Inside Gustavus January 19, 2012 | Volume 44, Number 17

Faculty/Staff Activities

Glenn Kranking (History) served as a historical consultant for three children's books recently published by Picture Window Books: "Your LIfe as an Explorer on a Viking Ship," "Your Life as a Cabin Boy on a Pirate Ship," and "Your Life as a Cabin Attendant on the Titanic."

Betsy Byers ( Art and Art History) has an opening at the HFA Gallery at the University of Minnesota-Morris on Thursday, Jan. 19 from 7-9 p.m. The solo exhibition, titled "Peripheral Accumulations" runs through March 8. Byers will give an artist talk before the opening at 6 p.m.

Student Achievements

The Gustavus forensics team took third place in the combined team sweepstakes on Jan. 14-15 at the Hell Froze Over Swing at the University of Texas at Austin. Senior Chloe Radcliffe took first place honors in both Prose and After Dinner Speaking, while junior Kaitlin Burlingame took first place in Prose on day two of the tournament. More information is available on the Gustavus News page.

Funding Opps

The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations' weekly program or funding opportunity highlight:

  • Support for Host Institutions for National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Seminars and Institutes

    The NEH provides grants to support national faculty development programs in the humanities for high school teachers, or for college and university faculty. Awards for summer seminars range from $70,000 to $140,000, and awards for institutes range from $90,000 to $200,000. The deadline for project directors to submit an application is March 1, 2012. The program guidelines can be found online.

For more information on grants or proposal preparation, contact Bob Weisenfeld in the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (x7049 or

Social Media

For more information on social media, or to make a suggestion, contact Matt Thomas or Tim Kennedy in Marketing and Communication at or

In the Media

Here are some noteworthy Gustavus-related stories that recently appeared in print or broadcast media locally, regionally, or around the nation:

  • Minnesota Medicine Magazine printed a two-page spread with color photos about last fall's Nobel Conference in its January 2012 issue. The story was headlined "Big Ideas on the Prairie: Gustavus Adolphus College Hosts World-Class Neuroscientists."
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Lecturer Taylor Branch appeared on Dan Barreiro's KFAN radio show on Thursday, Jan. 12. The interview is archived online.
  • Minnesota Public Radio posted and aired a story about Taylor Branch's MLK Day lecture on Monday, Jan. 16. MPR also recorded and replayed Branch's entire speech during its Midday program on Jan. 16.
  • KEYC-TV aired a story on Monday, Jan. 16 about Taylor Branch's MLK Day lecture. Branch, political science professor Mimi Gerstbauer, and student Victoria Clark were all interviewed for the story.
  • The Mankato Free Press printed a story about Taylor Branch's MLK day lecture on the front page of its Tuesday, Jan. 17 edition.
  • Ruth Lin (Music) and student Scott Doebler were guests on KNUJ's monthly show The Gustavus Journal on Tuesday, Jan. 17. Lin and Doebler discussed the Symphony Orchestra's upcoming tour to South Africa with host Tom Wheeler.
  • The Symphony Orchestra's upcoming tour to South Africa is featured in a story in the Minnesota Private College Council's latest newsletter. Lin and student Meghan Peterson are quoted in the story.
  • The St. Peter Herald printed news briefs about Taylor Branch's lecture and the U.S.-Dakota War lecture series in its Thursday, Jan. 19 edition.

Anyone who has suggested additions for this list, suggestions for potential future media stories, or interest in being a media source should contact Matt Thomas (x7510 or

Position Openings

  • Area Coordinator in Residential Life
  • Computer and Electronics Technician
  • Head Women's Soccer Coach

For more information on the aforementioned position(s), call Human Resources (x7304) or go online to

President's Cabinet Summary

The President's Cabinet met on Tuesday, January 10, 2012, and discussed the following topics:

  • Professors Steve Mellema and Sujay Rao, Faculty Senate Chair and Vice Chair respectively, gave an update on the recent activities of the Faculty Senate.   
  • Board Committee membership and meeting schedules were discussed.
  • Two nominations for honorary degrees have been received. The Faculty Senate will be vetting those nominations at its meeting on January 27.
  • President Ohle asked Cabinet members to work with their respective Board Committees to finalize the Dashboard Indicators. 

News & Announcements

Save the Date...The annual Moe Lecture will take place at 7 p.m. March 14, with Dr. Jackson Katz as this year's keynote speaker. Dr. Katz is one of America's leading anti-sexist male activists. An educator, author and filmmaker, he is internationally recognized for his groundbreaking work in the field of gender violence prevention education with men and boys, particularly in the sports culture and the military. Along wih the March 14 keynote lecture, Katz will present two workshops on March 15 at 9 and 10:30 a.m. More information about Dr. Katz is available online.

Get Your Headshot Taken...The Office of Marketing and Communication would like to continue to encourage faculty and staff to make an appointment to have a new headshot taken in order to update their profile page on the Gustavus website. The photo studio is located in the basement of the Lundgren House on the North end of campus. Appointments are available during January on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and again from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Make an appointment online on Google Calendar. If you need assistance making an appointment, contact the Office of Marketing and Communication at x7520.

