the office from 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. attending 'The Heart of Gustavus: A Community Conversation.' Please leave a message, including a phone number, and I will return your call later today. Thank you for calling."

Presidential Search Update... The Presidential Search Committee completed interviews with 7 candidates on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1. After extensive review of the candidates' resumes, references, and the interviews, interfaced with the needs of the College as stated in the prospectus and priorities identified by the Board of Trustees, 3 candidates have been invited to visit campus. These candidates will come to see the campus, meet with a variety of people, and have the opportunity to become acquainted with Gustavus. There will be meetings to which a variety of people will be invited; there will be separate but open meetings for administrators, staff, faculty, and students. A form for those wishing to share observations about the candidates will be provided. A detailed schedule of these meetings and the names of the candidates will be available soon. The first candidate will be on campus Feb. 20-21, the second Feb. 24-25, and the third Feb. 27-28. Following a meeting of the search committee, the Board of Trustees will meet March 4 to make a final decision about the next president of the College.

Letters Sought for Promotion... The Faculty Personnel Committee invites faculty and other members of the college community to submit letters on behalf of candidates for promotion to professor. The candidates include Mark Braun, Chris Gilbert, and Bruce Johnson. Letters should address the criteria for promotion and be addressed to Dean John Mosbo. Promotion files close Feb. 21.

Day at the Capitol Feb. 25... An educational forum to mobilize support for the Minnesota State Grant Program will take place from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Feb. 25 at the State Capitol in St. Paul. Students from Gustavus and other Minnesota private colleges are encouraged to attend and hear from legislative leaders, possibly Gov. Tim Pawlenty, and meet in small groups with legislators. Program funding for the next 2 academic years could be affected by the state's projected budget deficit. Legislators need to hear how important state grants are in helping students attend Gustavus. To sign up or to learn more about the day, go to Questions may be directed to Robert Helgeson in student financial assistance (x7527 or

Return Survey, Win a Prize... Anyone who has not yet turned in the internal communication survey, delivered via campus mail during touring week, is reminded to do so by Feb. 20 to be eligible to win 1 of 4 $25 gift certificates from the Book Mark. Individuals may drop surveys off in the internal communication survey box located at the Information Center in the Campus Center, bring them to the Office of Public Relations, or put them in campus mail. Surveys and entry forms may be mailed separately, but entry cards must not be submitted if a survey was not completed and returned. The surveys will be analyzed and used to inform future internal communication decisions. Everyone's input is appreciated. Questions may be directed to Stacia Senne (x7510 or

Campaign Updates... The Office of Institutional Advancement reports that strong progress is being made toward the successful completion of the $100 million Building a Greater Gustavus campaign. As of Jan. 31, $85,791,068 in gifts and pledges has been confirmed. Approximately $2.5 million has been raised to date for the Old Main Renovation initiative. At its January meeting, the Board of Trustees gave authority to President Johnson to move the College forward into the bidding process once $4 million has been committed. Given the current rate of fundraising, this is likely to occur prior to the April meeting of the trustees. The board will be asked for permission to move forward with construction once the entire $5 million goal has been pledged.

Peace Corps Ranking... Gustavus ranks 22nd nationally on the list of small colleges and universities (less than 5,000 graduates) with alumni currently serving as Peace Corps volunteers. Currently, 15 Gustavus alumni are representing the U.S. overseas, and are helping to promote world peace and friendship by training individuals and educating them about the U.S.

Administrators' Meeting... Due to President Johnson's travel schedule, a meeting for all administrators scheduled for Feb. 27 has been changed to 10:30 a.m. March 6 in Banquet Room B in the Campus Center. Agenda items should be submitted to Jolene Christensen (


Chapel Schedule... All are invited to the worship services at 10 a.m. weekdays and 10:30 a.m. Sundays in Christ Chapel. The upcoming schedule is as follows:

