Staff/Faculty Account Access PolicyTechnology Services

Changes to our licensing agreements with Google, as well as ongoing resource issues, have impacted our ability to offer and support indefinite account access post-departure. These financial and legal constraints, combined with ongoing security, privacy, and liability concerns, have forced us to restrict the number of active accounts. With these issues in mind, the following changes to our Staff/Faculty Account Access Policy were proposed and approved.

Voluntary/In Good Standing Separation

Staff process (non-retirees)

  1. Last day of employment
    1. Account access removed
    2. Autoresponder set
    3. Technology equipment returned
  2. 30 days post-employment
    1. Autoresponder discontinued
    2. Account closed

Staff retirement (retiree: 20+ years service, age 60+)

  1. Last day of employment
    1. Autoresponder set
    2. Technology equipment returned
  2. 180 days post-retirement
    1. Account access removed
  3. 210 days post-retirement
    1. Autoresponder discontinued
    2. Account closed

Faculty process (non-tenure-track and pre-tenure faculty)

  1. 60 days after last day of the semester
    1. Account access removed
    2. Autoresponder set
    3. Technology equipment returned
  2. 90 days after the last day of the semester
    1. Autoresponder discontinued
    2. Account closed

Faculty process (tenured - resignation or retirement)

  1. 60 days after last day of the semester
    1. Autoresponder set
    2. Technology equipment returned
  2. 180 days after the last day of the semester
    1. Account access removed
  3. 210 days after the last day of the semester
    1. Autoresponder discontinued
    2. Account closed


Extensions to the aforementioned deadlines are at the discretion of the Chief Technology Officer. Supervisors and departing employees are expected to work on a comprehensive exit strategy to ensure that documents and procedures are transferred, and other pertinent details are finalized, prior to the departure date. Under certain circumstances, a one-time 180-day extension may be granted to retirees and departing faculty members. Longer extensions may also be granted to emeriti with ongoing work and research commitments that are intrinsically associated with the College.

Extenuating Circumstances

Other scenarios, such as faculty departing mid-semester, will be handled on a case-by-case basis with final decision/approval coming from the Chief Technology Officer. Such decisions will emphasize conformity with existing policy and timelines whenever possible.

Non-voluntary/Not In Good Standing Separation

Staff and faculty process

  1. Last day of employment
    1. Account access removed
    2. Autoresponder set (supervisor discretion)
    3. Technology equipment returned
    4. Subsequent access to email messages or other data requires appropriate divisional VP and Human Resources approval

Technology Support for Former Staff/Faculty

Technology Services is fully committed to the support of current students, faculty, and staff who are actively engaged in College-approved learning, teaching, and working endeavors. Therefore, technical support for past employees (faculty and staff) will be limited to password/phrase help, and multi-factor authentication assistance for the duration of their account.

Voluntary/In Good Standing Separation Schedule
Staff Retiree
NTT or Pre-Tenure Faculty
Tenured Faculty
Last Day

Account access removed

Autoresponder set

Technology returned

Autoresponder set

Technology returned

30 days

Autoresponder discontinued

Account closed

60 days

Account access removed

Autoresponder set

Technology returned

Autoresponder set

Technology returned

90 days

Autoresponder discontinued

Account closed

180 days

Account access removed


Account access removed

210 days

Autoresponder discontinued

Account closed


Autoresponder discontinued

Account closed

*Faculty separations are calculated using the last day of their final semester

Technology Support for Former Employees/Faculty
Staff Retiree
NTT or Pre-Tenure Faculty
Tenured Faculty 
Last Day

Limited support

Reduced support

Reduced support

Reduced support

30 days
60 days

Limited support

90 days
180 days

Limited support


Limited support

210 days

*Changes to support start after the last day of employment (or final day of the semester for faculty). Reduced support includes password/phrase and authentication help for active accounts. Limited support involves questions/requests concerning past accounts. All ongoing support is considered low priority, especially after account access removal.