The Yellow Sheet for January 31January 31, 2008 | Volume 40, Number 19
Volume 40, Number 19
- News & Announcements
- Campus Happenings
- Off-Campus Events
- Extraordinary People
- Births
- New Faces
- Congregational Outreach
- Funding Opps
- In the Media
- Telecommunications Updates
- Postal Pointers
- Plugs
- Calendar of Events
- Submit an Item Online
News & Announcements
Health Screening 2008... All employees, retirees, and spouses are invited to participate in the 2008 Health Screening free of charge. The dates are Feb. 4-8 and 11-15. Five-minute time increment appointments will be available during these dates between 6:30 and 9 a.m. on a first-call, first-serve basis. Thirty minutes of release time will be allowed for employees to participate in the screening. To sign up for a time, call the Human Resource Office at x7304 anytime Mon.-Fri. from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 to 4:45p.m.
Support Letters Invited for Promotion Candidates... All members of the Gustavus community are invited to submit letters on behalf of the candidates seeking promotion to full professor in 2008—Florence Amamoto (English), Philip Bryant (English), Cindy Johnson-Groh (biology), Paschal Kyoore (MLLC), and Toshiyuki Sakuragi (MLLC). Letters should be sent to Provost Mary Morton and should address the criteria for promotion to full professor as stated in the Faculty Manual. (A fourth criterion, namely, "continuing evidence of sympathy with the aims and purposes of Gustavus Adolphus College as stated in the Mission Statement of the College," while not explicitly stated in this section, is implied in the first sentence.) Letters are due by Monday, Feb. 25, 2008 (note the new later date), by 4 p.m. Tenured members of the candidates' departments are expected to submit letters.
Strategic Planning Update from the Provost... The Gustavus community is invited to attend an important strategic planning update session in Alumni Hall on Monday, Feb. 4, from 1 to 2 p.m. All members of the community are invited, including faculty who were unable to attend the Jan. 30 faculty meeting. Provost Mary Morton thanks community members "for your time and creative and thoughtful participation in the strategic planning process."
YS Reminder... The Yellow Sheet will not be published during Reading and Touring Week (Feb. 7). Publication resumes on Thursday, Feb. 14.
'Break to Brush'... On Thursday, Feb. 7, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Mary Oberlander, oral health coordinator, will be available outside Linner Lounge to answer all your dental-related questions. Participants will receive a free toothbrush and floss for coming! "Break to Brush" is brought to Gustavus by the St. Peter Family Dental Center.
Car Pool... A car pool has been organized for people commuting between Mankato and St. Peter. The current schedule (Mon.-Fri.) is: St. Peter to Mankato - 6-6:50 a.m.; Mankato to St. Peter - 7-7:20 a.m.; St. Peter to Mankato - 5-5:20 p.m.; and Mankato to St. Peter - 6:10-6:40 p.m. Cost is $14 weekly, or $4 per day. For more information or to reserve a place, contact Jessie by phone at 934-2356 or e-mail
Stars for Sale... The stars that formed the magnificent "starry" sky for Christmas in Christ Chapel will be available for sale after Touring and Activity Week (Feb. 2-10). If you are interested in purchasing one or more of the stars, please contact Kathy Matz (chaplains' office) at x7446 or kmatz to place your order. The sizes and prices are as follows: 12" - $26 (20 available); 18" - $29 (40); 24" - $34 (40); 30" - $44 (10), and 35" - $85 (3).
Esbj Memorial Service Set... There will be a memorial service for Robert Esbjornson, emeritus professor of religion, in Christ Chapel on Saturday, April 19, at 1:30 p.m.
Campus Happenings
Chapel Schedule... All are invited to the worship services at 10 a.m. weekdays and 10:30 a.m. Sundays in Christ Chapel. The upcoming schedule is as follows:
- Friday, Feb. 1 - Epiphany Hymn Sing
- Sunday, Feb. 3, through Sunday, Feb. 10 - No chapel services, Reading and Touring Week
- Monday, Feb. 11 -
Mary Morton (academic affairs)
- Tuesday, Feb. 12 - Grady St. Dennis (church relations)
- Wednesday, Feb. 13 - Lenten Worship
- Thursday, Feb. 14 - Church Camp/Seminary Day
- Friday, Feb. 15 - Will Freiert (classics)
Campus Energy Challenge Begins... All members of the College community are invited to join in the "National Campus Energy Challenge," a project of more than 30 youth organizations in the United States and Canada in which participating institutions will be competing during the month of February to see which campus can lower its energy use (both heating and electricity) most compared to a baseline of the previous three Februarys. Throughout the month of February, members of the Gustavus community will be monitoring their energy consumption through a new, state-of-the-art website at The website will be updated hourly and accurately monitors energy use in most buildings on campus. Students, staff, and faculty will be able to view a building's energy use in a 24-hour period and the estimated cost of that energy use. For more information, or if you have questions, call Jim Dontje, director of the Johnson Center for Environmental Innovation, at x7206.