  • Feb. 14 -- John Mosbo, Philippians 2:1-8;
  • Feb. 16 -- 6th Sunday after the Epiphany, Chaplain Brian Johnson;
  • Feb. 17 -- Bill Schoonover, National Civic Engagement Week;
  • Feb. 18 -- David Person, Global Missions, Mark 1:14-17;
  • Feb. 19 -- Morning Praise;
  • Feb. 20 -- Amy Pehrson, Psalm 130;
  • Feb. 21 -- Tom Christenson; and
  • Feb. 23 -- 7th Sunday after the Epiphany, Chaplain Rachel Larson.
Piano Recital Sunday... Helen and Paul Baumgartner (both music) will present a piano 4-hand recital at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 16 in Bjorling Recital Hall. This recital, which commemorates the anniversary of the death of Franz Schubert, includes 5 works by the composer. Included in the program are Schubert's Overture in F, the Polonaise in E, Allegro Ma Non Troppo, and Introduction and Variations in B Flat. One of the best known works for piano duet, Fantasy in F Minor, completes the program. Sunday's recital is free and open to the public. There will be a reception in the recital hall lobby following the performance.

Weight Watchers Meeting Tuesday... Anyone interested in bringing Weight Watchers to campus should attend an informational meeting from 9:30-10 a.m. Feb. 18 in Linner Lounge. This meeting is free to the entire Gustavus community. There is no obligation to join. Sponsored by Gustavus Health Promotion.

Physics Seminar Feb. 20... Jochen Mueller of the University of Minnesota will present a physics seminar, titled "The Physics and Biology of Signal Fluctuations at the Single Molecule Level," at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 20 in Olin Hall 220. All are invited to attend.

Talk Shop Feb. 21... Nancy Hanway (modern foreign languages and literatures/Spanish) will present the next Faculty Shop Talk of the 2002-03 academic year at 4:30 p.m. Feb. 21 in the Interpretive Center. Her talk is titled "Small Crimes: detective fiction and urban space in early 20th century Argentina." Feel free to arrive any time after 4:15 p.m. The abstract for this and future talks may be viewed on the Gustavus Web under the On-Campus Community/Faculty/Shop Talks link.

Wellness Retreat Feb. 22... As a follow-up to their presentation at Employee Enhancement Days, Steve Bennett (counseling center) and William Shores, lead physician at the St. Peter Clinic-Mayo Health System, will conduct a retreat titled "Embracing the Full Catastrophe: A Wellness Retreat" for Gustavus employees and family members from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Feb. 22 in the Interpretive Center. The retreat will focus on learning techniques of stress management, mindful meditation, relaxation, nutrition, and wellness-based lifestyle choices. This retreat is free and open to any Gustavus employee. Partners and family members above the age of 16 may attend for $20 per person. Contact human resources to register. For more information, contact Steve Bennett ( Registration is required by Feb. 19. Participants should plan on attending the entire retreat, dress in comfortable clothing, and bring a pillow, a blanket or exercise mat, a notebook or journal, and a bag lunch. Coffee, tea, and water will be provided.

Discussion on Vocation of Church-Related Colleges... Faculty and staff are invited to attend discussions about the vocation of church-related colleges and universities Feb. 19-21. Tom Christenson, professor of philosophy at Capital University in Columbus, OH, who is working on a book on this subject, will be on campus to discuss 2 topics central to his book. Christenson has supplied an essay for each topic in which he frequently draws on experiences with students. The corresponding essay should be read before attending any of the discussions. To receive the essays or to make a reservation, contact Linda Elvee (x7317 or before Feb. 17. Space is limited; reservations are required. The schedule is as follows:

  • 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. Feb. 19 in Banquet Room C -- Topic 1: "Love and Knowing: Uncovering a Lutheran Epistemology"
  • Feb. 20 -- Teacher/s Talk(ing). Topic 2: "Whole Persons: The Educational Implications of a Lutheran Anthropology":
    • Session 1: 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. in the Faculty and Staff Center in the Campus Center
    • Session 2: 12:30-1:20 p.m. in the Faculty and Staff Center in the Campus Center
    • 5:30-7 p.m. in Banquet Room C -- Topic 1
  • 12:30-1:20 p.m. Feb. 21 in Banquet Room C -- Topic 1
This visit is sponsored by the Bernhardson Chair in Lutheran Studies, the Office of Faculty Development, the Center for Vocational Reflection, and the Office of Church Relations.

Koinonia Bible Study will be held Feb. 24 in the Interpretive Center. This is a monthly event for pastors and is presented by Luther Seminary and hosted by the Office of Church Relations.

