Printer cnames

Some printers and other devices on the Gustavus network use what is called a cname to redirect to the host name.

The cname is used in the event a device has to be renamed to fit our special naming convention.

Creating a cname

You should only have to create a cname if the printer or device in it's current location is improperly named.

Search for the device in gReg and record all the information:

Printer 00:00:00:00:00:00 Olin Olin
Hostname IP MAC VLAN Sub-Domain

Delete the incorrect gReg name.

Add the device to gReg using the proper naming convention under the special tab in gReg.

Creating a cname

Once the printer has been added with the correct naming convention click the CNAME link on the gReg registration you just created.

Under the hostname field look to your previous recorded information and fill in the original printer name. Example: printer-olin.

Under the Sub-Domain drop box make sure it matches both the new gReg registration and the recorded original gReg information.

Click "Add it."" and you're done.