The Yellow Sheet for Oct. 6, 2005October 6, 2005 | Volume 38, Number 5

Volume 38, Number 5

News & Announcements
President's Corner
Grant News
Upcoming Events
Off-Campus Events
Extraordinary People
New Faces
Congregational Outreach
Funding Opps
In the Media
Calendar of Events
Submit an Item Online

News & Announcements

Respecting Religious Observances... Observance of the Jewish High Holy Days began at sundown Monday, Oct. 3. The tenth day of this period, Wednesday, Oct. 12, is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. It is the most solemn day of the Jewish year and begins at sundown on the 12th. In a rare coincidence, the Muslim Fast of Ramadan also began this week (Tuesday, Oct. 4). This is a month-long observance, a time of worship and contemplation, as well as fasting. During this period, Jewish and Muslim students and staff may request accommodations for religious practice, and requests should be treated with respect and in a manner consistent with regular practices concerning such requests.

Campus Community Photography Contest... Web Services' staff in conjunction with Marketing and Public Relations' staff is conducting a Campus Community Photography Contest. This contest is open to anyone who wishes to submit a photograph taken of campus life at Gustavus Adolphus College and in the surrounding community. Categories for this contest include: Active People, Fresh Faces, Living and Learning. Photos will be judged according to the category, and finalists in each category will be displayed for voting by the campus community. Cash prizes will be awarded in each category, and the grand prize winner will receive an iPod nano. Photos submitted in each category may also appear with photo credit on the Gustavus website, in the Gustavus Quarterly, or in other College publications. Before submitting a photograph, please carefully read the submission guidelines.

Wahlstrom Hall Mementos Available... A limited amount of stone from Wahlstrom Hall will be available beginning Saturday, Oct. 8 and ending the following weekend. The stone will be available for pick-up at the fenced area northwest of the football concession stand. Please limit the amount you take to "memento quantities" (wheelbarrow load?).

Sprint Discount... Sprint continues to offer Gustavus employees a 14 percent discount on all monthly service charges for personal use cellular phones. In addition, incoming calls are free on select plans. For more information, contact telecommunications (x6261) or direct questions to Sprint (385-1000).

Student Phonathon-incentive Donations Needed... The Gustavus Fund will kick off another year of Student Phonathon on Tuesday, Nov. 1. Students will join GusLink to make calls -- connecting and engaging alumni with what is happening at Gustavus. This is an important part in meeting the Gustavus Fund goals. The Gustavus Fund staff keeps the evenings fun by offering incentives and gifts to the student callers. St. Peter and Mankato area businesses support this effort, and the campus community is also invited to consider donating incentive items for the phonathon. Anyone willing to donate items that a college student would enjoy -- such as tickets to sporting or theatre events, frequent flyer miles, electronic devices, restaurant or store gift certificates, or a new car -- or knows of someone with those resources should contact Lindsey Christensen ( or x6513).

President's Corner

As Gustavus moves forward, achieving goals along the way, we must pause as a College -- if just for a moment -- to celebrate our achievements. Homecoming is an excellent time to pause for this celebration. It is a time when those who have been a part of this College's history can be here to celebrate its future with us.

This weekend we celebrate the culmination of a significant project, the renovation of Old Main. This renovation, while difficult at times, is a remarkable accomplishment and, along with the construction of Mattson Hall, enhances greatly the academic spaces and resources available at Gustavus.

The buildings themselves, however, are not as important as creating an environment that provides a quality educational experience ­ enhancing learning and scholarship, providing resources for our students and faculty, while preserving the history and character that have defined us.

There is much still to be accomplished. And that will be celebrated in due time.



Jonathan Smith, chemistry, is one of a collaborative group of five faculty from Gustavus, Carleton, Macalester, and Hope Colleges that received a grant of $379,000 from the National Science Foundation under its Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program. Funding will further advance the Midwest Undergraduate Computational Chemistry Consortium (MU3C), which was founded three years ago to foster student-faculty research in computational chemistry and to build a collaborative network to support faculty research at liberal arts colleges. Much of the grant will support a shared computational cluster, to be housed at Hope College, that will be accessible to the five research groups. The funded project also includes support for two high-end 3D Graphics Workstations for each of the five groups to carry out analysis and visualization of computational results locally.


Lecture Tonight... Elizabeth Spelman, from the department of philosophy at Smith College, will present a lecture, titled "Two Concepts of Abundance," at 7:30 p.m. today (Thursday, Oct. 6) in Olin Hall, room 103. The lecture is sponsored by the Gustavus philosophy department. A reception, hosted by the Women's Studies program, will immediately follow the talk.