IT Classes in March... The following classes are being offered by the Department of Information Technology through March 13:

  • "Departmental Webpages: Level 2" -- 1:30-3:30 p.m. March 4 in Olin Hall 031;
  • "Presentations with PowerPoint" -- 10:30 a.m.-noon March 5 in Olin Hall 031;
  • "iMovie Basics" -- 2:30-4 p.m. March 6 in the Olin Hall Multimedia Center;
  • "Excel Basics" -- 2:30-4 p.m. March 11 in Olin Hall 031;
  • "Taming the E-mail Monster" -- 2:30-4 p.m. March 12 in Olin Hall 031; and
  • "Advanced Word" -- 9-10:30 a.m. March 13 in Olin Hall 031.
For more information, a complete list of classes, or to register, go to


Somali Play Feb. 18... Breaking Ice, a play about the lives of Somali people in small-town Minnesota, will be presented at 7 p.m. Feb. 18 at the St. Peter Community Center Senior Room. This is a presentation by the Minnesota Humanities Commission and the Pillsbury House Theater. The play is free and open to the public.

"Jazz for Justice" Workshop March 1... The campus community is invited to join the Lutheran Human Relations Association at its 3rd annual "Jazz for Justice: Mardi Gras Style" March 1 at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, located at 2315 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis. From 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. there will be a faith-based interactive workshop, titled "Bridges of Human Community," which will be followed by a dinner and entertainment. Pre-registration is required by Feb. 24. For more information, contact Marilyn Miller (414/536-0585 or

Senior Surf Days in March, April... All senior citizens are invited to the St. Peter Public Library for a free session on basic computer use and internet surfing. Sign up for one session. Sessions will be offered from 9 a.m.-noon at the library on the following dates: March 4, March 6, March 7, April 2, April 3, and April 4. Seating is limited and sessions fill quickly. Preregistration is required. For more information or to register, call the library (934-7420).

Sexuality Conference April 4-6... All are invited to attend a conference on "Sexuality, Spirituality and the Church" the first weekend in April at Olaf College. For more information, go to


Elizabeth Baer, English, co-edited a book, titled Experience and Expression: Women, the Nazis, and the Holocaust, with Myrna Goldenberg. The book is scheduled to be released this month and will soon be available in the Book Mark.

Mark Braun, communication studies and associate dean, gave a presentation about the Curriculum II program, titled "Creating the Liberally Educated Student: Imaginative Approaches to General Education," for a panel at the annual meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities in Seattle. Braun also presented a Partners in Education talk on legal and social scientific perspectives on pornography for Christiania Lutheran Church in Lakeville.

Barbara Fister, library, was a panelist on a teleconference, titled "Reference Services: Virtual, Digital and In-Library, a New Model for Effective Delivery," broadcast Feb. 7 by the Office of Special Services at the College of DuPage.

Doug Huff, philosophy, presented a paper, titled "Wittgenstein and the Quest for Certainty," at the Wittgenstein Colloquium held Feb. 8 at St. Olaf College.

Jeff Jeremiason, chemistry, was invited to present a paper, titled "Sulfate Addition Enhances Concentration and Export of Methylmercury From a Treated Wetland," at the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Conference Feb. 9-14 in Salt Lake City.

Michael Jorgensen, music, performed with the VocalEssence Ensemble Singers under the direction of Philip Brunelle on Garrison Keillor's Jan. 25 edition of "Prairie Home Companion." Also, Jorgensen can be heard on CD as the baritone soloist in Charles Ives' "The Celestial Country" featuring the St. Olaf Choir. The recording is an internationally distributed CD, produced by London-based Linn Records.

Pamela Kittelson, biology, along with Charles Pastor, mathematics and computer science, and January Term 2002 students Phil Graeve, Andy Anderson, Derek Boll, Emily Dahlquist, Jim Eckberg, Louisa Kempema, Michelle Maley, Mary Panzer, Monica Paulson, Lisa Smart, Sheila Tuel, Erica Wenger, and Jeff West, had an article, titled "Minnesota students discover California natural history using NRS reserves," published in the winter issue of Transect. Additionally, the University of California Television produced a video interview with Kittelson that illustrated the value of teaching and research in the natural reserve system.

