Application ProcessExercise Physiology Major

The curriculum for the exercise physiology major includes knowledge and skill criteria for professional certifications from the American College of Sports Medicine, the National Association of Strength and Conditioning, the American Council on Exercise, and allied health post-graduate opportunities. Due to these criteria and to the individual attention needed for students during laboratory experiences and restricted laboratory facilities and equipment, up to 28 students may be accepted into the major each year. The sequencing of courses necessitates that students begin taking required courses the fall of their sophomore year to ensure completion in four years.


  • To be eligible to apply for the Exercise Physiology major, students must be currently enrolled or have already completed a minimum of 2 major requirements which could include any of the following courses. All application materials need to be submitted by 4:00pm before Thanksgiving break.
    • HES 219 Exercise Leadership
    • HES 220 Statistics in Exercise Physiology
    • HES 222 Applied Human Nutrition
    • HES 230 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
    • HES 240 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
    • HES 250 Research Methods
    • HES 309 Biomechanics and Functional Anatomy

Application Materials

  • Your student ID number.
  • A one to two page essay that:
    • explains why you wish to complete a major in Exercise Physiology and why you believe you are a good candidate for this major,
    • shows knowledge of requirements for the major,
    • provides evidence of commitment to the major and professionalism,
    • is appropriately organized and well written.
  • One unofficial college transcript.
  • A print copy of the completed applications must be sent to/delivered to:
    • Dr. Stephanie Otto
      800 West College Avenue
      Department of Health and Exercise Science
      Gustavus Adolphus College
      St. Peter, MN 56082
  • If interested in pursuing Athletic Training, either as an Accelerated 3+2 B.A. in Exercise Physiology/Master in Athletic Training plan or after your 4 years of undergrad, please also complete this Notification of Intent and electronically submit it at the time of your application materials.

All application materials need to be submitted by 4:00pm before Thanksgiving break. Late applications and incomplete packets will not be processed. Due to the sequencing of required courses, juniors applying for the major may need to take an extra semester or year to complete the major. Notification of acceptance will be January 31.

Exercise Physiology Major – Scoring Criteria

    1. Overall GPA (25 points)
      3.0 - 4.0 = 16 – 25 pts
      2.5 - 2.9 = 11 – 15 pts
      2.0 - 2.4 = 6 – 10 pts
      2.3 – 1.9 = 1 – 5 pts
      = 1.9 = 0 pts
      Value _____

    1. The average GPA will be calculated based on completion of a minimum of 1.5 course equivalency that includes some combination of the following courses: HES 233 or 234, 220, 222, 226, 235, and 305 (15 points)
      3.0 - 4.0 = 9 - 10 pts
      2.5 - 2.9 = 6 – 8 pts
      2.0 - 2.4 = 3 - 5 pts
      2.3 – 1.9 = 1 – 2 pts
      = 1.9 = 0 pts
      Value _____

    1. Quality of student essay that addresses the criteria listed above (10 points)
      Value ____
      ESSAY: Total Points possible 50:
      Total Earned _____

Rubric for Essay - Criteria 1-3 (total 8 points)

  • Poor: Explanation/rationale is unclear and some criteria not adequately addressed
  • Fair: Explanation/rationale shows some commitment and understanding of the major
  • Average: Essay adequately addresses the criteria but at least one to two elements could be explored in more depth
  • Excellent: Explanation/rationale is well thought out and clearly explained with clear evidence of commitment and professionalism
Criterion 1 Poor = 1.0 Fair = 2.0 Average = 3.0 Excellent = 4.0
Rationale & Quality of Explanation for All Required Elements        
Criterion 2, 3 Poor = .5 Fair = 1.0 Average = 1.5 Excellent = 2.0
Evidence of Commitment and Professionalism        
Knowledge of Requirements for Major        

Rubric for Essay - Criterion 4 (total 2 pts.)

  • Poor: Essay lacks a clear thesis and introduction, overall organization and transitions need revision, editing and writing mechanics reduce readability
  • Fair: Organization and thesis provide a general framework for the essay but transitions need work, some editing evident but mechanics reduce readability
  • Average: Thesis and introduction provide structure, transitions are used within body of the essay but some paragraphs lack clarity; mechanics and editing enhance readability
  • Excellent: Organization, structure, style, and mechanics enhance readability and quality of explanation
Criterion 4 Poor = .5 Fair = 1.0 Average = 1.5 Excellent = 2.0
Quality of Writing – (spelling ,grammar, organization, and other evidence)