Building Bridges Conference Topic Announced...The 17th annual student-led Building Bridges Conference will take place Saturday, March 10 and is titled "Unresolved Conflict: Remember Our Forgotten History." The conference will focus on the impact of colonization on Native American Indian history and culture, both past and present. Native American activist Charlotte Black Elk will be this year's keynote speaker. Tickets for Gustavus students, faculty, and staff are free and can be obtained at

Campus Happenings

Chapel Schedule... All are invited to the worship services at 10 a.m. weekdays and 10:30 a.m. Sundays in Christ Chapel. The upcoming schedule is as follows.

  • Friday, Jan. 20 - Pastor Dean Wolf, Centenary United Methodist Church, Mankato
  • Sunday, Jan. 22 - Chaplain Rachel Larson
  • Monday, Jan. 23 - Megan Ruble
  • Tuesday, Jan. 24 - Father Phil Schotzko, Church of St. Peter
  • Wednesday, Jan. 25 - Morning Prayer
  • Thursday, Jan. 26 - Chaplain Grady St. Dennis
  • Friday, Jan. 27 - Amy Pehrson

Identity Theft Workshop...GHP will host an Advancement Week Lunch & Learn workshop about identity theft, sponsored by Thrivent Financial, on Wednesday, Feb. 1 from 12-1 p.m in the Heritage Banquet Room. The workshop will be presented by Thrivent Financial representative Patti Kelly. Cost is $5 per person for catered dining service meal. Please register on the GHP website by Jan. 30.

U.S.-Dakota War Lecture Series Continues...Researcher and author Corinne Monjeau-Marz will speak at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 24 in Alumni Hall as part of the continuing lecture series regarding the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862. Marz will share her recent research and discuss her work on "Alexander Ramsey's Words of War," from the first issue of Minnesota's Heritage magazine. She will also discuss her book, The Dakota Indian Internment at Fort Snelling, 1862-1864, as well as her contributions to Trail of Tears: Minnesota's Dakota Indian Exile Begins.

Off-Campus Events of Interest

Winterfest...St. Peter's 2012 Winterfest will take place Feb. 3-12. Events include the Kiwanis Chili Feed (Feb. 3), a Medallion Hunt (begins Feb. 4), a youth ice fishing contest (Feb. 4), an all-city spelling bee (Feb. 7), a wine tasting (Feb. 10), a snowman building contest (Feb. 11), the Polar Plunge (Feb. 11), a Belgian waffle breakfast (Feb. 12) and much more. Go online to the St. Peter Chamber of Commerce website for more information.


  • James "Jim" Honetschlager of St. Peter passed away on Jan. 14, 2012. Jim is the father of Teri Knutson (Custodial), brother-in-law of Nancy Petrich (Physical Plant), and uncle of Carl Gessner (Custodial). Funeral services were held Wednesday, Jan. 18 at the Church of St. Peter.

To inform the campus community of the death of a current student, employee, or trustee; an emeritus professor or trustee; or an immediate family member of a current employee, contact the Office of the President (x7538 or Death announcements and funeral notices for students, current and emeritus faculty and employees, and trustees will be sent to the community via written notice from the president, posted on community-l, the official campus-wide e-mail list, and published in the Inside Gustavus or Summer Scoop. Notices for immediate family members of current employees will be published in the Inside Gustavus or the Summer Scoop unless they occur during a publication break, in which case they will be posted on employee-l.

Congregational Outreach

Retreats...Church Relations in the Center for Servant Leadership will host a combined confirmation retreat this weekend (Jan. 20-21) for Bethlehem Lutheran Church from Mankato, Redeemer Lutheran Church from Good Thunder, and Medo Lutheran Church from Mapleton.

Telecommunications Updates

Following are changes and additions for the "Personnel Phone Directory 2010-11."

  • Wendy Griak, Counseling Center, Phone: x7154, Change

For your convenience, 2012 Area Phone Books are available in the Telecommunications Office on the lower level of Olin (Rm 026), Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

For further information or corrections, contact Laura McCabe (x6261 or



Upcoming events
Date Event
Dec 23 Winter Break
Dec 24 Winter Break
Dec 25 Winter Break
Dec 26 Winter Break
Dec 27 Winter Break
Dec 28 Winter Break
Dec 29 Winter Break
Dec 30 Winter Break
Grades due
Dec 31 Winter Break

To add or change items on the calendar, please fill out and submit a College Calendar event form. View the entire College Calendar online.


Inside Gustavus is a newsletter for Gustavus Adolphus College employees produced by the Office of Marketing and Communication. It is published weekly during the academic year (except during the week of Thanksgiving, the Christmas break, Touring Week, and the Spring and Easter breaks). Anyone may submit items by filling out an online submission form. While online submissions are preferred, items may also be submitted typewritten on a letter-sized sheet of paper. Send "snail mail" items to: Inside Gustavus, Office of Marketing and Communication. Items must reach the office no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. For more information, contact Matt Thomas ( or x7510).

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