The Yellow Sheet for May 13, 2004May 13, 2004 | Volume 36, Number 28

Volume 36, Number 31

News & Announcements
Grant News
Upcoming Events
Off-Campus Events
Extraordinary People
New Faces
Congregational Outreach
Gustavus Tidbits
Funding Opps
In the Media
Telecommunications Updates
Calendar of Events
Submit an Item Online

News & Announcements

Usher at Commencement... Ushers are needed for Commencement on Sunday, May 30. Ushers should be available at noon for the 2 p.m. program. Contact Dana (x7520 or if interested.

All-Support Staff Meeting Wednesday... A meeting for all support staff with Jim Peterson, Ken Westphal, and Kirk Beyer will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 19 in Alumni Hall. Bring any questions, suggestions, or concerns to this meeting or send them to your Staff Personnel Committee representative.

One More... The final issue of The Yellow Sheet for this academic year will be published Thursday, May 20. To have items included, submit them by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 18 by filling out an online submission form. During the summer, watch for The Summer Scoop, a campus newsletter that will be published once a month.

Summer Voice Mail Greeting... All are reminded to change their voice mail greetings to accommodate summer schedules. To record an extended absence greeting, do the following:

1. Call the system and enter your password
2. Press 4 -- Personal Options
3. Press 3 -- Greetings
4. Press 2 -- Extended Absence Greetings
5. Listen to the instructions
6. Press * to exit until you hear "good-bye"

Anyone who has questions or needs assistance changing a message should call the telecommunications office (x6261).

Patricia Lindell Prize... The Patricia Lindell Prize for research papers, a $400 prize funded by an endowment from the Gustavus Library Associates, will be awarded to one student every other year for a paper written within the previous two years for any Gustavus course. This year, papers written for the 2002-03 and 2003-04 academic years will be accepted. A panel of faculty will judge the papers, written on any topic, and each must clearly demonstrate the use of print and/or electronic resources. Faculty are asked to encourage students to enter their work and each student is asked to submit only one paper. Submissions will be accepted by Dan Mollner (library) through Thursday, May 20 and must indicate the term, instructor, and course number for which the paper was written.

Community Giving Invitation... Community Giving is now into its final month of inviting community members to support the College's current fundraising priorities. Thanks to those who attended the Community Giving meeting. Anyone who did not have the opportunity to attend a meeting with President Peterson will receive a letter with a brief description of the opportunities available to support Community Giving. Please consider the invitation prior to May 31. Questions should be directed to Jim Isaak (x7073 or

Grant News

Summer Research Grant Awarded... Scott Bur (chemistry) has been awarded a Cottrell College Science Award of $36,218 from Research Corporation. This two-year grant will allow Bur and two students to conduct summer research on new ways of making drug-like compounds.

Grants Received for Art Exhibits... Thanks to the initiative of Don Myers (art and art history and Hillstrom Museum of Art), the Hillstrom Museum of Art has recently been awarded two grants: A $5,000 grant from the Carl and Verna Schmidt Foundation to help fund the March-April exhibition, titled "Testimony: Vernacular Art of the African-American South," and a $1,500 grant from the Swedish Council of America that will help pay for a Fall 2004 exhibition, titled "Nexus: Paintings by Karl Momen," featuring works by Swedish artist Momen and organized by International Arts and Artists in Washington, D.C.


Chapel Schedule... All are invited to the worship services at 10 a.m. weekdays and 10:30 a.m. Sundays in Christ Chapel. The upcoming schedule is as follows:

  • May 14 -- Bekah Towner
  • May 16 -- Sixth Sunday in Easter, Chaplain Brian Johnson
  • May 17 -- Dan Pioske
  • May 18 -- Robin Stennes
  • May 19 -- Morning Praise
  • May 20 -- Christian Quie
  • May 21 -- Matt Haugen
  • May 23 -- Seventh Sunday in Easter, Chaplain Rachel Larson

Student Voice Recital Sunday... Students Josh Williams and Mikaela Silkey will perform their senior vocal recital at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, May 16 in Bjorling Recital Hall. A reception immediately follows in the Interpretive Center.