David Koppenhaver, education, presented a lecture in Penang, Malaysia, to faculty and graduate students of the Universiti Sains Malaysia and 2 workshops for educators and parents in the community Jan. 21-23. The talks were sponsored by the Australian-American Fulbright Foundation. The Koppenhaver family spent the week with Steve Mellema, physics, and his family.

Horst Ludwig, modern foreign languages and literatures/German, had a Rumanian translation of his Hiroshima haiku "Gray memorial stone. / Names - for me without a sound - / of real people" published in Haiku: Revista de Interferente Culturale Româno-Japneze 2002, no. 27, p. 5. That haiku won the 1st prize at the 35th A-Bomb Memorial Day haiku contest in 2001.

Brian O'Brien, chemistry, has had a research proposal funded. The proposal, titled "Trifluoromethyltrimethylsilane (Me3Si-CF3, Ruppert's Reagent) for Synthesis of New Main-group and Transition Metal Compounds," is co-sponsored by his sabbatical host, Joseph Thrahser of the University of Alabama. The $2,500 award from the American Chemical Society Division of Fluorine Chemistry will serve as partial support for student Matthew Hennek to do research at the University of Alabama for 10 weeks this summer. Further costs will be covered by the University of Alabama.

Carolyn O'Grady, education, and Mark Braun, communication studies and associate dean, attended a conference, titled "Educating for Justice: Liberal Education and the Development of Just Members of Society," at the Institute for the Liberal Arts at Westmont College in CA.

Steve Wright, music, performed 2 St. Paul Chamber Orchestra family concerts Feb. 8 as a featured artist with "Klezmer and All That Jazz." The group performed 3 movements from Shelley Hanson's "Concerto for Klezmer Band and Orchestra" and Benny Goodman's "Sing, Sing, Sing."


  • Lucile Neaderhouser, mother of Patricia Freiert (emeritus professor of classics) and mother-in-law of Will Freiert (classics), died Feb. 9. Services and burial will be Feb. 14 in Berne, IN. Memorials should be sent to the St. Peter Health Care Center.
  • Gottfried Ludwig, age 75 and the eldest brother of Horst Ludwig (modern foreign languages and literatures/German), died Feb. 5 in Germany.
To inform the campus community of the loss of a current student or employee or trustee, an emeritus professor or trustee, or an immediate family member of a current employee, contact the president's office (x7538).


Preaching in Congregations... Jack Niemi (church relations) preached Feb. 9 at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Le Center. This program is coordinated by the Office of Church Relations.

Retreats... The Gustavus Adolphus College Association of Congregations Retreat Center, coordinated by the Office of Church Relations, will host a retreat Feb. 21 for St. John's Lutheran Church from Waseca.

Pastor to Pastor Program Launched... The Office of Church Relations and the Southwest Minnesota Synod have launched a pilot program called "Pastor to Pastor," aimed at sustaining the excellence of synod pastors. The 1st phase of the program brought 30 pastors from the synod to Gustavus for a 2-day "sabbath" retreat Feb. 6-7. Presenters included Darrell Jodock (religion) and Gwen Wagstrom Halaas, director of the ELCA's Ministerial Health and Wellness Program. Ron Koch, Gustavus trustee, is the program coordinator. Others involved include Southwest Minnesota Synod Bishop Paul Ranum, Jack Niemi (church relations), Rachel Larson (chaplains), and Brian Beckstrom (church relations). Program participants will meet monthly in colleague teams to continue the work begun at Gustavus. There are 2 additional on-campus events planned for this spring; the next one is scheduled for April 29 and will focus on the challenges of rural ministry.


The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations' weekly program or funding opportunity highlight:
  • Participants Sought for NEH Summer Seminars and Institutes... The National Endowment for Humanities' Summer Seminars and Institutes grants support four- to six-week national summer seminars and institutes in the humanities. These faculty development activities are conducted at colleges, universities, and other eligible institutions, including research centers. For a list of 2003 summer seminars and institutes, see All selected participants will be awarded a stipend of $2,800, $3,250, or $3,700 (depending on the length of the seminar or institute) to cover the costs of travel, books, other research expenses, and living expenses. Applications and requests for expanded program information should be submitted to the directors of the chosen program. The deadline is March 1. For more information, see the December 2002 issue of Grant Information at the following URL:
For more information on grants or proposal preparation, contact Bob Weisenfeld in the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (x7049 or