Chapel Schedule... All are invited to the worship services at 10 a.m. weekdays and 10:30 a.m. Sundays in Christ Chapel. The upcoming schedule is as follows:

  • Oct. 7 -- Taize Morning Worship
  • Oct. 9 -- 21st Sunday after Pentecost, Chaplain Brian Johnson preaching, Chaplain Rachel Larson presiding
  • Oct. 10 -- Carolyn O'Grady
  • Oct. 11 -- Chaplain Rachel Larson
  • Oct. 12 -- Morning Praise
  • Oct. 13 -- Bishop Craig Johnson, Seminary and Divinity School Day
  • Oct. 14 -- St. Francis Day
  • Oct. 16 -- 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, Vicar Callista Isabelle

Homecoming and Family Weekend... This weekend, Gustavus will host Homecoming and Family Weekend. The public is invited to attend several events, including:

Friday, Oct. 7:

  • 7 p.m. -- Homecoming King and Queen coronation in Alumni Hall

Saturday, Oct. 8:

  • 9:15 a.m. -- Dedication and tour of Mattson Hall
  • 10 a.m. -- Morning Praise and memorial service in Christ Chapel
  • 10:30 a.m. -- Dedication of Old Main
  • 11 a.m.-1 p.m. -- Homecoming lunch in the Evelyn Young Dining Room
  • 11:30 a.m. -- Homecoming parade on Campus Drive: Pittman Hall to Norelius Hall
  • 1 p.m. -- Gustavus Football vs. Augsburg on Hollingsworth Field
  • 1 p.m. -- Men's Soccer vs. Macalester on the Soccer Field
  • 5 p.m. -- Homecoming/Family Weekend banquet in the banquet rooms. The banquet will feature a College update by President Jim Peterson and the awarding of the 1995 First Decade Award for early professional achievement. Cost is $12 per person.
  • 8 p.m. -- Comedian Scott Novotny ('75) in Jussi Björling Recital Hall

Sunday, Oct. 9:

  • 10:30 a.m. -- Holy Communion Worship Service in Christ Chapel
  • 10 a.m.-1 p.m. -- Brunch in the Evelyn Young Dining Room, featuring the Gustavus Jazz Ensembles at 11 a.m. Food may be purchased in the Market Place à la carte.
  • 12:30 p.m. -- Granlund Sculpture tour
  • 1:30 p.m. -- Music performances in Christ Chapel: Gustavus Choir, Gustavus Symphony Orchestra, Gustavus Philharmonic Orchestra, Gustavus Wind Orchestra, Lucia Singers, and Vasa Wind Orchestra
  • 4:30 p.m. -- Diversity Center banquet in the banquet rooms

For more information on these events, contact the Office of Student Activities (x7598).

Cancer Support Group Meeting Wednesday... The campus cancer support group will meet at noon on Wednesday, Oct. 12 in the Leadholm Room. Bring a lunch and join the conversation. This group is open to anyone on campus.

Seminary and Divinity School Day Oct. 13... Gustavus will host a Seminary and Divinity School Day from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 13. Students from colleges and universities from throughout the state have been invited. The day's events, to be held in Alumni Hall and the Campus Center, will feature representatives from 18 seminaries and theological graduate programs, who will visit with students and answer their questions. Lectures are scheduled on topics such as: what it means to be a leader in the church today; what it is like to be a pastor; the differences between seminary and divinity school; and financing a theological education. The day's activities will conclude with a dinner for the participants. There is no charge for the event; however, pre-registration by Thursday, Oct. 6 is required. Contact Marilyn Beyer in the Office of Church Relations (x7001 or The event is in collaboration with St. Olaf and Luther Seminary. The program is sponsored by the Office of Church Relations.

Hurricane Hoops Benefit Game Oct. 13... The Gustavus men's basketball team will host an exhibition game to benefit hurricane relief efforts at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13 at Gus Young Court. The Gusties, who are two-time defending MIAC champions, will be led by senior all-conference forward Adam TeBrake and senior center John Wippler. Their opponents will be led by former Gustavus standouts, including career 1,000 point scorers Doug Espenson ('05) and Bob Southworth ('98). Members of the men's and women's basketball teams will also compete in a three-point shooting contest immediately following the game. The cash donations collected at this event will be combined with other donations to St. Peter Cares to aid residents of Concordia Parish, La. Doors will open at 6 p.m. and the first 2,000 fans will be eligible for drawings for a DVD player and an iPod.

