The Yellow Sheet for Sept. 21, 2006September 21, 2006 | Volume 39, Number 3

Volume 39, Number 3

News & Announcements
Upcoming Events
Off-Campus Events
Extraordinary People
New Faces
Position Openings

Congregational Outreach
Funding Opps
In the Media
Calendar of Events
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News & Announcements

Notes on This Year's Nobel Conference:
  • "Medicine: Prescription for Tomorrow," the 42nd Nobel Conference, will be held Oct. 3 and 4 on campus. The conference will explore the successes of modern medicine and consider how it may further enrich our lives in the future. At the same time, the conference will also examine a number of public policy and medical care delivery challenges resulting from these advances. Click here to read about the presenters and for more information on the conference.
  • On Tuesday, Oct. 3, a Minnesota Medicine Showcase is planned featuring notable speakers from the University of Minnesota Medical School and the Mayo Clinic. Two concurrent sessions will be presented at 6:30 p.m. that evening. In Lund Center Arena, Venue One will speak to issues relating to healing and spirituality and advances in integrative medicine. In Alumni Hall, Venue Two will cover new research in neurology and cardiology, heart health, and gender issues. Both venues are open to the public without a Nobel Conference ticket.

Nominations Sought for Outstanding Employee Awards... Nomination forms for the Augusta Carlson Schultz (outstanding support staff employee) and the Eric Norelius (outstanding administrative employee) awards are now available. Any member of the Gustavus community may nominate a regular support staff employee and an administrative staff employee for these awards. The President will present the awards on Founders Day, Tuesday, Oct. 31 in Christ Chapel. This ceremony is open to the entire College community. An engraved award and a cash award, as well as a recognition plaque on permanent display, will be presented at the ceremony. The Office of Human Resources coordinates the selection process with the Office of the President and the award ceremony with the Office of the Chaplains. Nominations must be received in the Office of Human Resources by Monday, Oct. 2.

Room Reservation Information... All campus individuals who wish to use facilities throughout the academic year are asked to contact the person or number designated for the specific location as follows:

To reserve classrooms between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on weekdays during the academic year, contact the registrar's office (x7495).

To reserve classrooms after 4:30 p.m. on weekdays and all day on weekends during the academic year, contact the appropriate office as designated below:

Location Contact E-mail Phone
CONFER/VICKNER Jenny Tollefson confer231
LIBRARY Seminar Rooms Sylvia Straub straub x7556
LUND Classrooms Larry Zelenz lzelenz x7699
MATTSON Lisa Koppelman lkoppelm x7317
NOBEL Kathy Scholl kscholl x7333
OLD MAIN Janine Genelin janine x7548
OLIN Linda Hewitt x7483
Fine Arts (art) Colleen Hanson x7019
Fine Arts (music) Nancy Sanderson nsanders x7364
Fine Arts (speech/theatre) TBA x7353
SOCIAL SCIENCE CENTER Jane Chouanard jchouana x7414

To reserve all other locations that have variable schedules and are booked solely by an individual office, contact the appropriate office as designated below:

Location Contact E-mail Phone
Banquet Rooms Margi Willmert or Kevin Birr x6245
Board Room Cassandra Nelson cnelson2
Courtyard Cafe Cassandra Nelson cnelson2
"49er" Room Cassandra Nelson cnelson2
Johns Family Courtyard Cassandra Nelson cnelson2
Leadholm Room Cassandra Nelson cnelson2
Presidents Dining Room Margi Willmert or Kevin Birr x6245
Rundquist Room Cassandra Nelson cnelson2
CHRIST CHAPEL Kathy Matz kmatz x7446
CONFER Teri Bauman x7605
ECKMAN MALL Cassandra Nelson cnelson2
INTERPRETIVE CENTER Shirley Mellema shirley x6181
Alumni Hall Cassandra Nelson cnelson2
Linner Lounge Cassandra Nelson cnelson2
The Dive Cassandra Nelson cnelson2
AV Classrooms Ginny Bakke gbakke x7571
Conference Room Sylvia Straub straub x7556
Non-classroom facilities Larry Zelenz lzelenz x7699
NOBEL GIS Lab Teri Bauman x7605
RETREAT CENTER Marilyn Beyer x7001
Anderson Theatre Terena Wilkens tech1
Björling Recital Hall Carol Lawrence x7363
Psychology Lab Teri Bauman x7605

To reserve facilities in the summer, call Kevin Birr or Margi Willmert in Summer Programs (x6245).

