About the ProgramAfrican/African Diaspora Studies Program

The African/African Diaspora Studies minor is designed to offer students an opportunity to study the African continent and African Diaspora (African descendants and peoples spread throughout the world) through varied courses across the curriculum. The wealth and the diversity of cultures and experiences of African peoples and nations is the focus of these courses. In taking these courses, students will also critically examine the connections between Africa and the African Diaspora around the world. As a program that embraces international experience, it also encourages students to take advantage of opportunities that the College offers to study abroad in an African country.

An African/African Diaspora Studies program helps the College to focus on a part of the world that is often neglected or marginalized in college and university curricula in the USA. The African Studies program in the curriculum offers our students another viable choice to widen their horizons in their knowledge of foreign cultures and international affairs.

Program Features

  • The African/African Diaspora Studies minor is an interdisciplinary program that engages the historical, political, social, economic, and cultural experiences of Africans and peoples of African descent, as well as the aesthetic dimensions of these experiences through their art and literature. It embraces international experience through its courses, and by hosting guest speakers and performers.
  • The program makes connections with the African immigrant community in the area.
  • Career opportunities include employment in government, such as with the Peace Corps or Foreign Service, working with immigrant communities, international development agencies, or counseling services. Also, graduates with a background in African/African Diaspora Studies can seek admission into graduate programs such as international relations, peace studies, sociology/anthropology, and others.
  • The program currently draws courses from at least six different departments, with at least eight professors contributing courses, which offers students opportunities to make connections in varied disciplines.
  • To complete the minors students take AFS-190 and four electives from a list of approved courses in the catalog.

Course Catalog Faculty and Staff