Chicano/Latino College Fair Oct. 14... The 11th annual Chicano/Latino College Fair will be held at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 14 on campus. This is the first time it has been held at Gustavus. The fair provides Chicano/Latino students from the Region Nine area an opportunity to meet with representatives from colleges and universities, who will provide the students with information on career aspirations, educational requirements, and opportunities. Additionally, the fair provides an opportunity for high school counselors to meet leading Chicano/Latino educators to discuss ways to motivate and promote the benefits of post-secondary education. For more information, contact Veronica Alba (Director of the Chicano Latino Youth Leadership Institute at Gustavus) at x7698.

Animal Blessing Service... The blessing of the animals will take place during Chapel at 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 14, and the campus community is encouraged to bring their pets. To facilitate as much order as possible, individuals are asked to pre-register their pet. Animals that cannot be present will be blessed by name and recently departed pets will be remembered by name. All names and registrations should be sent to Kari Lipke ( or x6077) by Wednesday, Oct. 12.

Off-campus Events of Interest

Upcoming Shows... Patricia Freiert (professor emeritus of classics) will show her hand-dyed shibori silk scarves at the Minnesota Crafts Council Fall Show Saturday, Oct. 8 and Sunday, Oct. 9 in the Progress Center at the State Fairgrounds in St. Paul. On Saturday, Oct. 22 and Sunday, Oct. 23, Freiert will be in the boutique accompanying the runway show at the Textile Center's annual fundraiser Artwear in Motion at 3000 University Ave. S.E. in Minneapolis. Her work is currently on exhibit in a group show titled "Enchanted Earth" at Earthues in Seattle.

Hymn Festival Oct. 16... A hymn festival, featuring hymns from the Lutheran tradition, will be presented at 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16 at First Lutheran Church in St. Peter (1114 W. Traverse Rd.). Guest organist is Michael Mages from St. Nikolai Church in Flensburg, Germany. Mages recently released a CD of improvisations with organ and saxophone as part of a project that illustrates the German Lutheran liturgy in art and music. As part of the Music for Missions concert series at First Lutheran, a freewill offering will be collected to benefit the ELCA Disaster Response Fund, which provides aid to those affected by Hurricane Katrina. For more information, contact Chad Winterfeldt (934-3060).

Extraordinary People

Students Eddie Gorr and Mike Kamrath presented talks on their computational chemistry research resulting from collaborative work with Jonathan Smith (chemistry) at the third annual Midwest Undergraduate Computational Chemistry Consortium Summer Symposium held in July at the University of Minnesota. Also attending were students from Carleton, Macalester, Hope, and Grinnell Colleges. See related item under Grant News.

Lisa Heldke's (philosophy) essay, titled "But is it Authentic? Culinary Travel and the Search for the 'Genuine Article,'" has been published in the anthology The Taste Culture Reader: Experiencing Food and Drink, edited by Carolyn Korsmeyer and published by Berg Publishing.

Ellis Jones (professor emeritus of economics and management) was recently honored at the 2005 Minnesota Business Educators, Inc. state convention. Jones served as president of this organization in 1963-64 and this recognition was on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the start of his professional teaching career.

Mark Lammers (research professor of music) has had his catalogue, Nordic Instrumental Music for Colleges and Universities, placed on the World Association of Symphonic Band Ensembles' website. Go to and click on Resources.

Bob Neuman (admission) served as chairperson of the National College Fair in Minnesota. The two-day event is held annually in the fall at the Minneapolis Convention Center and is the largest college fair in the nation. This year, approximately 25,000 students, and 350 colleges were represented. The event is coordinated with the National Association of College Admission Counselors located in Alexandria, Va.

New Faces

The following people have recently joined the Gustavus community:
    New Administrators
    Michelle Ahrendt, Student Financial Assistance
    Matthew Tjosaas, Athletics

Congregational Outreach

Preaching in Congregations... Mark Granquist (religion) will preach during the 10 a.m. worship service on Sunday, Oct. 9 at St. Mark Lutheran Church in Randolph, Minn. This program is coordinated by Gustavus and the Office of Church Relations.

Funding Opps

The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations' weekly program or funding opportunity highlight:
  • Resident Fellowships for Assistant Professors... The School of Historical Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study offers Mellon Fellowships for Assistant Professors to support scholarly research and writing in one of the following areas: Greek and Roman civilization; the history of Europe; the Islamic world; East Asian studies; the history of art; and modern international relations. Recipients will have a year-long membership at the Institute for Advanced Study and appointments are from July 1 through June 30 with the option of staying through the second summer until Aug. 15. The stipend will match the combined salary and benefits at the recipient's home institution at the time of application. The deadline is Nov. 15 and online applications are accepted. For more information, please see

