Hoffmann Learning Center

Program volunteers work at the Leo A. Hoffmann Center in St. Peter, a local holistic, residential facility for adolescent males who are in treatment for problematic sexual behavior. The purpose of the program is to help residents by facilitating learning social skills and appropriate boundaries, and demonstrating healthy relationships. The group leads fun and engaging activities, games, and discussion one day per week. With group input, volunteers take turns designing and leading sessions.

Hoffmann Learning Center Volunteers


The mission of the Hoffmann Learning Center volunteer program is to build healthy relationships with adolescent males who are in treatment for problematic sexual behavior.

How to apply

Unfortuantely we are still not allowed back because of restructuring. Keep checking back for updates!

Name Role Gustavus Email Address
Amelia Wernsing Coordinator awernsin@gustavus.edu
Kaylee Olson Coordinator kolson24@gustavus.edu
Justine Holm Coordinator jholm2@gustavus.edu