AuditionsRosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (J-term 2021)
Three Sisters (Spring 2021)

AUDITIONS FOR J-TERM AND SPRING PRODUCTIONS are being held now so that you will be prepared for J-term and Spring registration!

Both productions will be directed by Amy Seham. If you have questions or cannot make the audition times listed below, please contact her at SPECIAL NOTE: Guest Artist/Videographer Nick Campbell will be involved in both productions.

NOTE ABOUT AUDITIONING FOR BOTH SHOWS: Scheduling permits actors to be involved in both the J-term show and the Spring show, and you are encouraged to audition for both. Best practices would suggest that you prepare two separate monologues in the genres of the play you are auditioning for as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is very different from Three Sisters,. However, if preparing two pieces is a hardship for you on this timetable, I will accept the same monologue for both auditions. You might wish to play the piece differently for each audition. I would like to see two monologues, but I would prefer to see one thoroughly prepared monologue than two hastily memorized and under-rehearsed monologues.

NOTE ABOUT COURSE CREDIT: If you are cast in the J-term show, that will be your J-term class. If you are cast in the Spring show, you are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to take course credit for your participation. This is not an extra-curricular activity, but a full educational experience offered by faculty in the Department of Theatre and Dance. Taking the show for credit helps you keep up with other classes even during the busiest rehearsal times. It also helps the department demonstrate to the administration that we are TEACHING multiple students with each theatre project.

If you absolutely cannot devote a full credit to the show, please register for any fraction of a full credit you can do without going over the cost limit. REGISTER FOR ZERO CREDIT IF YOU MUST, BUT REGISTER. 

EVERYONE is welcome to audition regardless of major or class standing!

Theatre Honors major Jordan Johnson and other theatre majors will be offering audition coaching sessions in advance of these auditions. Workshops are scheduled for the weekend of October 24 and 25 at 6pm. You can attend the workshop by using this Zoom link.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (J-term 2021)

by Tom Stoppard


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead is a witty and thought-provoking comedy that flips Hamlet on its head, following two minor lords (R and G) and the troupe of actors from Hamlet when they are, and when they are NOT in Shakespeare’s scenes. Shakespearean dialogue alternates with modern speech throughout. In addition to R and G, roles include the Player King (or Queen), Hamlet, Ophelia, Polonius, Gertrude and Claudius, and the wonderfully crazy commedia-like troupe of players.

This will be an experimental video production with possible live components. The production will be rehearsed in person unless Gustavus closes campus. A virtual production would be our fallback plan.

Auditions will be held in person in Anderson Theatre (or online). 

Friday, OCTOBER 30
In person: 4:30-7 PM
Online: 7-7:30 PM

Saturday, OCTOBER 31
In person: 12-3 PM
Online: 3-3:30 PM

In person: 2-4:30 PM
Online: 4:30-5 PM


1) Prepare a 1-2 minute monologue. A comic piece or a Shakespearean monologue would be most appropriate.

2) Sign up for an audition timeslot. [You will need to be signed into your Gustavus account to access the links.]

3) Complete the audition form.

4) You may read the script at this link.

Three Sisters (Spring 2021)

by Anton Checkhov
English Version by Sarah Ruhl


Chekhov’s Three Sisters is a classic of modern realism. Konstantin Stanislavsky invented “method acting” in response to the detail, dimension, and depth of Chekhov’s characters. This approach was particularly effective for film and television, and soon became the primary mode of actor training in the United States. We will have coaching in “acting for the camera” and shoot our video as much like a feature film as possible. This will require many adaptations on the part of the actors, which will be highly educational for those interested in film and television performance

Auditions will be held in person in Anderson Theatre (or online). 

Friday, NOVEMBER 6 
In person: 4:30-7 PM
Online: 7-7:30 PM

Saturday, NOVEMBER 7
In person: 12-3 PM
Online: 3-3:30 PM

In person: 2-4:30 PM
Online: 4:30-5 PM


1) Prepare a 1-2 minute monologue – preferably from a play with realistic characters and dialogue.

2) Sign up for an audition timeslot.

3) Complete the audition form.

4) You may read a portion of the script at this link.