Da Vinci Code Presentation Tuesday... Casey Elledge and Deborah Goodwin (both religion) will present a lecture and discussion on "The Da Vinci Code" at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 18 in Olin Hall, room 103. Elledge will speak on "The Bible and 'The Da Vinci Code,'" focusing on the book's interpretation of the Bible and historical accuracy, and whether evidence exists to support claims made in the book. Goodwin will speak on "The Da Vinci Code's" claims about Christian history and the Catholic Church, identifying the book's insinuations about Catholicism and the Vatican and examining the validity of several of the book's historical assertions. A panel discussion will follow. For more information, contact Brian Beckstrom (church relations) at x7001 or This event is free and open to the public and is sponsored by the Department of Religion and Office of Church Relations.

Surprise Party May 23... The campus community is invited to a surprise 80th birthday party for Gene Lund (retired health service) from 2-4 p.m. Sunday, May 23 in the Three Crowns Room in the Campus Center. Gene and her husband Doniver Lund (deceased emeritus professor of history) came to Gustavus in 1946.


Business After Hours Tuesday... The St. Peter Area Chamber of Commerce Diplomats invite all Gustavus employees to attend Business After Hours from 5-6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 18 at Shoreland Country Club. Come for fun, fellowship, networking, and door prizes. Hosted by Hickory Tech, there will be complimentary hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar. To make a reservation, call the chamber office (934-3400). Business After Hours is held the third Tuesday of each month.

Day Camp July 19-22... Shetek Day Camp will be held July 19-22 at First Lutheran Church in St. Peter. This camp is for any student currently in grades K-5 regardless of church affiliation. For registration information contact Dana Lamb (x7520 or


Kara Barnette, Kimberlee Kautzer, and Brandon Gillette, all philosophy majors, presented papers at the Minnesota Undergraduate Philosophy Meeting on April 17 at St. Olaf College. Barnette's paper was titled "Divine Tools and the Freedom of Faith"; Kautzer's, "The Black Ubermensch: Will To Power and Black Nationalism"; and Gillette's, "Adorno, Dialectic, and the Philosophy of Philosophy."

Anne-Marie Gronhovd, modern languages, literatures, and cultures/French, recently had her book, titled Du côté de la sexualité. Proust, Yourcenar, Tournier, published by XYZ éditeur, Montréal, recently released.

Bronwen Wickkiser, classics, was awarded the Humanities and Fine Arts Outstanding Dissertation Award for 2003-2004 from the University of Texas at Austin. This is the first time a classicist has received the award.

Linnea Wren, art and art history, Kaylee Spencer-Ahrens ('98), Travis Nygard ('02), and Nayla Wren, presented a paper, titled "Sensibility and the Colonial Image of the Americas," at the 25th Annual 19th Century Studies Association Conference on March 30 in St. Louis. Also, Spencer-Ahrens presented a paper, titled "Framing the Portrait: The Representation of Maya Kings at Palenque, Mexico," at the Midwest Conference on Latin American Studies, Las Artes en América, April 30 at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; and Wren and Spencer-Ahrens had an article, titled "Periodization of the Arts," accepted for publication in the New Dictionary of the History of Ideas (New York: Charles Scribner) that will appear in December 2004.

New Faces

The following people have recently joined the Gustavus community:
    New Support Staff
    Lorie Siebels, Admission


Partners in Education presenters scheduled for this week include Doug Huff (philosophy) who will give a presentation on Dietrich Bonhoeffer June 6 at Richfield Lutheran Church. Partners in Education is a program coordinated by the Office of Church Relations where participating faculty and staff members prepare topical presentations for adult forums, workshops, and seminars in congregations of the ELCA.

Preaching in Congregations... Mary Gaebler (religion) will preach Saturday, May 22 and Sunday, May 23 at Christ the King Lutheran Church in New Ulm. This program is coordinated by the Office of Church Relations.

