Inside Gustavus May 10, 2012 | Volume 44, Number 31

Faculty/Staff Activities

Florence Amamoto (English) was an invited panelist on "Cather in the Classroom," the first pedagogical plenary session panel at a Cather Seminar, at the 13th International Cather Seminar, at Smith College in Northampton, Mass., in June 2011. She presented a paper titled "'Three Light Footsteps Running Away': Motion, Memory, and Meaning in Willa Cather's Lucy Gayheart" at the Western Literature Association Conference in Missoula, Mont., in Oct. 2011. She also serves on the WLA Executive Council. She served as an external reviewer for the Whittier Scholars Program at Whittier College in Whittier, Calif., in Sept. 2011 and with David Faldet (Luther College) for the English Department at Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill. in April 2012.

Lisa Heldke (Philosophy) had a paper, "Community Gardeners or Radical Homemakers?' published in the edited volume Contemporary Feminist Pragmatism, edited by Maurice Hamington and celia Bardwell-Jones.

Glenn Kranking (History and Scandinavian Studies) recently presented papers at two conference. In April, he presented "Leaving the USSR: Ethnic Swedish Attempts at Legal Emigration from Soviet-Controlled Estonia, 1940-1941" at the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies Conference in Chicago. In May, he presented "The Complaining Men: The Remarkable 19th Century Journey of Ethnic Swedes in Russia to Sweden with Pleas for Assistance" at the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study Conference in Salt Lake City. Kranking was also appointed to the Haugen Fellowship Committee for the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study for a three-year term.

Student Achievements

The following students were honored at this year's Paul Magnuson Student Leadership and Service Awards program: Elizabeth A. Coco, Christopher C. Duhaime, Brandon J. Hirdler, Meghan K. Lee, and Irma Marquez Trapero.

Funding Opps

The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations' weekly program or funding opportunity highlight:

  • Fulbright Scholar Program

    The Fulbright Scholar Program of the Council for International Exchange of Scholars offers grants for college faculty to lecture and conduct research in over 130 countries around the world. Faculty at every academic rank are eligible. Fulbright awards are available from two months to an academic year or longer. Grant stipends and benefits vary by country or regional program and type of award. The deadline for applications is August 1. More information is available online.

For more information on grants or proposal preparation, contact Bob Weisenfeld in the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (x7049 or

Position Openings

  • Assistant Men's Hockey Coach

For more information on the aforementioned position(s), call Human Resources (x7304).

President's Cabinet Summary

The President's Cabinet met on May 1 and May 8 and discussed the following items:

May 1

1. Professors Chris Gilbert and Carolyn Dobler, coordinators of the HLC Self-Study, gave an update on the self-study process and requested information pertaining to the College's systematic and integrated planning and how the College works to improve its performance. The Cabinet will plan to discuss these issues during its summer retreat (or earlier, if possible).

2. Members confirmed that Homecoming 2013 will he held on October 5.

3. Due to a recent resignation, members approved the hiring of a Student Life replacement position (area coordinator). If approved by the Human Resources Office, the same pool of candidates for the current area coordinator position opening will be used for this hire.

4. Members discussed the progress on the data collection procedures for the College's greenhouse gas inventory and an analysis to guide the energy conservation effort. This information is needed for the College's report ot the American College and University President's Climate Commitment. Provost Braun indicated that he would talk with Director of the Center for Environmental Innovation Dr. Jim Dontje concerning developing a self-report website for staff to report information particularly related to air travel. He will also talk to Director of Residential Life and the Faculty Senate regarding practices and potential savings in energy conservation on campus.

May 8

1. Professor Steve Mellema, Faculty Senate Chair, gave a brief update on the recent activities of the Faculty Senate, including Faculty Manual amendments, the approval of recommendations to the Board of Trustees of the awarding of two honorary degrees and four tenure appointments. Professor Mellema also reported that Professor Eric Eliason has been appointed faculty secretary for a three-year term.

2. Members reviewed the agenda for the May 20-21 Board meeting, including the agenda and timing for the new trustee orientation on Sunday, May 20.