Here are some noteworthy Gustavus-related stories that recently appeared in print or broadcast media around the nation:
  • On Jan. 30, senior Ryan Hoag of Minneapolis was mentioned on ESPN Sports Center. He was the introductory story to Mel Kiper's NFL draft report on wide receiver prospects for the 2003 NFL draft.
  • On Jan. 29, The Free Press of Mankato published an article that included quotes and a color photograph of Chris Gilbert (political science). The front page story, titled "Quick reaction: Minds unchanged," contained reactions to President Bush's State of the Union speech.
  • On Jan. 27, the January Term class "Changing the World" was the subject of a story on KFAI (90.3 FM, Minneapolis and 106.7 St. Paul). Interviews with students Matt Swenson, Ellen Muggli, and Anders Peterson, and instructor Chris Johnson (vocational reflection) were conducted, as the class was taking part in a seminar with area peace-and-justice activists at the Resource Center for the Americas.
Anyone who has suggested additions for this list, suggestions for potential future media stories, or interest in being a media source should contact News Director Stacia Senne (x7510 or


Library hours during spring semester are: 8 a.m.-midnight Monday-Thursday; 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday; 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday; and 11 a.m.-midnight Sunday.


Lost and found items currently being held in the Office of Safety and Security include clothing, hats and mittens, glasses and sunglasses, calculators, cameras, cell phones, CD players, watches, CDs in cases, jewelry, and books. Items are kept for 30 days after they are turned in. After that time, items are donated to charity. To claim an item, visit Safety and Security, located in the basement of Norelius Hall. The office is open weekdays 8 a.m.-4:45 p.m. The campus community is urged to forward any items found on campus to Safety and Security as soon as found. For more information, call x8809.


Join Master's Swimming: Anyone who enjoys swimming is invited to join the newly founded Gustavus Master's Swim Club. All ages and ability levels are welcome and there is no cost or obligation involved. Practices will be scheduled during the noon hour, but workout times will be e-mailed daily so one may choose to practice on one's own schedule. For more information, contact Brian Beckstrom (

For Sale: HP black computer printer ink cartridge HP 5-1626A; $25 and never used. Contact Gretchen Koehler ( or x7613).

For Sale: Pentaz SLR 35mm camera with 5 lenses and other attachments; Rollei 16 (16mm) camera; Olympus D370 digital camera; complete darkroom equipment. Call 934-6920.

Looking for Room to Rent: A former Gustavus student, who works nights in St. Peter, is in urgent need of an inexpensive place to live. Call Kate Wittenstein (x7433).


Upcoming events
Date Event
Today Apply to Be a Paid Writing Assistant!
Athletic Training Virtual Open House
Market Place, Courtyard Café, and The STEAMery Hours
RESPOND Training: Supporting Student Mental Health
34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at St Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (Plymouth, Minn.) Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church, 17205 County Rd 6, Plymouth, MN 55447, USA
6:307:30 p.m. Sunday Worship Community Chapel
78 p.m. Athletic Training Virtual Open House on Google Meet
Tomorrow 2025 Student Employment Job Fair
Apply to Be a Paid Writing Assistant!
Library Hours for Spring Break
Market Place, Courtyard Café, and The STEAMery Hours
Relay For Life of Gustavus Adolphus College
RESPOND Training: Supporting Student Mental Health
Retreat in the Chapel
Tryout for the 2025-26 GAC Dance Team!

To add or change items on the calendar, please fill out and submit a College Calendar event form. View the entire College Calendar online.

The Yellow Sheet is a newsletter for Gustavus Adolphus College employees produced by the news staff in the Office of Public Relations. It is published weekly during the academic year (except during Thanksgiving, Christmas, Touring, Spring, and Easter breaks). Anyone may submit items by filling out an online submission form. While online, e-mail submissions are preferred, items may also be submitted typewritten on a letter-sized sheet of paper. Send "snail mail" items to: The Yellow Sheet, Office of Public Relations. Items must reach the news office no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. The week of Nobel Conference the deadline is 4:30 p.m. Monday. For more information, call Stacia Senne at x7510 or Barb Booren at x6213.
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