Mentoring Program Mission

men•tor noun - a mentor is someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person (Merriam-Webster)

Mentoring Program Goal

To have students engage with alumni and other professionals to gain insight so they become more informed and prepared to make vocational and career decisions.

Mentoring Program Values

For students and mentors to explore simple and deep questions about life, work, and vocation and remain open to uncover insights that are inside an individual.


To intentionally work on integrating learning from the classroom and past experience into setting a course for future exploration. In addition an integration of many departments and constituents is valued to make the program a success.


Everyone involved in the program is expected to be their true and best self.

Mentoring Program Experience Goals
  • Assist in preparing students for the transition to professional life upon graduation
  • Realization that many career paths are non-linear and encourage students to keep an open mind and explore varied possibilities
  • Accept coaching to enhance and develop interpersonal, professional, and leadership skills
  • Assist in building a professional network