Also, the Fall 2005 issue of Grant Information, also known as the Blue Sheet, can be found at For those not familiar with this e-newsletter, it provides information about funding programs sponsored by various government agencies and private funders and includes both programmatic and fellowship opportunities. This first issue of the academic year highlights grant programs with deadlines primarily from November through March. If anyone has questions about any of the noted funding announcements or needs assistance in the development of a proposal, contact Bob Weisenfeld (x7049 or

In the Media

Here are some noteworthy Gustavus-related stories that recently appeared in print or broadcast media around the nation:
  • The following stories appeared in the media regarding this year's Nobel Conference:
    • On Sept. 29, the St. Peter Herald published a black and white photograph with a brief titled "The Legacy of Einstein at Nobel Conference" and "Nobel Conference play at Gustavus."
    • On Sept. 28, The Free Press of Mankato did a feature on the front page of The Valley section titled "Fun with Physics: Crowds Wowed by Physics in Motion," that included two color photographs of the performance.
  • The following stories appeared in the media regarding Evelyn Young:
    • On Oct. 2, The Free Press of Mankato published the obituary for Evelyn Young.
    • On Oct. 2, the Star Tribune of Minneapolis published an article, titled "Evelyn (Ma) Young, the Gustavus supercook, dies."
    • On Sept. 30, The Free Press of Mankato featured a story, titled "Longtime Gustie booster Young dead at 93," on the front page of The Valley section, that included quotes by Dean Wahlund (special events) and Steve Waldhauser (publications).
  • On Oct. 3, The Free Press of Mankato ran a story titled "Gustavus hosts human rights advocate" on the front page of The Valley section.
  • On Oct. 1, The Free Press of Mankato did a feature titled "Poetry event to feature heavy hitters of Minnesota verse" that included a color photograph of Bill Holm. The story included quotes by Phil Bryant (English) and mention of Joyce Sutphen (English) and John Rezmerski (professor emeritus of English).
  • On Oct. 1, The Free Press of Mankato ran a story titled "Out of the box" which included quotes by Jeff Rosoff (mathematics and computer science).
  • On Sept. 28 on KARE-TV (Ch. 11, Minneapolis), Bob Neuman (admission) appeared on the 5 p.m. news in an interview which promoted Minnesota's National College Fair.
  • On Sept. 24, The Free Press of Mankato published a story on Jay Rooker ('85 and one of the recipients of the 2005 athletic hall of fame award) titled "GA award winner will miss ceremony thanks to Hurricane Rita." The story appeared on the front page of The Valley section.

Anyone who has suggested additions for this list, suggestions for potential future media stories, or interest in being a media source should contact Director of News and Information Jonathan Kraatz (x7510 or


For Sale: Three-bedroom rambler in excellent, move-in condition, featuring a spacious kitchen and large living room. Finished basement with family room and den. Established and productive gardens, mature trees, new roof, and high-efficiency furnace/AC. Located in quiet neighborhood in north end of St. Peter. Contact Chris Gilbert (x6093 or 934-7993) for more details.

For Sale: Air compressor, aluminum extension ladder, bookshelves, 35 mm scanner, entertainment center for TV, window air conditioners (various sizes), compound miter saw, sofa, Nordic Trac, and more. Best reasonable offer. For more information, contact Andy or Amy (934-1225 or

Calendar of Events

Upcoming events
Date Event
Today Apply to Be a Paid Writing Assistant!
Athletic Training Virtual Open House
Market Place, Courtyard Café, and The STEAMery Hours
RESPOND Training: Supporting Student Mental Health
34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at St Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (Plymouth, Minn.) Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church, 17205 County Rd 6, Plymouth, MN 55447, USA
6:307:30 p.m. Sunday Worship Community Chapel
78 p.m. Athletic Training Virtual Open House on Google Meet
Tomorrow 2025 Student Employment Job Fair
Apply to Be a Paid Writing Assistant!
Library Hours for Spring Break
Market Place, Courtyard Café, and The STEAMery Hours
Relay For Life of Gustavus Adolphus College
RESPOND Training: Supporting Student Mental Health
Retreat in the Chapel
Tryout for the 2025-26 GAC Dance Team!

To add or change items on the calendar, please fill out and submit a College Calendar event form. View the entire College Calendar online.

The Yellow Sheet is a newsletter for Gustavus Adolphus College employees produced by the news and information staff in the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. It is published weekly during the academic year (except during Thanksgiving, Christmas, Touring, Spring/Easter breaks). Anyone may submit items by filling out an online submission form. While online, e-mail submissions are preferred, items may also be submitted typewritten on a letter-sized sheet of paper. Send "snail mail" items to: The Yellow Sheet, Office of Marketing and Public Relations. Items must reach the office no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. The week of Nobel Conference the deadline is 4:30 p.m. Monday. For more information, contact Barb Booren ( or x6213).

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