Conference Discusses Local Foods... The 17th annual conference of the Sustainable Farming Association (SFA) of Minnesota, titled "Local Foods: The Next Step," will be held on Saturday, Feb. 2, starting at 9 a.m. in the Jackson Campus Center. A "Youth Sustainability Confabulation" sponsored by the SFA is also scheduled at 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 1. The SFA welcomes participation by the Gustavus community and offers free registration to students. For more information on either of these events or to register, contact Anna Borgendale at or go to
Enhancement Days Reminder... The 2008 Employee Enhancement Days will be held Tuesday, Feb. 5, and Thursday, Feb. 7. This annual event is open to all employees of the College. The featured speaker this year is Steve Robbins, an authority on diversity, inclusion, and cultural competence who will lead an interactive, humorous, and eye-opening presentation on "Unintentional Intolerance: What NICE People Need to Know" at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday (repeated at 1 p.m.) Other presentations include KNEAD (Knowledge Needed for Engaging in Alcohol Dialogue) training at 9:45 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. on Tuesday, a status report on the Gustavus Leadership Initiative at 10:45 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. on Tuesday, a College history and showing of the 1998 tornado video at 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, and a TIAA-CREF update at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Thursday. All sessions are in Alumni Hall. Free massages are offered on Thursday (a drawing for massages will be held after each presentation on Tuesday). Free "Break to Brush" kits will also be distributed on Thursday.
Concert Features West African Music... The Dagara Cultural Troupe from Ghana will perform a concert of West African music and dance on Wednesday, Feb. 13, in Alumni Hall beginning at 7 p.m. The event, sponsored by the Lecture Series, the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, and the Department of Education, is open to the public without charge; children are very welcome. For more information, contact Paschal Kyoore (French) at
MLK Jr. Memorial Lecture Set... On Monday, March 3, at 7:30 p.m. in Alumni Hall, Professor David Cortright of the Joan B. Croc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame, will give the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Lecture, sponsored by the Peace Studies program. Cortright is the author of Gandhi and Beyond: Nonviolence in an Age of Terrorism (2006). Every year the Peace Studies program sponsors a lecture by a leading peace activist or scholar to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Off-Campus Events of Interest
VINE Waffle Feed... "Dad's Belgian Waffle Feed" will be held from 8 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 10, at Trinity Lutheran Church in St. Peter. Tickets are $7 at the door, but $6 advance tickets are available from Lynn Boehne (x7686) in the Office of Admission. All proceeds benefit VINE Faith in Action, an interfaith volunteer caregiving program serving St. Peter and rural Nicollet County.
Join the St. Peter Community for the Winter Read... St. Peter Reads invites you to join the community in the Winter Read during Winterfest 2008. Award-winning Fairmont author Nathan Jorgenson will be coming to St. Peter to discuss his books, Waiting for White Horses and The Mulligan. He will be at the St. Peter Public Library for a reception and book signing at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 12, followed by a talk on both of the books at 7 p.m. just around the corner in Room 219 of the St. Peter Community Center. The books for the St. Peter Reads program can be found to borrow or for sale at various businesses around town.
Extraordinary People
Douglas Nimmo (music) spoke to the January breakfast meeting of Gustavus Alumni Association at the Double Tree Hotel in Minneapolis on Jan. 16. The title of his presentation was "What Is Happening Here? Reflections upon Living the Gustavus Wind Orchestra Experience." Nimmo also presented three instrumental teaching clinics for the three bands (190 students) of Maple Grove High School on Jan. 23.
Don Myers (art and art history/Hillstrom Museum) has contributed to a two-volume set on Renaissance medals published by Oxford University Press. He is credited in the appendix "with technical contributions by Donald Myers." The volumes are currently loaned to the Book Mark and are available for perusal at the counter by Judy Schultz's desk.
- Corie Brandt (custodial) gave birth to a 6 lb. 10 oz. baby girl, Chloe Marie, on Jan. 18, 2008.