When booking the facilities, note that reservations only secure the space: they do not ensure that the rooms will be set up and unlocked. The person reserving the room is responsible for making all arrangements. For assistance or to receive an event planning checklist, contact the Office of Marketing and Communication (x7520).

Holiday Schedule... The College will observe the following holidays for the remainder of 2006:
Thanksgiving Day -- Thursday, Nov. 23, 2006
Day after Thanksgiving -- Friday, Nov. 24, 2006
Christmas Day Holiday -- Monday, Dec. 25, 2006
Floating Holiday -- Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2006
Floating Holiday -- Wednesday, Dec. 27, 2006
*College Open -- Thursday, Dec. 28, 2006
Floating Holiday -- Friday, Dec. 29, 2006
New Year's Day Holiday -- Friday, Dec. 30, 2006

*Employees may work or may request a PTO/vacation day.

Faculty Tenure Considerations... The following faculty members are currently being considered for appointments with continuous tenure:

Aaron Banks, Health and Exercise Science
Eric Dugdale, Classics
Mimi Gerstbauer, Political Science
Steve Wright, Music

Letters written on behalf of these candidates should be sent to Dean Eliason and should address the criteria for tenure as stated in the Faculty Manual. Letters are due by 4:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 29. As a reminder, tenured faculty members in a candidate's department are expected to submit letters.

APO Needs a Faculty Adviser... The Gustavus chapter of Alpha Phi Omega (APO), a national coed service fraternity, is looking for one more faculty adviser. APO values are service, leadership, and friendship, and it seeks to provide service to the campus, community, and nation by organizing events such as Gustavus' annual Relay for Life, Better World Book Drive, Trick or Canning, Faculty Appreciation Day, and Random Acts of Kindness Day. APO currently has 30 active members with a fall pledge class of at least 35 people. Anyone interested in being an adviser should contact Stacey Johnson (


Chapel Schedule... All are invited to the worship services at 10 a.m. weekdays and 10:30 a.m. Sundays in Christ Chapel. The upcoming schedule is as follows:

  • Sept. 22 -- Mary Gaebler, Romans 11: 25-32
  • Sept. 24 -- 16th Sunday in Pentecost, Chaplain Rachel Larson
  • Sept. 25 -- Andy Vaughn, James 4: 8-17
  • Sept. 26 -- Kari Lipke, Jeremiah 4: 1-10
  • Sept. 27 -- Morning Praise
  • Sept. 28 -- Taizé Service
  • Sept. 29 -- Will Freiert

GHP Exercise Classes... The Gustavus Health Promotion (GHP) program announces several group exercise options for fall. All classes are free of charge and available to Gustavus employees and spouses/partners. Each class is designed to challenge all fitness levels, and individuals do not need to be "in shape" to participate. Sign-up for classes is not required. If questions, contact Kari Eckheart (x 6416 or Classes are:

  • Total Conditioning: 12:40-1:10 p.m. Tuesdays in Lund Center Forum with Martha Morrow. This class includes stretching and toning exercises.
  • Fitness 110: 1:10-1:40 p.m. Tuesdays in Lund Center Forum and 1:10-1:40 p.m. Wednesdays in Lund Center pool with Martha Morrow and Kari Eckheart. On Tuesdays, aerobic workout on the track with toning exercises on various machine weights will be offered. On Wednesdays, there will be conditioning and toning in the water.
  • Water Aerobics: 12:40-1:10 p.m. Wednesdays in Lund Center pool with Kari Eckheart. Work out in the pool.
  • Yoga: 12:40-1:15 p.m. Thursdays in Lund Center Aerobics Room with Kari Lipke. This hatha yoga class will be for all levels and include breath work, postures, and relaxation. Benefits can include increased flexibility, strength, mindfulness, and enhanced awareness of the connection between body, mind, and spirit. Beginners are welcome.
Cajun Concert Friday... Expect high energy Cajun music from the prairies and bayous of South Louisiana by the award-winning band the New Riverside Ramblers the evening of Friday, Sept. 22 in Alumni Hall. Cajun dance lessons begin at 7 p.m. and the dance, or concert for those who just want to listen, begins at 7:30 p.m. Bring the kids for good old-fashioned family fun. Louisiana snacks will be available. Sponsored by the Diversity Center, the Office of International Education, and the Arts Center of St. Peter. Ticket prices are $10 for adults; $8 for Arts Center members; students and children are free. A Cajun/Creole dinner may be purchased prior to the event at the Market Place. Everyone is welcome. For more information, contact April Valentine (x7546 or

CANCELLED -- Winterfeldt Recital Friday... Chad Winterfeldt's organ recital scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 22 in Christ Chapel has been cancelled.