3. Members reviewed the agenda for the all-employee meeting schedule for May 25. The agenda will include progress on the 2011-12 institutional goals and a report on the work of the Special Task Force on budget planning and financial modeling.

4. Discussion was held regarding technology security. Members were encouraged to include passwords on their College-owned technological devices. College employees should report a loss or theft of any device immediately to their supervisors. Vice President Westphal, Provost Braun, and Director of GTS Bruce Aarsvold will meet to discuss other issues related to technology security.

5. Discussion was held regarding the FY 2013 budget, especially as it relates to positions.

News & Announcements

Parking Enforcement...Permit parking enforcement continues through Commencement. Please park according to permit color and remind students that parking is enforced during finals and Senior Week. Summer parking begins May 29. Vehicles on campus may park in any red, yellow, or green permit space after Commencement through August 27, when we ask all employees and returning students to park according to permit color. Visitor parking is closed to students and staff at all times and is always enforced.

Valleyfair Discounts...Gustavus is participating in the "Good Any Day Discount Program" at Valleyfair. Employees may purchase tickets for regular admission (48" or taller) at $28.50 (savings of $14.99) and Junior/Senior (Ages 3-61, under 48” tall or age 62 and older. Children age 2 and under are free) for $19.99, to be used any day of the Valleyfair 2012 operating season. Tickets are available for purchase in the Office of Human Resources, located in the Carlson Administration Building.

Free Vinyl Records...mostly classical albums, some operas, world music, folk and traditional genres. Fine Arts Building, Room 319 (Lund Music Library). May 10-11: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., May 14-17: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Accreditation Update...In 348 days the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) site visit team will arrive at Gustavus to conduct our accreditation review. The College Self-Study Steering Committee will complete work on a rough draft of the self-study document by the beginning of fall semester. The self-study rough draft will be available for review and comment all fall, leading to submission of all required materials to the HLC by early February, 2013. Full details about accreditation and self-study requirements can be found on the HLC’s website. For more information on the accreditation process and the Gustavus self-study, contact co-chairs Carolyn Dobler (x7481) or Chris Gilbert (x6093) or e-mail us at

Campus Happenings

Earth Jam Revolution...A massive performing arts festival featuring 16 different main stage acts, free s'mores and popcorn, (foam) sword-fighting, juggling, dancing, a henna tattoo/face-painting artist, various vendors, concessions, and more! Admission is free, food and merchandise for purchase. Friday, May 11 from 4:30 to 10:30 p.m. on Eckman Mall. Rain location is Lund Arena.

Mason Woods Dedication...Members of the Gustavus Community are invited to help the College dedicate the Linnaeus Arboretum's Deciduous Woods, which has been named in honor of Drs. Charles and Harriet Mason by the Board of Trustees, on Friday, May 11. The Arboretum staff will host informal tours starting at 4 p.m., with the dedication scheduled to begin in the Deciduous Woods at 5 p.m.

George Hall Lecture...Chaplain Rachel Larson is the speaker for this year's George Hall Lecture at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 15 in the President's Dining Room. Larson's talk is titled "Ministry: A Sacred Spiral."

Chapel Schedule... All are invited to the worship services at 10 a.m. weekdays and 10:30 a.m. Sundays in Christ Chapel. The upcoming schedule is as follows.

  • Friday, May 11 - Eric Dugdale, Classics
  • Sunday, May 13 - Chaplain Rod Anderson, Gustavus Choir
  • Monday, May 14 - Peter Shea, Philosophy
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Steve Wilkinson and Neil Hagberg
  • Wednesday, May 16 - Morning Prayer
  • Thursday, May 17 - Taize Contemplative Worship
  • Friday, May 18 - Responsive Prayer

Accreditation Open Forums...All Gustavus employees are invited to participate in the fifth and final spring round of accreditation open forums covering the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) criteria for accreditation. Week five is focused on Criterion 5, Resources, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness. Sessions will be held Tuesday, May 15 and Wednesday, May 16 with two hour-long sessions (2:30 and 3:30 p.m.) each day. HLC Self-Study Steering Committee representatives will review the criterion and evidence gathered thus far, followed by guided discussion of ways in which Gustavus meets or does not meet Criterion 5 requirements. Light refreshments will be provided. Anyone who cannot attend the open forums will still be able to comment via an online feedback form (URL will be posted on Gustavus-l next week). All open forums will be held in the Faculty-Staff Lounge in the Jackson Campus Center.