Music in Worship... Any Gustavus music ensemble or soloist is welcome to perform in congregations. For more information, contact Brian Beckstrom (x7001).


St. Peter is a historic community which has produced five state governors -- seven, if former Gustavus students are included.

To submit items (questions or answers) for consideration in this section, contact Jonathan Kraatz (x7510 or


The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations' weekly program or funding opportunity highlight:
  • Educational Activities Grants... The Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) program of the National Science Foundation (NSF) targets activities affecting learning environments, course content, curricula, and educational practices. Of the four tracks the program offers, the Adaptation and Instrumentation (CCLI-A&I) track is the primary source of support within the NSF for instrumentation for instructional purposes. Projects are expected to result in improved education through adaptation and implementation of exemplary materials, laboratory experiences, and/or educational practices that have been developed and tested at other institutions. Two types of projects are invited: those that intend to undertake direct curriculum improvement (Type I: up to $200,000 for up to three years) and those that enable a group of faculty to explore strategies for overcoming identified challenges and barriers to educational reform (Type II: up to $75,000 for up to three years). The deadline is Dec. 2, 2004. For more information, see
For more information on grants or proposal preparation, contact Bob Weisenfeld in the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (x7049 or Current and past editions of Grant Information (aka The Blue Sheet) are available at


Here are some noteworthy Gustavus-related stories that recently appeared in print or broadcast media around the nation:
  • On May 6, The Free Press of Mankato did a feature on "Scenes from an Execution." The feature, that ran on the front page of the Arts and Entertainment section, included two color photographs and quotes by Amy Seham (theatre and dance).
  • On May 6, The Free Press of Mankato published a color photograph of students Ann Malkovich and Lisa Moen on campus on the front page of The Valley section.
  • On May 6, the St. Peter Herald published the following article:
    • A front-page teaser and page 6A story on Steve Waldhauser (marketing and public relations/publications and Gustavus Quarterly), who presents "Where's Waldo" story time weekly at the St. Peter Public Library.
    • A page 3A black and white photograph of Bob Douglas (geography) as he led a walking tour in St. Peter.
    • A page 2A story and color photograph of students Nick Dillenburg and Allison Janda, who performed in "Scenes from an Execution," that included quotes by Amy Seham (theatre and dance).
  • On May 7, The Free Press of Mankato published a black and white photograph and brief description of student Corinne Carlson in the arboretum. The photograph, titled "Taking a Break," appeared on the front page of The Valley section.
  • On May 8, The Free Press of Mankato published an article on the Epilooza concert that took place May 8 on campus. The story ran on the front page of The Valley section and was titled "American Hi-Fi to play at Gustavus."
  • On May 10, KEYC-TV (Ch. 12, Mankato) did a feature on the May 10 campus visit of Jan Eliasson, the ambassador of Sweden to the United States.
  • On May 11, The Free Press of Mankato published a black and white photograph of Eliasson and his audience. The photograph appeared on the front page of The Valley section.
  • The May/June issue of Museum News featured a story on an art collection, titled "Marvels of Maiolica: Italian Renaissance Ceramics from the Corcoran Gallery of Art Collection," that will be exhibited in the Hillstrom Museum of Art in the future.
  • The May 2004 issue of FoodSafety Insights included a feature, titled "Handwashing -- Gustavus Adolphus College," that consisted of an interview with Steve Kjellgren (dining service) that ran on page 10 and included other information about the dining service, such as the new design of the cafeteria following the 1998 tornados.