New Faces
The following people have recently joined the Gustavus community:
New Support Staff
- Joyce Roberts, financial assistance clerk (student financial assistance)
Congregational Outreach
Partners in Education... The Rev. Grady St. Dennis (church relations) will be speaking on "Lutheran Higher Education" at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 3, at Nokomis Heights Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, Minn. St. Dennis will make a similar presentation at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 10, at First Lutheran Church here in St. Peter, Minn. Partners in Education is a program coordinated by the Office of Church Relations in which participating faculty and staff members prepare topical presentations for adult forums, workshops, and seminars in congregations of the ELCA.
Preaching in Congregations... The Rev. Grady St. Dennis (church relations) will be preaching at First Lutheran Church in St. Peter on Sunday, Feb. 10, at the 8 and 10:30 a.m. services. This program is coordinated by the Office of Church Relations.
Retreats... The Gustavus Adolphus College Association of Congregations Retreat Center, coordinated by the Office of Church Relations, will host a church council retreat for St. James Lutheran Church from Burnsville, Minn., on Friday, Feb. 1, and Saturday, Feb. 2. The Retreat Center also will host an adult retreat for Atonement Lutheran Church from Bloomington, Minn., from Friday, Feb. 8, to Sunday, Feb. 10.
Music in Worship... Any Gustavus music ensemble or soloist is welcome to perform in congregations. For more information, contact Marilyn Beyer (x7001).
Funding Opps
The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations' weekly program or funding opportunity highlight:
- Fulbright Visiting Specialists Program: Direct Access to the Muslim World... The Council for International Exchange of Scholars is accepting applications for the "Fulbright Visiting Specialists Program: Direct Access to the Muslim World," to host a visiting specialist from Africa, East Asia, Europe, or the Middle East (see website for specific countries). Designed to promote understanding of the Muslim world and civilization, this program supports three to six weeks of intensive lecturing and public outreach during 2009. The deadline for proposals is April 1. For further information, including program guidelines, visit Specialists.
For more information on grants or proposal preparation, contact Bob Weisenfeld in the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (x7049 or
In the Media
Here are some noteworthy Gustavus-related stories that recently appeared in print or broadcast media around the nation:
- On Jan. 24, Don Myers (art and art history/Hillstrom Museum), along with the artists featured in the Hillstrom Museum's new exhibition—Daniel Dallmann and Arnoldus Gruter—were on KTOE radio's "Artcetera" program, hosted by Marti Ryan, to discuss the exhibition.
- KEYC-TV ran a story about the new Hillstrom exhibition on its 6 p.m. newscast on Jan. 23, with footage filmed at the College in the afternoon.
- The Star Tribune mentioned Gustavus in a Jan. 22 article about Minnesota colleges hiring employees meant to improve the "ecofriendliness" of the college.
- The Star Tribune printed a feature story on alum Kent Rosenblum, a St. Paul native who has become a well-known winemaker in California, in its Jan. 24 edition.
- The Mankato Free Press printed a story about the new exhibit in the Hillstrom Museum of Art on the front page of its Jan. 25 Currents section.
Anyone who has suggested additions for this list, suggestions for potential future media stories, or interest in being a media source should contact Marketing and Communication (x7520 or
Telecommunications Updates
The following are changes and additions for the "Personnel Phone Directory 2007-08"
- Cynthia Compton, custodial, phone: x7655 (addition)
- Justin Francis, Dining Service, phone: x7608 (addition)
- Janet Glackler, Dining Service, phone: x7608 (addition)
- Kent Kalm, HES, phone: x6146 (phone change)
- Deborah Mattson, HES, phone: x6146 (phone change)
- Rachel More, HES, phone: x6146 (phone change)
- Joyce Roberts, student financial assistance, phone: x7587, e-mail: jrobert2 (addition)
- Stacia Vogel, college relations, e-mail: stacia (name change from Senne/e-mail change)
Monthly Statement URL Change... The URL to check your phone charges has changed due to a server upgrade. The new address is The link on the monthly billing notification has been changed. If you look at your bill directly, you will have to remember that change. Please contact the Telecommunications Office if you have any questions (x6261 or x7025).