Bible Study Fellowship...Bring your lunch and join us for fellowship and devotions from 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. Tuesday, May 15 in Linner Lounge.

Off-Campus Events of Interest

An Afternoon in the Park...Join the Creative Play Place for An Afternoon in the Park, from 2 to 6:30 p.m. Sunday, May 20, at the Mill Pond. Kick off summer with an afternoon of family fun!!! Games, projects and entertainment! We’ll have kid friendly music, and fun kids’ exhibits including a medieval jousting tournament! Watch the 4th annual Rubber Duck Race at 4 p.m.(Tickets available at the park. Lots of prizes.) $1 per person at entrance.

Aztec Dancers...The Creative Play Place presents Aztec Dancers at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 19 in the St. Peter Community Center gym. Come watch these beautifully dressed dancers perform wonderful, high-energy traditional dances. Then take part in workshops to learn drumming and dancing. A fantastic cultural event for the whole family.

Breast Cancer Bake sale and Craft Boutique...Saturday, May 19 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Red Men Club in St. Peter. All sales will be donated to the Minnesota Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. Event hosted by Candy Witte, family and friends.

Choir Concert...The 36-voice Thiel Choir from Thiel College, Greenville, Pennsylvania will perform a concert at 7 p.m. Friday, May 11 at First Lutheran Church in St. Peter. The performance is part of the Thiel Choir’s 2012 concert tour season. Thiel College is a college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and its 135-acre campus is located in College Heights in Greenville, Penn. The choir will perform a variety of sacred works by Palestrina, Hovland, Lauridsen, Ijames, Madiera, Tate, Raminsh, Lutheran composers F.Melius Christiansen and Robert Wetzler, as well as arrangements of spirituals by Howard Helvey, Moses Hogan and Paul Weber. The program will include sacred works which celebrate hope and love, and works of the Native American culture and earth consciousness. There will be no charge for admission, however, a freewill offering will be taken. For more information about the concert, contact the church office at 507-934-3060.

Mankato to St. Peter Rec Trail Open Houses...The public is encouraged to participate in one of two community meetings on a proposed recreational trail from Mankato to Saint Peter. The first meeting is set for Thursday, May 24 in the Senior Citizen Room at the Saint Peter Community Center. The second meeting follows on Thursday, May 31 in the LeSueur Room at the Intergovernmental Center in Mankato. The meetings will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. beginning with a brief presentation at 6 p.m. followed by an open house with displays and maps of the general corridor.

Congregational Outreach

Retreats...The Southeast MN Synod-ELCA will be on campus for a retreat May 13-15. The youth staff from Trinity Lutheran Church in Owatonna will be on campus for a retreat May 14-15. St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church in Plymouth will hold a confirmation retreat on campus May 11-13.


For Sale by Owner...1400 Rockbend Parkway in St. Peter. Great ranch home located in much-desired Pine Pointe development. 4,300 square feet including beautiful 20 x 20 four-season porch. Open floor plan throughout, Cambria countertops in kitchen, 4 bedroom + office/additional bedroom, 2.75 bath. Full finished basement with bar. Dream garage – fully heated with 3 bays in front and additional 1.5 bays behind. Mature trees and full fenced back yard. Asking $365,000
(507) 934-1232. Please No Realtors

For Sale...4 bedroom house, hardwood floors, heated garage, sauna and much more. If interested call 507-420-8263.