Gustavus Wind Project Saturday... The public is welcome to learn about wind energy at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 23 in the Interpretive Center. Learn about the plans of the College and St. Peter Public Schools to develop this clean, renewable energy. This event is sponsored by the Environmental Studies program.

Bike Tour to Stop at Gustavus Saturday... The 2006 Midwest Green Bike Tour will stop Saturday, Sept. 23 on campus. The seven-day tour began in Waterloo, Iowa today (Thursday, Sept. 21) and will make stops in Minnesota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Wisconsin. The goal of the tour is to build support for renewable energy sources, which help to strengthen rural economies while protecting the environment. Several of the bikes used in the tour are powered by renewable energy sources such as solar power and ethanol. The tour is sponsored by the Iowa Policy Project. The tour will be at Minnesota State University, Mankato from 10 a.m.-11 a.m. and will continue to the Kasota Prairie for a brief presentation by Bob Douglas (geography). At 2:30 p.m., there will be a stop at the Interpretive Center for the Wind Project Open House. The open house is an opportunity for members of the community to learn more about the college's wind turbine plans. There will be information on the proposed location, appearance, and noise level of the turbines. Gustavus students will give poster presentations on topics such as energy storage, and faculty will be available to answer questions. Wind power initiatives by St. Peter public schools will also be discussed. Green bikers will visit wind farms, college campuses, solar installations, and complete the journey at the Conference of Engineers for a Sustainable World in Iowa City on Thursday, Sept. 28.

Faculty Recital Saturday... Sachiya Isomura, 'cellist with the Minnesota Orchestra, and Yumiko Oshima-Ryan (music) will present a recital of works by Boccherini, Chopin, Mayuzumi, and Brahms in a joint guest/faculty appearance at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 23 in Jussi Björling Recital Hall. Before joining the Minnesota Orchestra, Isomura worked with the Baltimore Symphony. He currently serves on the faculty of Northwestern College. The recital is free and open to public.

Hillstrom Museum of Art Presents Lecture Sunday... In conjunction with the exhibition "Architecture of Silence: Cistercian Abbeys of France (photographs by David Heald)," the Hillstrom Museum of Art presents a lecture by Toby Jurovics, curator of photography at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Jurovics, who was formerly a photography curator at the Princeton University Art Museum, will discuss "Landscape and Place in Contemporary Photography." The lecture is free and open to the public and will be held at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 24 in Wallenberg Auditorium.

Baumgartner Recital Sunday... Celebrate Mozart's 250th anniversary year by attending a recital of four of Mozart's four-hand (duet) sonatas, to be played by pianists Helen and Paul Baumgartner (both music) at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 24 in Jussi Bjorling Recital Hall. This recital is free and open to the public.

David Horowitz Lecture Tuesday... Nationally known author and political commentator David Horowitz will speak at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 26 in Alumni Hall. Horowitz, once a member of the radical left, is now a best-selling conservative author. He has traveled the country speaking out against liberalism in America's universities and has made many appearances on national television as a political commentator. Horowitz has written several books and articles including "Guns Don't Kill Black People, Other Blacks Do" and "Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes." His most recent book, "The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America," has created controversy for criticizing individual professors for their outspoken liberalism. A question-and-answer session will immediately follow his lecture. This event is free and open to the public. It is sponsored by the Student Senate and the Campus Activities Board. For additional information, contact Chris Edelbrock, director of communications for the Gustavus Student Senate, at or Jonathan Kraatz (college relations) at or x7510.

Author Reading Wednesday... Tom Drury, author of The Driftless Area, will do a reading at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 27 in the Interpretive Center. Drury will have a question-and-answer session followed by a book signing. Drury received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Iowa and his master’s degree in fiction writing from Brown University in Rhode Island. He has had work published in The New Yorker, Harper’s Bazaar, and The New York Times Book Review. Drury was the recipient of the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship for 2000-2001 and was named one of the Best of Young American Novelists in Granta magazine. Drury has taught as a writing instructor at Wesleyan University in Connecticut and as a visiting writer at Florida State, LaSalle, and Yale Universities. This event is sponsored by the Book Mark and is endorsed by Unity in Community -- St. Peter Reads. For more information, contact Judy Schultz (x6017). This event is free and open to the public.

