MissionGustieWELL Office



The GustieWELL Office strives to infuse wellness into the everyday lifestyles of our students, through the promotion of personal responsibility, positive social norms, and campus engagement.

The GustieWELL Office Staff Includes:

Justine Schultz, Wellness Education Coordinator

The Peer Assistants: Student Leadership Organization

Through campus-wide programming and outreach, The Peer Assistants assist GustieWELL in their efforts to empower the Gustavus campus community to make informed decisions regarding health and wellbeing. 

PAs serve as friends, educators, role models, activists and team members. 

freindsFRIENDS by being availible to listen to other people's stories and act as a bridge to campus resources.

educatorEDUCATORS by teaching decision-making skills and strategies to stay safe along with dispelling myths and misperceptions using the latest health information.

activistACTIVISTS by creating partnerships and networks, challenging unhealthy attitudes and behaviors, and refusing to be passive bystanders.

teamTEAM MEMBERS by being supportive and encouraging of other Peer Assistants and collaborating partner organization members. 


role modelROLE MODELS by leading lives that are healthy and balanced.