For Sale...House located one mile from the center of Gustavus campus. Owner is relocating due to change of jobs. Price reduced from $194,900 to $188,900. This is a house you must see the inside of to appreciate! Built in 2004 this single-family home includes three finished bedrooms, bathroom with laundry room included, all on the upper floor. The main floor features an open kitchen and dining room area with island bar, pantry, and great cabinet space. The basement has a finished family room, and a finished multi-purpose room; a utility room, and a roughed in ready to be finished bathroom. The home is in a fully developed neighborhood, with off-street attached double garage (612 square feet) which includes built in storage, plus an attic area. If you are looking for a two-story home in St. Peter and the Mankato Area this is a must-see. Seller may also consider rental contract. For more information, please call 612-916-5653.

For Sale...Comfortable 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home within one block of South Elementary and the Gustavus campus, in a quiet neighborhood. If interested, please contact

"Plugs" is maintained as a forum by which members of the Gustavus community may offer goods and/or services to others in the community, or seek the same from them. It is not meant to accommodate ads or announcements from area businesses such as real estate agents or retailers, although from time to time such announcements may be published when deemed to be of particular interest to the community.


Upcoming events
Date Event
Today 34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at St Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (Plymouth, Minn.) Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church, 17205 County Rd 6, Plymouth, MN 55447, USA
6:307:30 p.m. Sunday Worship Community Chapel
78 p.m. Athletic Training Virtual Open House on Google Meet
Tomorrow Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
57 p.m. Spring into Wellness Campus Center
Feb 25 Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
1111:30 a.m. Career and Vocation Champions - Explore, Experience, Transition: Our Model for Supporting Students Center for Career Development, JSU Room 209
11:3011:50 a.m. Guided Meditation - Online
11:3011:50 a.m. Chapel Break Chapel
3:305 p.m. Campus Conversation: AI at Gustavus in Class and at Work, Three Crowns, and St. Peter rooms (JCC)
Feb 26 Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Applause for the Cause - Gustavus Performing Arts Giving Days Björling Recital Hall lobby
36 p.m. Gustavus Women in Leadership International Women's Day Event Hall
3:304:30 p.m. New Faculty Orientation Session (Required for TT faculty; others welcome) Hall, Room 304
3:304:30 p.m. New Faculty Orientation session (Required for TT faculty; others welcome) Hall, Room 304
Feb 27 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Applause for the Cause - Gustavus Performing Arts Giving Days Björling Recital Hall lobby
11:30 a.m. to 11:50 p.m. Chapel Break Chapel
11:3011:50 a.m. Guided Meditation - In Person Multifaith Center, Anderson Hall
Feb 28 Pre- Spring Break Sale! Book Mark
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
1st half finals
Mar 1 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at Augustana Lutheran Church (Washington D.C.) Lutheran Church, 2100 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20009
Mar 2 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at Cathedral of the Incarnation (Baltimore, Md.) of the Incarnation, 4 E University Pkwy, Baltimore, MD 21218
Mar 3 Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
Spring Break
78:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at The Church of the Holy Trinity (Philadelphia, Penn.) Church of the Holy Trinity, 1904 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Mar 4 Spring Break
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. RESPOND Training: Supporting Student Mental Health Heritage Room
58 p.m. Alumni Gathering with President Bergman in North Glendale, AZ of Paul Batz '85 and Melinda Moen Batz '86
78:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church (Ridgewood, N.J.) Evangelical Lutheran Church, 155 Linwood Ave, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Mar 5 Spring Break
Unissued Diplomas Exhibit Bernadotte Library

To add or change items on the calendar, please fill out and submit a College Calendar event form. View the entire College Calendar online.


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Inside Gustavus is a newsletter for Gustavus Adolphus College employees produced by the Office of Marketing and Communication. It is published weekly during the academic year (except during the week of Thanksgiving, the Christmas break, Touring Week, and the Spring and Easter breaks). Anyone may submit items by filling out an online submission form. While online submissions are preferred, items may also be submitted typewritten on a letter-sized sheet of paper. Send "snail mail" items to: Inside Gustavus, Office of Marketing and Communication. Items must reach the office no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. For more information, contact Matt Thomas ( or x7510).

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