ChYLI Conference Sept. 28 and 29... The Chicano Latino Youth Leadership Institute (ChYLI) will host its annual conference Sept. 28 and 29 in the Campus Center. The ChYLI is a culturally specific leadership and youth development program for Latino high school students in south-central Minnesota. The annual conference will bring together 70 high school students and 15 bilingual adult facilitators. A Brazilian percussion group, Capoeira (an Afro-Brazilian martial arts dance group), and Armando Cepeda from ARTEGANAS (a team-esteem muralist from Los Angeles) will entertain. Participants will have the opportunity to work on team-building, decision-making, and action planning to help their local community. The ChYLI is a program of the Gustavus Department of Education. For more information, contact Veronica Alba (x7198).

Holocaust Lecture Sept. 28... "The Holocaust in Hungary as seen by a Contemporary German" will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 28 in Olin Hall 103 by Doreen Eschinger. A Ph.D. candidate in history at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany, Eschinger is currently a Sosland Foundation Fellow at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. She was a student and German teaching assistant at Gustavus during the 1999-2000 school year. Eschinger's visit is sponsored by the College's Drell and Adeline Bernhardson Chair in Lutheran Studies and the Campus Outreach Lecture Program of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum's Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, supported by the generosity of Marvin and Rose Lee Pomerantz. This lecture is free and open to the public.

Talk Shop Sept. 29... Debra Pitton (education) will present the next Faculty Shop Talk. Her talk, titled "English Language Learners: Support for cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP)," will be presented at 4:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 29 in the Interpretive Center. Feel free to arrive any time after 4:15 p.m. Click here to view the abstract for this and future talks.

Fall Fest 2006 in the Arboretum... A new event will take place in the arboretum in October -- the first annual Fall Fest will feature a scarecrow contest. The campus community is encouraged to gather their department, student organization, and friends to build a creative scarecrow. Prizes will be awarded to the teams that have constructed the most original scarecrows. Straw will be provided starting Wednesday, Oct. 4 at the Borgeson Cabin for scarecrow needs. The scarecrows should be positioned near the Borgeson Cabin and ready for judging by 9 a.m. Friday, Oct. 6. Those planning to build a scarecrow should contact Emily Beatty ( by Monday, Oct. 2 to insure that an adequate amount of straw is available.


Arts, Crafts, and Antiques Saturday... The seventh annual arts, crafts, and antiques sale, featuring works by Gretchen Koehler, Dee Engebretson, and Dorothea Carlson, will be held from 1-6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 22 and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 23 at the St. Peter Community Center. Watercolor paintings, handmade cards, jewelry, pottery, primitive furniture, and many antiques will be for sale.


Mark Bjelland (geography), Lane Cowger ('03), Michelle Maley ('04), and Lisabeth Barajas ('02) co-authored an article, titled "The Quest for Authentic Place: The Production of Suburban Alternatives in Minnesota's St. Croix River Valley," in the fall 2006 edition of Urban Geography. Their research was supported by summer research funds from the Rockefeller Brothers grant to the Environmental Studies program.

Lisa Heldke (philosophy) had an article in the latest issue of Food, Culture and Society: "The Unexamined Meal Is Not Worth Eating: Why and How Philosophers Study Food."

Brian Johnson (chaplains) has received a fellowship at Yale University to work on liturgical innovation, theological poetry, and Byzantine iconography.


The following people have recently joined the Gustavus community:
    New Administrators
    Michael Metcalfe, Athletic Training
    Jonathan Vaughan-Fier, Counseling Center

    New Support Staff
    Lori Hanson, Swanson Tennis Center
    Mary Koppelman, Dining Service (on call)
    Heather Wilmes, Student Activities


  • Administrative Assistant, Communication Studies and Theatre and Dance
For more information on the aforementioned position(s), call human resources (x7304).


Retreats... The Gustavus Adolphus College Association of Congregations Retreat Center, coordinated by the Office of Church Relations, will host a confirmation retreat for Lord of Life Lutheran Church from Maple Grove and St. John's Lutheran Church from Northfield on Saturday, Sept. 23.


The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations' weekly program or funding opportunity highlight:
  • Major Research Instrumentation Program... The National Science Foundation's Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program seeks to improve the quality and expand the scope of research and research training in science and engineering, and to foster the integration of research and education by providing instrumentation for research-intensive learning environments. This program assists in the acquisition or development of major research instrumentation that is, in general, too costly for support through other NSF programs. The maintenance and technical support associated with these instruments is also supported. Awards for instrumentation range from $100,000 to $2 million. Proposals requesting less than $100,000 will be considered only from non-Ph.D. granting institutions, and from the disciplines of mathematical science or social, behavioral, and economic science at any eligible institution. The next deadline for this annual competition is January 25, 2007. For more information, please see Please check this site later this fall, as there may be an updated program announcement available at that time.