Anyone who has suggested additions for this list, suggestions for potential future media stories, or interest in being a media source should contact Director of News and Information Jonathan Kraatz (x7510 or


The following are changes and additions for the "Personnel Phone Directory 2003-04":
  • Danielle Carnes, Residential Life, x7576 (name change from Holveck)
  • Shirley Larson, Custodial, x7655 (deletion)
  • Lorie Siebels, Admission, x7677, lsiebels (addition)
  • Elizabeth Siehndel, Custodial, x7655 (deletion)
  • Lisa Will, Custodial, x7655 (name change from Wussow)
For further information or corrections, contact Laura McCabe in telecommunications (x6261 or


For Sale: Four-bedroom home at 1748 Riggs Rd., St. Peter. A split-entry built in 1980 with approximately 1,800 square feet; new siding, roof, and deck in 2003; central air, two full baths, full-wall built-in china hutch in dining room, extra-wide single-car garage, and a large storage shed; all on a large corner lot with fenced backyard in a great neighborhood. Includes all appliances. Contact Dana Lamb (, x7520, or at home at 934-4237).

For Sale: Two-story, three-bedroom, 1,700 square foot home in excellent, completely remodeled, move-in condition. Close to campus and downtown. New mechanicals, including new central air, new dishwasher, and newer furnace. Beautiful hardwood floors; family room; office; dining room; hot tub in fenced-in back yard. Contact Lois Peterson (934-6955).

For Rent: Two-bedroom apartment in St. Peter within walking distance of campus. Off-street parking, central air, and laundry facilities on site. No pets. Rent is $510 per month plus gas and electricity. Available June 1. Lease could be for three months or 16 months. Call Pam (x6064 or 931-5324) or Dawn (345-7120).

For Rent: Main floor of house at 723 Valley View, St. Peter. Near campus, in a quiet, nice neighborhood. Three bedrooms, central air, fireplace, washer and dryer, living room, dining room, kitchen, full bath, garage with remote, and lawn care and heavy snow removal provided. Rent is $825 per month plus utilities and waste removal that are divided with basement renters. For more information, call Joe or Judy Klohs (763/566-7490).

For Rent: Three-bedroom house on South Washington at Jefferson for rent for one or two semesters and possibly for this summer. Cable ready, $900 per month, including utilities. Call 931-1678 if interested.

Looking for Housing: Professional couple wishes to housesit or rent home in the St. Peter area August-December 2004. Call 702/595-2644 or 702/456-2735.

For Sale: Maintenance-free Coleman air compressor; 27-gallon, 1.5 horsepower, and in great working condition. Call x7475 or 934-1225.

For Sale: 1995 Dodge Carava with a three-litre, V6 engine. Approximately 104,000 miles. Seven-passenger, cruise control, air conditioning, rear window wiper, auto rear door release, AM/FM radio, keyless remote start, air bags, intermittent wipers, power steering, and cloth seats. Asking $2,595. Call x7475 or 934-1225.


Upcoming events
Date Event
Today Apply to Be a Paid Writing Assistant!
Athletic Training Virtual Open House
Market Place, Courtyard Café, and The STEAMery Hours
RESPOND Training: Supporting Student Mental Health
34:30 p.m. Gustavus Choir at St Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (Plymouth, Minn.) Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church, 17205 County Rd 6, Plymouth, MN 55447, USA
6:307:30 p.m. Sunday Worship Community Chapel
78 p.m. Athletic Training Virtual Open House on Google Meet
Tomorrow 2025 Student Employment Job Fair
Apply to Be a Paid Writing Assistant!
Library Hours for Spring Break
Market Place, Courtyard Café, and The STEAMery Hours
Relay For Life of Gustavus Adolphus College
RESPOND Training: Supporting Student Mental Health
Retreat in the Chapel
Tryout for the 2025-26 GAC Dance Team!

To add or change items on the calendar, please fill out and submit a College Calendar event form. View the entire College Calendar online.

The Yellow Sheet is a newsletter for Gustavus Adolphus College employees produced by the news and information staff in the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. It is published weekly during the academic year (except during Thanksgiving, Christmas, Touring, Spring/Easter breaks). Anyone may submit items by filling out an online submission form. While online, e-mail submissions are preferred, items may also be submitted typewritten on a letter-sized sheet of paper. Send "snail mail" items to: The Yellow Sheet, Office of Marketing and Public Relations. Items must reach the office no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. The week of Nobel Conference the deadline is 4:30 p.m. Monday. For more information, contact Barb Booren ( or x6213).

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