For further information or corrections, contact Laura McCabe in telecommunications (x6261 or
Postal Pointers
USPS Services... The College works with the United States Postal Service (USPS) to provide a variety of services to the College community. Postal Services can provide users with all services offered by the USPS, with the exception of Registered Mail, money orders, and passports. The following services are frequently used by community members (we stock the supplies and postage needed for each type of service): first class, Priority Mail (2-3 days, not guaranteed), Express Mail (delivered by either noon or 3 p.m. the next day, depending on the destination; certain remote destinations have second-day service only). When a Saturday delivery is needed, USPS Express Mail is the most economical option. No extra fee is charged for Saturday delivery, as with other carriers. Other specialized mailing options include: certified mail, return receipt, delivery confirmation, signature confirmation, and insurance. Mail must be at the College Post Office by 3:30 p.m. each business day for processing.
For Sale: 8 HP, 28" cut Dynamark snowblower; Tecumseh engine, fresh tune-up, new belts. This one works great—husband just wanted a bigger one! $400 or best offer. Contact Beth Danberry, x7297 or
For Rent: August 2008-June 2009 (dates negotiable). 3-4 bedroom, 3-bath home located on the ridge east of St Peter; 2 acres of woods, great views and birdwatching abound. Preference is to rent the home furnished, but this is negotiable. Wonderful neighbors in a private, quiet, kid-friendly neighborhood approx. 4-5 miles from Gustavus. Contact Jeff Jeremiason (507-933-6235 or
House for Rent: For academic year August 2008-July 2009 (specific dates negotiable). 2-story house one block from campus, 1600+ sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, furnished with some storage possibilities, washer/dryer, dishwasher, large back yard, swing set, playhouse, garage. No smoking. $1,000/mo. plus utilities. Contact Susan or Matt (507-934-2292 or
"Plugs" is maintained as a forum by which members of the Gustavus community may offer goods and services to others in the community, or seek the same from them. It is not meant to accommodate ads or announcements from area businesses such as real estate agents and retailers, although from time to time such announcements may be published when deemed to be of particular interest to the community.
To add or change items on the calendar, please fill out and submit a College Calendar event form. View the entire College Calendar online.
Gustavus Peer MALTs Pay It Forward
4 months ago by Taylor Storlien
From News
Dylan Halom ’27 and Conor Jolly ’26: Improv Jazz and Campus Bands
4 months ago by Marisa Bacon
From Fine Arts
Schaefer Gallery showcases grant winners Kaelyn Lobalbo and Willa Brown
4 months ago by Moraya Patsy
From Fine Arts
What to Know about Dr. Heidi Johanna Miller
4 months ago by Moraya Patsy
From Fine Arts
Our Town: The Community of Theater at Gustavus
4 months ago by Marisa Bacon
From Fine Arts
President’s Art Award Recipient: Mya Hanson ‘25
5 months ago by Marisa Bacon
From Fine Arts
Gustavus Unveils 2024 Alumni Association Award Winners
5 months ago by Luc Hatlestad
From News
Gustavus Adolphus Establishes Endowed Chair in Scandinavian Studies
5 months ago by Luc Hatlestad
From News
Greek Life at Gustavus Opens Up New Worlds
5 months ago by Taylor Storlien
From News
Gustavus Shows Breadth, Depth in National Rankings
6 months ago by Luc Hatlestad
From News
Aney, Nelson Receive DIIICA Regional Student-Athletes of the Year Honors
Around 2 years ago by CJ Siewert
From Athletics
Softball Has 12 Named NFCA Scholar-Athletes
Around 2 years ago by Jordan Modjeski
From Athletics
Women’s Basketball Earns WBCA Academic Top 25 Team Honor Roll
Around 2 years ago by Jordan Modjeski
From Athletics
MIAC nominates Nelson for NCAA Woman of the Year, Aney for DIIICA Men’s Sport Student-Athlete of the Year
Around 2 years ago by CJ Siewert
From Athletics
Men’s Hoops Earns NABC Academic Awards
Around 2 years ago by CJ Siewert
From Athletics
To add or change items on the calendar, please fill out and submit a College Calendar event form. View the entire College Calendar online.
The Yellow Sheet is a newsletter for Gustavus Adolphus College employees produced by the Office of Marketing and Communication. It is published weekly during the academic year (except during the week of Thanksgiving, the Christmas break, Touring Week, and the Spring and Easter breaks). Anyone may submit items by filling out an online submission form. While online, e-mail submissions are preferred, items may also be submitted typewritten on a letter-sized sheet of paper. Send "snail mail" items to: The Yellow Sheet, Office of Marketing and Communication. Items must reach the office no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. The week of Nobel Conference the deadline is 4:30 p.m. Monday. For more information, contact Steve Waldhauser ( or x6413).
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