For more information on grants or proposal preparation, contact Bob Weisenfeld in the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (x7049 or


Here are some noteworthy Gustavus-related stories that recently appeared in print or broadcast media around the nation:
  • The Hillstrom Museum of Art's current exhibits, "Architecture of Silence: Cistercian Abbeys of France" and "Highlights and Recent Acquisitions of the Hillstrom Museum of Art," were featured in the Wednesday, Sept. 20 issue of The Free Press of Mankato, as were several upcoming events relating to the exhibits. "Inexpressible space" appeared on the front page of the Currents section and included an interview with Don Myers and several photographs of items included the exhibits.

Anyone who has suggested additions for this list, suggestions for potential future media stories, or interest in being a media source should contact Media Relations Manager Jonathan Kraatz (x7510 or


Books for Sale: The Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library has used and withdrawn books for sale on a cart near the circulation desk. Books are 50 cents each. Everyone is encouraged to stop by and check them out.

For Rent: Three-bedroom home in St. Peter with a two-car garage and workshop and storage. Large yard with mature trees. Contact Coni and Peter Liljengren at Holden Village, HCOO Stop 2, Chelan, WA 98816 or at

For Sale: Wrought iron deck furniture, sofas, oversized leather chair, wing back chair, mattress sets (twin, full, queen, and king), wood lateral file cabinet, entertainment centers, two large desks, brass lamps, NordicTrac, ladders, office chairs, Lenox china, book shelves, dressers, rocking chair, gas grill, piano, fax machine, compound miter saw and stand, pancake air compressor, nail guns, extension cords for tools, shop vacs, Craftsman tool cabinet, and books. Call Andy (x7475 or

Looking for Donations... The St. Peter Area Hospice Benefit, which includes a silent auction, will take place Saturday, Nov. 11. Shirley Mellema is working with the food category for the benefit's silent auction and is looking for donations such as cookies, breads, cakes, candy, salads, soups, or a gift certificate for homemade food. Other items are also welcome. If interested, contact Mellema ( by Monday, Sept. 25. Note: In 2005, the St. Peter Friends of Hospice served 31 clients, and funds raised at the 2004 benefit helped to cover the cost of items not reimbursed by insurance, Medicare, etc. This year's fundraiser will help to replenish funds needed for the program to continue.

For Sale: Renovated historical house at 125 N. Minn. Ave., St. Peter. Newly remodeled, including refinished hardwood floors. Has four bedrooms, side porch, central air, and high efficiency furnace. Over 2,000 square feet of living space, not including basement, shed, and porch. Asking $169,000. Call 507/381-1604 or 507/934-4826 or for pictures.

Looking for Singers: Musicorum, an auditioned chamber choir based in the Mankato-St. Peter area, has openings for singers. Interested individuals may contact music director Greg Aune (934-4550 or for further information.


Upcoming events
Date Event
Today Apply to Be a Paid Writing Assistant!
Athletic Training Virtual Open House
Market Place, Courtyard Café, and The STEAMery Hours
RESPOND Training: Supporting Student Mental Health
34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at St Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (Plymouth, Minn.) Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church, 17205 County Rd 6, Plymouth, MN 55447, USA
6:307:30 p.m. Sunday Worship Community Chapel
78 p.m. Athletic Training Virtual Open House on Google Meet
Tomorrow 2025 Student Employment Job Fair
Apply to Be a Paid Writing Assistant!
Library Hours for Spring Break
Market Place, Courtyard Café, and The STEAMery Hours
Relay For Life of Gustavus Adolphus College
RESPOND Training: Supporting Student Mental Health
Retreat in the Chapel
Tryout for the 2025-26 GAC Dance Team!

To add or change items on the calendar, please fill out and submit a College Calendar event form. View the entire College Calendar online.

The Yellow Sheet is a newsletter for Gustavus Adolphus College employees produced by the news and information staff in the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. It is published weekly during the academic year (except during Thanksgiving, Christmas, Touring, Spring, and Easter breaks). Anyone may submit items by filling out an online submission form. While online, e-mail submissions are preferred, items may also be submitted typewritten on a letter-sized sheet of paper. Send "snail mail" items to: The Yellow Sheet, Office of Marketing and Public Relations. Items must reach the office no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. The week of Nobel Conference the deadline is 4:30 p.m. Monday. For more information, contact Barb Booren ( or x6213).

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