OpportunitiesDepartment of Political Science

The Political Science Department at Gustavus supports students in a wide range of opportunities to broaden their experiences and develop important skills that will serve them well in their careers and to become informed global citizens.
Discover the Opportunities Related to Political Science
Internships Students are encouraged to participate in an internship and can earn academic credit toward the Political Science major or minor for internships related to law, politics, or government. Students have interned in local, state, national, and even international locations. Whether you want to gain experience in political campaigns, the legal field, advocacy, international development, or government, we will help you find an internship opportunity that's right for you. Internships are available everywhere from St. Paul to Washington, D.C.
Study Away You are encouraged to study away for summer term, a semester, or even a year, and courses related to political science taken while studying abroad can count toward your major or minor. You can spend a semester studying and interning in Washington, D.C. through the Washington Internship Institute, or travel the world through a study-away program focused on political science. Political science faculty also lead occasional summer term courses that are of interest to Political Science students.
Research Opportunities for Students Students can work with faculty on research projects during the semester or even during the summer. Interested students should talk with a Department faculty member about these opportunities.
Pi Sigma Alpha Eligible juniors and seniors are invited to join the Pi Gamma chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national honor society for political science. Gustavus inducted its first group of members in 1986 and has more than 400 lifetime members of the organization.
Political Science Writing Award Each year the Department celebrates the accomplishments of our students by recognizing the authors of two papers written in Political Science courses.
Ronald S. and Rolf S. Christenson Scholarship in Political Science This scholarship is awarded to a junior Political Science major who has a demonstrated interest in public service and financial need.
Ronald S. and Kathryn K. Christenson Lectureship in Politics and Law The Christenson Lectureship in Politics and Law is a bi-annual lecture series that features leading scholars and practitioners in political thought and law.
Student Organizations Political Science students live out their passion for politics and government through participation in many different student organizations related to political science, such as Student Senate, Building Bridges, the Environmental Action Coalition, the Womyn's Awareness Center, and many more. Through their involvement, students develop lifelong friendships, gain experience planning events, and make a difference in our local community and our world.